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Bharti Singh Dec 2014
Nature depreciates beauty with time
Talent is the beauty mask!
Solitary beauty attracts transient glory
Talented beauty enjoys lifetime luxury
Big Virge Apr 2020
Ya Know I Appreciate The Fact …
That Sometimes... Being Black …
Can Lead To Attacks And That’s JUST THAT … !!!

Some From Whites...
And Other Skin Types …
And Some From... Blacks … ?!?

See Some Will STAB Blacks In Their BACK … !?!
When THEY ARE... BLACK … ?!?

What’s Up With … THAT … !???!

I DON’T Appreciate Moves That CLEARLY PROVE … !!!!

UNITY Amongst Mans With DARKER Tans …
Is Less Likely Than Seeing Whitey …

Who Clearly Stick To Living Within Their Made Up Worlds … !?!

The One Where They’re OBSESSED …
With Bad Bwoys’ They Call MEN … ?!?
Whose ***** Cause... PROBLEMS … !!!

So I Appreciate Why Chickens … !!!
Be Driven To **** Lickin’ … !!!
Then Robin’ Them Like … “ Givens “ … !!!!!

I APPRECIATE The Love... !!!!!!!!!!
That Comes From UP ABOVE … !!!

That Doesn’t Place CONDITIONS …
On LOVE That Has Beginnings …
BEYOND … New Definitions … !!!

I Appreciate Positions That Veer AWAY From Missions ….
So BACK SHOTS I Be Giving To Women Who Be Thinking …
Bout' INSISTING On Enlisting Big Virge To Co-exist With … !!!

I Appreciate Sweet Rhythms From End Back To Beginnings …
Just Like I Now Do Music I Just Wish MORE Would Use It … !!!

To ELEVATE Their Mental …
When Hearing Instrumentals...
And Wordplay MONUMENTAL … !!!!!
That’s GOOD FOR YOU Like DENTAL … !!!!!!

I Now Choose To … “ APPRECIATE “ …

MORE These Days Than EVER BEFORE … !!!
Because Now I’m SURE …
Life Sometimes Can Be A CHORE … !!!
So Now Appreciate MORE And Depreciate War … !!!

I Like The Flavour of APPRECIATING NATURE... !!!

You May Need Paper …
But DON’T Let THAT Become Your Saviour … !!!

Cos’ It CAN’T Save You And That’s THE TRUTH … !!!
But... CAN Cause Feuds So Make Smart Moves  … !!!!

That Money Can Attract The Type of Cats …
That AREN’T Feline So Harbour Designs …
That DEFINE … “ RAT LIKE “ … !!!!!

Appreciation In Life … Depreciates Strife …
If You Appreciate RIGHT And Relegate Fights …
To Being ……………… “ Out of Sight “ ….……… !!!!!!!

These Days I TRY To Appreciate LESSONS … !!!!!
When STRIFE Drives By And Lets SHOTS FLY …… !!!!!!!
That … THREATEN YOUR LIFE … !!!!!!!!!!

I Appreciate The Vibe of ….. “ Staying Alive “ …..
Even Though Sometimes I’ve Thought of SUICIDE ….. !!!!!!    

I Appreciate The Dark That... "ENVELOPS The Light" …
Because It INTERTWINES Just Like A... “ Yin Yang Sign “ …

BALANCE Yes... DEFINED … !!!!!!!
A Place I’m Now Inclined To SEE MYSELF In Life … !!!

Because They Make Me GREATER … !!!!!!!
And STRONGER EVERYDAY So I Appreciate...
Weak Minds That Have THE SPACE ……….

To Think TOO MUCH About Others... ?!?
With HATEFUL LOVE... Don’t Get TIE UP … !!!

Their Love Is Part of Building Heart … !!!!!
That STANDS APART From … Hate Filled Paths … !!!!!!

I Appreciate Flicks As I Do Music …

What’s TRUE From … “ Lies “ … !!!
And Entertains In CLEVER WAYS … !!!

So I DON’T Appreciate Too Much These Days … !!!
Because What’s On DISPLAY …
Seems To Be Well Made To Be... REAL FAKE … !!!!

I Appreciate REAL Like I Do A Good Meal …
So I Ask You …… “ Sep-ar-ate “ …

Those Two Words...

Real … And … FAKE … !!!

