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ogdiddynash Jul 2020
Ask Americans why they prefer kosher Hebrew National Frankfurters for July 4th cookouts

they will reply:

they are extra clean,
possibly even a little blessed
by the rabbin-ate,
and everybody knows
the jews got all the luck,
so don’t forget the mustard and
the pickled relish,
which rhymes with
you know what:
(embellish, shellfish (?), psychedelic).

kosher hot dogs,
love that jewish treat,
a digestive hellish,
proof positive that hot dogs
make America great
again and again,
in brown, yellow, and green.
C G Andrews Feb 2012
For you it is red, white and blue; firecrackers,

cookouts and American beer. How easy it

must be to assume that by saying “God Bless

Our Troops” you are patriotic. I have an

entirely different view of the 4th of July.

Every boom is an IED, every pop a ******

round. If your God was present when my

brain was shattered he did not show up to

see me through my recovery. You presume

that every soldier is a Christian like you.

I was an American soldier. I’ve bled and

killed in service for this country. I left behind

pieces of myself in faraway lands. It was my

choice. Do not use me to support your moral

propaganda. I am a veteran. I am not your

political stage-prop.
Geno Cattouse Jan 2014
They threw boulders at glass house and roasted marshmallows AT the cookouts. MEDIUM RARE.

The troglodets, they put on, sang four part harmony in the round in open air.

Fred Flinstone dropped in for a cameo and Barney held the door.

the show went over pretty well.
To three or four encores or more
I dont know who sent in the clowns
But slapstick ruled the day.

The animal act was
Kind of wack
PG Aug 2015
Water ebbs and flows like the gentle breeze
Tourists lounge in chairs, watching with practiced ease
Bright blue skies dotted with clouds roll by
*** in hand, I sit and let out a contented sigh

Flashing back to the times of years long past
When wiffleball, sleepovers, and cookouts trended; not the latest reality cast
When movies, delivered pizza , and cake felt like the perfect day
And no one obsessed  over what social media had to say

Let’s bring back the joy of those  pure summer days
With nothing to do but let them pass in a daze
A fog over my mind, past worries but a whisper
Looking forward to good memories  with my brother and sister

Whether school-age or not, what a great time of year
Visits await with friends and relatives; vacation is drawing near
Take a moment just to savor it and let that feeling stay
For life will roll in like the tide and try to take it all away.
I know it's almost Labor Day, but just recently got the writing bug again.
Momo Sep 2018
I am from the ever expanding library of my imagination.
From stories that I keep re-writing in my head.
From all the things that happened a lifetime ago to the hopes and dreams of tomorrow.
From the falling leafs in Autumn to the blossoming flowers in the Spring.  
From the smells of fresh cut grass, gasoline, and pine-sol.
From countless hours with my nose in a book.
From ‘Maureen Elizabeth I swear’ to ‘one more chance’ and getting ten.

I am from the ever expanding library of my imagination.
From the endless supply of golf ***** in the basement to the mountains of unopened Pepsi.
From the non working clock on the porch to the woods with our forts.
From ‘only one’ and taking five.
From ‘don’t get that on your clothes it’ll stain’ and ‘stop biting your nails,’ a habit I’m still trying to break.

I am from the ever expanding library of my imagination
From tickle wars that always end with my hiding or crying because I’m the most ticklish person you’ll ever meet.
From older siblings saying ‘there’s someone in the house’ to scare me to ‘Fight me!’ as a joke
From the holes in the walls from sibling or cousins fighting.
From endless hours that my siblings and I would spend cleaning and being mad at Mom.
From secret discussions to sneaking around and being caught.
From our “spy agency,” to ‘Mom and Josh are coming run!’

I am from the ever expanding library of my imagination
From the yellow van always parked in the lot
From the yelling of children outside.
From the cookouts at friends houses.
From fights to forgiveness.

I am from the ever expanding library of my imagination
From the inside of my head  
From my grandfather’s house
From the books I read.
From countless hours spent with siblings
From the ruined friendships of my past to the ones that’ll last a lifetime.
I am from the ever expanding library.
Alta Boudreau Jan 2013
“She’s dead.” 

Just like that:

two words cause an eruption; 

A dam break. 

She was alive, 

and laughing, 

and smiling, 

and doing her job

(and doing whatever it is —

important or not —

that a person does 

when they’re living 

and you’re not thinking about them.)
“There was a gun,”*

they said.
“Her boyfriend is dead too,”* 

they said. 

“It was a parking dispute,”

they said.

And no amount of explanation 

could take the air that escaped her lungs

and put it back

to restart that beautiful, 


loving heart inside her. 

And then you think, 

Man, if I had picked up the phone. 

Man, if I had made more effort. 

Man, if I had been a better friend. 

But you know you can’t change the past, 

and even three hours ago
when you were folding clothes, 

and she was sitting in that house

is the past. 

And now she’s gone and you don’t know why. 

“Everything happens for a reason,”
they say. 

But they don’t tell you what the reason is.

And sometimes, you never figure it out. 

Then comes the candles, and the funeral.

And an eighteen year old ray of sunshine
is being put in the ground. 

And you’re here. 


and breathing, 

and folding clothes. 

And you wonder why her 

and not you. 

You’re surely not deserving enough

to live 

while she can’t. 

And her family; 

All you can think about is her mother, 

and her father. 

And you remember watching TV, 

and riding the boat on the lake, 

and the cookouts, 

and even that time she was sleeping
and snoring a little.

You can still hear her voice. 

And remember that week before Christmas
when you saw her,
and she was really busy making coffee? 

But she sad hi to you and mom anyway. 

Nothing is the same anymore.

The world just isn’t the place it used to be.

Things like that just don’t happen where you live. 
Maybe in Los Angeles, 

or Florida. 

But certainly not in Maine. 

Not to someone you went to high school with. 

And certainly not her. 

No, not her. 

But it happened. 

A 74 year old man 

shot and killed your friend. 

Stole her life, and her light. 

And the worst part is that the world
keeps on turning 

even thought it feels like it stopped.
© MAB January 2013
--for Alivia 1994-2012
Paul Roberts Jan 2011
It greets your nose with mixture of smoke, perfume and stale beer.
On the counter , an empty pickle jar , a few dollars in there.
Always a need for that jar , times get rough,
it's  a way we help friends and pray it never is us.
Band is setting up and sound checks going right,
few folks already here, going to be a good night.
Folks come in here to take a load off  for awhile,
some come to sip, others to get plum wild.
Barmaid looking good with that pushup bra,
boy got lucky and married her last fall.
Six days a week this bar rocks and rolls
and true to the good Lord  on Sunday we closed.
A few new boys and gals here to night,
pitching pick up lines, one might be right.
Someone will get lucky and cross that line,
someone will be in luck, get drunk  but leave the car for the night.
This old bar is a meet and greet place,
information gets passed and memories erased.
Cookouts in the back for a charity or two.
Bike wash, car wash, a  flash of skin might happen too.
All in all, this place fits us all,
I'm glad to say that I am a part of this old bar.
Paul Roberts. The Journey
Rachael Roth May 2012
Oh, spring how your dear to me
and as pretty as can be
with the buzzing bees
and the flowers oh so pretty

When Spring comes I can't wait
for playing outside until late
with cookouts on plates

Oh spring how I love you!!!
Mike Rollain Apr 2016
Rejects flood the cabin and spaces between my lungs
These cotton candy cookouts have taken to the skies and
Tattered treads simmer in the summer streets ahead

Arbitrary animals fall in endless waves
One after another
Clouding distinctions between land and water

Rubber loses grip
Foundations slip

I hold on tight
And wait for change

I am a synesthete imposter
But tonight I can taste the city lights and
Their salty crunch is as real to me as the chlorine sting
Of the moment I first realized
I've always known how to swim
M Mar 2014
My mind is playing tricks on me, my dear
I almost feel as though I'm home again
Passion Pit playing in the background and
Of Monsters and Men playing in my head
Cards on the floor slipping through the only cold floorboards
We're all shirtless again
It's one hundred thousand and ten degrees outside
the walls haven't quite crumbled down
over the cabins that we love
the clouds can't penetrate these green hills, much less roll over them
only we can roll on these hills in our hot sleeping bags
and almost fall into the green lily pond and the sky's green
but I'm not scared anymore
Because I've jumped off the high dive and
introduced myself to older girls
What else could there be to love other than the smell of cookouts
bad singing, and BO?
I painted my face for the first time to give a blanket
to a girl who'd never have a better night.
I got my eyebrows plucked in the same room and night
She plucked my guilt out like the hairband she was trying to undo,
her fingers said, "you're forgiven,"
my eyes said, "thank you,"
as I leapt through the fields to hug my friend because she was crying
even though I was naked
I braided so much hair during that time-
Held more hands than you'd wanna
Jesse McCartney didn't even know what a beautiful soul was-
My summer was set to the playlist of
the only twenty year old in the room who is trying to guide our ships
as we sail through the changing ocean tides
and summer is the easiest to handle of the seasons of my life-
There, I built my own wheel, learned how to take it myself,
and then I gave it to Jesus
and he's piloting fine.
Mary-Eliz May 2018
waking on a summer morn
has always
made me somewhat sad
at least
since I've been grown