There’s NO SUCH THING …. !!!!!
Real Fakeness' Sings And CLEARLY STINGS … !!!!!

So I APPRECIATE Liks’ I Received As A Kid … !!!!!
Cos' They WERE REAL And Now I Feel …
Are The Reason I Appreciate How My Life Is TODAY... !!!!!

I’ve Seen TOO MUCH To Truly Explain...
My Suffering And PAIN But THIS I’ll Say …

My Life Has Been TOUGH When Watching My Mum...
Just Vegetate Into A State That When I Cogitate …
I Can Today Relate As Part of My Life’s Page …

... That I APPRECIATE … !?!

Because of THE MAN It’s Helped Create …
A Man of … Rhyme Wordplay …
That I Hope Maybe... “ One Day “ …
Will Have Made Some People Say …

“That brother, Big Virge,
spoke conscious words within his verse !”

“I’m thankful I heard, some of it,
because he wasn’t fake, and his words
are now something, that I ………”

So many things in life to appreciate !
Maxwell Mirabile Oct 2013
Maybe, we’re all wayward souls looking for a
way out.
Spent so long squeezing into factory shoes,
small enough to contain us
that we’ve become numb to these
This society that holds our hands down.
Only raising them when it’s time to change shoes.
Feet out.
Toe’s pointed.
Watch your heels.
Years of this and we’re still wearing what they want us to.
Walking around like counterfeits,
reproductions, imitations, replicas,
when we’re only us.
Only ever been us no matter what they say.
It might be cliche, but it’s an obvious truth.
Feet out.
Toe’s pointed.
Watch your heels.
Us has never left us.
Pressing against the soles of our factory shoes as each toe
bends, folds, distorts, depreciates with every step.
But it’s finding appreciation in every step that,
loosens the laces.
It’s discovering no step is the same step that,
lifts the tightened lip a bit.
It’s learning how to walk while others run,
running while others walk,
that leaves you bare foot in a world of broken glass.
Feet out.
Toe’s pointed.
Watch your heels.
It’s taking leaps while others surrender
their ability to negotiate with
It’s conquering the ability to dress yourself that wears out
the factory shoes on your feet.
Feet out.
Toe’s pointed.
Watch your step.
The body rarely appreciates,
So however we treat it,
Eventually it depreciates.
The soul,
If we give to it,
Will grow,
Its glow is eternal.
Beautify the soul,
They way you would the body and even more,
Afterall its the inside that reflects on the outside.
Like machinery with use,
Life by time depreciates
Towards eternity.
Sk Abdul Aziz Jun 2016
Where once lay a palatial house
Today there lies the ruins of a desolated structure
A carnival of rust and dirt
Torn and tattered
A structure which was once filled with life
Is now worse than a corpse
Cobwebs and ghosts are it's inhabitants
A place where once children used to play
And every festival was celebrated with immense joy
Where on new year's eve the entire house used to be dressed up in lights
Where once the sun used to shine bright
Today at that place even the moon doesn't come out at night
The stars have long left that place
And faded away into oblivion
It's always dark there...never will you see any trace of light
A weird smell and an eerie silence that is what defines the house now
The ocassional passerby still sometimes looks at the house and wonders--how???
How could a structure so grand be reduced to this?
Just goes to show that no matter how grand,beautiful and powerful you might be
With the advent of time everything depreciates
Time catches up with everyone and everything
And once you enter the winter of your life
Slowly but surely
The blackhole of death pulls you towards it
Luke Jun 2015
It’s the sound of emptiness that has me beat,
the king of a golden empire turning to silver at my feet.
My self-worth depreciates with every echoed whisper,
it wouldn’t change a thing if I told her that I missed her.

I am not wanting of this crown of despair,
it has been a beautiful muse,
but there has to be something more, somewhere.

Written a thousand love songs, that’s a thousand suicide notes I’ve left,
killed myself to commit a paramour to paper, her love I haven't kept.
It’s the thought of that emptiness that haunts me from my sleep,
Will I run out of reasons to stay if I have nothing left to keep?

I am not wanting of this crown of despair,
It has been a beautiful muse,
but there has to be something more, somewhere.