in the mind
and weighty remnants
of bizarre dreams

fills my morning
clears my head a bit

but as the day
humidity settles in

the air feels thick and heavy
seems a struggle
for lungs to take it in

you can see
the heat
in ripples
as it rises

in that smoldering heat
some are in their

it's true

some do like it hot

not me

I don't enjoy

brutal heat is not
my friend

nor is the sun

at least not for long

so close

I know its rays
are more
than pale skin
will stand

and what about
the flora

unless the heavens
bless the earth
with frequent soaking

the heat will be
a strain on
the plants
I dearly love

if I remember
to water thoroughly
when they need
they'll stay green
and lush

my wallet's green
will shrink


summer has its
good points
amusing things to do

ice cream cones
evening drives
picnics at the park

swimming pools
water parks
and just the garden hose
can help
to cool you off

backyard cookouts
iced tea and

vacation if you
can afford

if not

the latest thing

maybe best part
of summer

is what
coming next

those cool
days of autumn
to refresh
the air

and body
Not really wishing away time, just hope the heat and humidity doesn't get too crazy too soon!
Brooke P May 2018
The grass is greener on my side,
this time
and it's freshly mowed,
releasing its scent into the noses
of the kids running up and down the streets,
screaming their praises to the god of summer,
and begging for just a little bit more time.
Steam rising from the burning pavement,
the smell of cookouts
the warm air
springing life to the city around me.

Riding in my car with all the windows down
screaming along to Say Anything
and feeling alive with the glory of love.
All of this creeping up on me
surprising me with its inviting grin,
everything is funny now
because all of this
always leads me
straight back
to you.

I dig my toes into the cold dark dirt
thinking to myself these words
that could never encompass
the taste of the atmosphere around me,
finally wrapping itself in a flannel blanket.
I feel like a broken record
scratching at the same chorus,
trying adjectives to describe the way
today smells like better times,
but I'm determined
and I'll keep trying
to make these times even better.
TCross Jun 2018
When I look in the mirror gazing at my reflection
I will always think of you Dad.
I will remember all the people whose hearts you touched and your departure that made us sad.
You were my Dad first, my bestman, my bestfriend
and my first example of a family man.
There were so many things that shouldve crossed your mind
but your families well being was your plan.

I have so many fond memories and thoughts including you
that came rushing through my head,
such memories would break a weaker man
but your strength helps me to look ahead.
I will miss our talks and laughs and I know the cookouts will not be the same,
but I will carry on the tradition in honor of carrying on your name.
So when that dreadful day will come however long it be,
your hard work ethics, family devotion and love for helping others my family will see in me.
T Jun 2018
Everything I see and everything I do
Just everything it all reminds me of you
It has never been this hard
The cookouts in the Yard
I will always have the memories
Especially the one on the fourth of July and beautiful summer breeze
I fell in love with you over and over again
And then there was that day remember when
That time at the mall the picture of you and the grinch
That beautiful smile my cheeks you use to pinch
I don't think you will forget any of the times that we had
None of them were ever bad
I sit here and hope it's just a bad dream
And things are not as bad as they seem
That time we were making love and through the skylight we saw the fireworks
Just a few things that I will never forget
We are not still together will still be my only regret
I could go on and on
But now I just can't believe you are gone
Baby your smile that lit a million rooms
Will live on in my dreams
All that is left the sound of my screams
The memories of us will always here
In my head and in my heart
Because I will always care
Dylan Mcconnell May 2018
I am from keurig brewers and phones
from grits and Bluetooth headphones
I am from the white walls,
incense, and
I am from the lilacs outdoors
The neighbors plants

I am from "Wash your hands" and "Go Cavaliers!!"
I am from No Scrubs by TLC and shouting at TV due to basketball
I'm from family cookouts and foster care
I'm from Madison, WI and short prayers around the table
From my mom going to riots,
Thick hair,
and white walls.
I am from a cozy home on the north side of Madison,
and a good hug when needed.

I'm from hard times.
I'm from hard fought battles and long talks about
why **** is bad.
I'm from dumb arguments and loud cheers from the audience.
I'm from so much, and so little.

Just a little love from yours truly.
Elizabeth Kelly Aug 2019
We sit at right angles in your living room.
You on your couch
Me on my metal folding chair
   (a constant accessory to my new job. Necessary in the unknown of other people's homes).

You're smiling at me,
and then not at me but toward me as your gaze softens into the halcyon flicker of the pink-tinged memories that glow behind it.

I am an archaeologist.
You are the past.

You are hand-laid brick houses with green lawns built for cookouts and cheerleading practices.  
You are "every-kind-of-person-lived-on-our-street-Irish-Italian-Polish-Je­w-Slovak."
You are the American Dream of your Polish parents. 6 kids in Youngstown. An orange and a discarded evergreen were Christmas miracles.

When people talk about the Lost/Yet/Retrievable/Greatness/of/America

They see the memory of your memory.
Of You.

I envy you then.

94-years-old. Oxygen and original teeth and an endearing pleasant forgetfulness that makes answering your repetitive questions feel like giving you a gift and watching you open it over and over.

You absently grab for a comb, a hardwired ritual of vanity, and ask, "How's my hair?"
The pillows under your eyes become pools as you laugh,
and I love you for your wonderful long life and I hate you, too.

Because you're not me, yet I am you.

The American Dream is milky mashed potato flesh and a breathing machine.
Forgetful and habitually vain.
Foggy and sweet and dying alone in a house, surrounded by knick knacks and stink, watching The Game.

"I used to have copies of the Saturday Evening Post. I should have kept them."
I know you cant hear my sigh, but just know one day, I'll be up with chu in the sky,
I dont why, my days are getting shorter, feeling close the deaths order,
Ready to stand before the judge, and tell em why I been had a grudge, fudge,
On this life, destiny made many promises to me, but couldn't keep my babies,
Why I'm feeling like this, everyday i walk this earth, it's like taking a risk,
Life ain't supposed be about pain, it's supposed to be how many, lives you've changed, and I done came,
From alot of worries, I couldnt picture you being buried, before prom night,
I'm glancing in the dark room, so hard now I know I feel, Davids gloom,
As the pain starts to zoom, flashes of suicide running, steadily by my side,
I wish I was out, on a final ride, nobody knows me, its just and my poetry,
Filled with memories, I know smiling down at me, but growing in fury,
In a rage, cuz my hearts in a cage, cant unlock the misery, that seems to page,