It’s the dream of living that keeps me from defeat.
The belief there’s a place in time and space where again we shall meet.
When the calcified streams flow after years of desolation and decay,
she’ll be waiting in the river to carry me home, to carry me away.
Matt Jan 2017
Don't be too kind
Too loving

You'll be thought of
As weak

The small waves
Wear away the stone
Over time

The westerner
Misunderstands time
The nature of life

He must be constantly "doing"

His health depreciates
Because of the love of money

The world is an empty
Open space

Like a woman
It is nourishes all things

It lies low
In silence

It's okay
To be kind
And gentle

We are here to lose
You and I

Here to lose the game of life

I am here
Then I am there

I like living alone
And I don't care

I won't work
Won't work at all

There was a drone
Flying in the sky
In the park
On that day

I don't really have
Much to say

It's repeating again
The cycles are repeating again

I live in a program
I cannot win

I'm poor
I don't care

This place is not
At all fair

I'm sick of those people
Go away

I don't want to see them
Not today
Julia Ferreira Jan 2020
Spoken Julia Ferr

Consider this a letter to you
The male who wears what his mother likes

This is written for the girl
who cannot find it in herself to stand in the shower

to rid her hair of her grandfather’s cigarette.

This is addressed and stamped
to the grandmother who does not know who this girl is, that I am.

It is apparent to me that being pretentious for 18 years

was more important than hearing my voice.
This letter was jammed into a white envelope
and slapped in the face
With a five dollar bill and with a smack of her lips,
it was sealed.

This is for the kids who treat Sunday’s like Sacramento
and staring at those white, cyan clouds is God teasing us
of the Heaven we have never visited.
Consider these lyrics
Hell, consider me the singer.
As this is printed to the kids who walk the sidewalks home.
This is to the kids who do not only step over the cracks

although they could have broken their Mother’s back

for screaming and crying.
This is an intricate novel with a hard rock spine
accompanied by two paper blankets
that protect its deepest

And I will tell you that this is signed to the kids.
To the children who bite their nails,
the ones who chew their brittle fingers.
To the kids who ride their bicycles,
they will jump off into the grass

just to feel alive.

This is for the kids
who try to explain to their parents that they are hurting.
This is to the kids who are afraid of making them cry

the ones who kiss them goodnight

and wipe a tear from their eye.
To the kids who walk

in black and white

And I am sure they remember the words to the fight
that broke up a family.
Dinner continued,
this time in a cold


even the radio could not possibly drown out.
So I ask you to consider this a biography.
A biography of a child
a child who painted a room dandelion yellow

in hopes of murdering the darkness.

A child who ripped down the blinds and opened all of the doors.
They so desperately wanted to allow some life

Where things never grew.

A smile is all they wished for a white daisy,
a song about something more.
Honey sweeter than sweetest from Burt’s Bees that lived in the trees
to praying on pews

Jesus please.

Consider this a 5000 word count essay
to be handed in by Tuesday and let me tell you,
the stress of yesterday

depreciates the best of me.

This is to the kids with Straight A’s
and to the kids with nothing at all

I see you.

A binder full of paper and a mind full of raw emotions
that make you want to split your ends
and hairspray your flowers just so they can enjoy January.
This is a kiss blown in the wind to be caught as a voice recording.
This is to the kids who see everything

yet they say nothing at all.

To the kids who love unconditionally

yet still manage to fall,

you will be 22 someday living with nothing or maybe an abundance of it all.
but I must tell you that this is all ahead of us
this plan that is destined for the rest of us

so please
consider this a letter to you.
L T Winter Aug 2021
I'm diabolically lonely
And in love
With melancholy

As she leaves me
Like a cancer on my lips
My wisdom depreciates--

And I miss the depressions
She left me in the snow.
When we talk, she tries to whisper
Sweet Sundays of pill-popping
To hangman Tuesdays.

But I am too afraid to leave my house.
It's stagnant here.
With the sadness I should marry.

Kissing me one last time before I get to leave.
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2022
Time and tides change
the moon depreciates
looses value disappears.

  Soon too, dollars will
no sense and bite the
dust, under the rouble.
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2018
When I lived here last,
it was 20 miles from my
home town of Mallow,
to Cork city.

Even with kilometers, it
is less now, proving that
not only money depreciates,
distances and time do also.
But of course one has to
consider that there is a
new road, not the winding
one for Morris Minors!

— The End —