I remember the summertime, barbecue cookouts, and us standing, in long lines,
You used to pinch me, from staring at your behind, I'm just claiming what's mine,
Baby girl, we taking on the world,
I had so many plans for us, so many routes for us, cruise cities and skip the bus,
Even though I always would cuss, you knew ways to minimize the fuss,
Always kept it on the hush, ya soft voice, honing deep inside my zoning,
Mental can't shake, the pain that loves to, sit like a stake, my heart breaks,
Every time, I think of your wake, as you lay, in the casket, I'm hoping you'll awake,
And we come home to make,
Love once again, but tears won't end, and death will always be a trend,
Cuz in the end, it'll be ya final friend, everybody get buried lonely,
So what's the point, of having a plot next to me, you see me, enjoying the misery,
It's been 14 years, but seems like a century, which I could see your beauty,
One last time, trade places just to taste the divine, I know yall good,
I'm used to pain, used to have alot of energy,
But all my love is drained,
Cyclone Dec 2019
Rich as the soil, my people rich as the soil, I want no dirt on my name, compared it to ***** in a bucket; so I don't want to stay in my community, I thrive with the people with hearts cold as concrete, no cookouts, at least there's no shootouts. My people lost in the sauce, I'm seasoned to drain these ***** ****** that taint my kids growth, no room for weeds to induce it. I'm rich as the soil, my people rich as the soil, until they know it, they're nutrient poor as the sand, you won't catch my kids at sand boxes; we'll be in gardens growing sweet potatoes and cabbages and poison it to savages.
Travis Green Jun 2018
I’m reminiscing on the past, the time
you were outside conversing with the
family and giggling uncontrollably,
lost in the good times and cookouts
that illuminates your mind,
while your mother and dad sat in the
rocking chair staring at the scenery
surrounding their sight and the little
kids running jubilantly down the pavement,
your eyes sinking into their laughs and
the richness of their youth.  I’m seeing the
smile in your shimmering teeth when you
stood in front of the grill, gently turning the
grilled fried chicken, fresh flounder, tender
steak and smoked sausages until they were
fully cooked.  There was a melanin glow
in your skin that lit up the surface encompassing
your path, a magnificent depiction full of hope
and dreams.  I’m rearranging the vivid details
inside my mind and looking at you when you were
sitting next to your brother drinking a beer,
head held up to the sky like an eagle gazing
into the clouds, the way you guzzled down
the last drop to its core and chuckling
afterwards, your face swimming in delight.  
There was so much vivacity in your essence,
the way the afternoon breeze blew around
your body, the way the shape of your arms
personified boldness and bravery, how when
you moved in different directions; there was a
gleaming light shining in your direction.  I’m
recalling everything all at once and it’s
destroying the inner core of my being.  I know
I must let go, but these memories are resurfacing
from the depths of outer dimensions and striking
my soul relentlessly.
RobbieG Jun 2021
To the degree of mastery
no college
forget the
masters degree
A bachelor amongst
life is just time
How do you spend it
who gives a ****
what you got
Please tell me how
is it all a dream ?
is it relevant you care ?
Or are you afraid
living week to week
a never ending
Yeah I have my faults
my insecurities are real
But I vent those out
on here so they can’t be near
I spend it well
I live life to the fullest
I rise up slowly but surely
with my friends and loved ones
on my back
I rather be eye level
with my peers
than looked up on
I hate looking down
on someone
Last week was Pennsylvania
this week Michigan
Next week 8 days off
before going to Ohio
I love my job
because I get to
I love my job
because I get to
take multiple weeks off
Money can’t buy happiness
but it’s a good down-payment
I got the job, I got a car, I got a camper, I got a truck, I got a couple tractors, I owe nothing to no one, so someone please tell me why I can’t be happy?
I don’t have bills I have titles, I don’t live check to check but rather wreckless, life of the party, I’m the hostess, I create environments second to none, my main focus to create
a good time
I may not spend it wisely
but I spend it good
bonfires, cookouts, parties
If the mood is good
then better believe
it was on purpose
Mr know it all
they call me
not because I’m arrogant
but rather they know
every variable
that could go wrong
I thought about
amongst my plans
1-2-3 and A-B-C
i got a solution
for problems
that may never
Tony Anderson Sep 2020
Bound and gagged
Laying on the floor
The Salt from my tears stings
As they wash over the wounds upon my boby

For three years we had been friends
For three years we had been like brothers
Having cookouts
Going to ball games and parties
Celebrating each other’s life
Just hanging out
Just the two of us

Little did I know the monster within my friend
It started out as small stuff
The way he spoke
Sometimes it ways the way he acted

Then one night while we sat on the couch
watching tv
He made his move
And jumped me
I tried to fight him off
To no avail

When I fought he fought back
In some cases cutting me with a knife

Finally I gave up trying to fight
Seeing it was doing no good
And was just getting me hurt worse
Once when he had his knife out and was cutting me
I screamed “ Go ahead and **** me while you’re at it.”
His response “No I want to here you scream.”

He finally bound me
And started his ***** deed
Pounding his tool in my ***
Like a jackhammer
Again, and again, and again
The more I screamed in pain
The more he laughed

Through tears and blood
I endured it all
Then he was done
Before he left he told me
If I said anything to anyone
He’d come back and **** me
He gagged me just to be safe

After he left
Through much struggle
I worked free of my bonds

I never said anything about that moment
Until now
Two weeks after this happened
He was in a car crash and died
Justice paid from above
Qualyxian Quest May 2020
I have the mystical madness
But I hope my children definitely don't

Maybe a marine biologist
Maybe the madness won't

Lead them to write poems
Deep into the Night

They can work ordinary jobs
And have spouses that don't fight

Walks along the beach
Basketball with friends

Cookouts, picnics, quietness
Joy that does descend

Like moonlight upon Elliott Bay
Misty all over Seattle

For them I wish these good things
And for them I go to battle

— The End —