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SRS Jul 2014
I hope your guilt strangles you like a Boa Constructor,
until you have no breath,
I hope before you die though that you realized,
It was you who caused your death.
I feel like you should have guilt, but I know you don't.
Miguel Diaz Jun 2016
The perfectionist loves to hear his voice,
He is the respected critic inside,
He is the learned one,
The educated and the educator.
A beautiful constructor,
The finishing touch
To the artist's hand.
The voice is always a partner,
He will always be there to help
The artist, comfort is taken in his ability.

The artist needn't forget,
There are many voices on the side,
Awaiting for their time to speak,
Each one has its time,
All varying in their patience and duration.
The artist sees what he hasn't before:
The voice of support; the voice of love; the voice of decision; and the voice of passion.
There is always time to contemplate his flaws
And he wants to reassure himself:
Perfection is not a demand, but a quest,
One of beauty and one of joy.
Perfection is the beauty in imperfection.
The pursuit of achievement is one to relish, it is not to be rushed or
Ceased, it is a running walk, a walking run, a sitting stand, a moving still.
It is every step he has made.
The artist looks behind and sees
His effort, he is proud to have experienced
His triumphs and his trauma
The voice of comfort will be there all the way,
She is a gentle quieter spirit that deserves as much an ear.
When all voices have calmed and subsided,
Her tenderness remains.

I remind the artist of his friends,
I remind him that the critical voice is the voice of nature,
The physical laws unchanged.
He is the driving force to stasis and movement in the age worry and indecision.

"Do not be overwhelmed" I say to the artist,
You are one of many.
You are with friends.
The voice of change encourages the artist to evolve and to smile,
The voice of happiness allows peaceful living and awareness.
The tiger belongs to nature,
not to be feared, but to be respected
and understood.

Do not despair, do not relinquish hope,
Hope is the shining beacon in a world of anguish.
Hope is the angel shining her torch ever so bright.
Hope is the window that allows pain and suffering to see the light of day ,
Hope allows oneness.

The artist moves his brush: an effortless stroke,
A flicker of joy,
A tear in his eye.
He once was old,
Now is young.
He learns to enjoy
The work he has done,
He can now enjoy the work he does,
He is enjoying the work he is doing.
He enjoys his life.

The state of mind, it is a fickle hatchling.
Able to be pursued and persuaded,
also able to be liberated.
The artist is free,
His thoughts can pass,
His fear will subside,
His body can move,
His heart will follow
And the mind will allow.
Spirit be set free,
Bird do fly,
Artist do paint,
You are.

Peace within oneself is peace with others.

The artist is brave, he is a soul that stands tall in the face of adversity,
He is a sleepless enigma in his room at night,
He is the passionate one,
The artist and his love affair with the critic outshines his charisma,
The love for the sophisticated darkness,
His love for the melodrama,
His quest for knowledge,
Perhaps the only knowledge is
Blissful unawareness.
Corpus Mortalis in the Greek, Hellenic, and Egyptian pantheons, in the vaults they were filled with marble by all the gangs that tried to find them, because it would soon be the longest night in the Aegean world, where it was propitious to indicate places where to spend the night because the Corpus mingled with the Souls of Trouvere in the Apennines, Ghosts of Shiraz from Jaffa, Almas Christi from Leros with the Gerakis, and finally the souls of the Necropolis of Helenikká to support all believing proselytes of the Hexagonal Birthright. They were attracted to the theorization of fragmented intelligence in every being that fears their own, without the opinion of those who leave them alone and hostages in their isolation, and of a corpus characterized by persuasion in the first objects of twilight, which only left distinguish the moons of the nails and not that of the firmament, the intelligence became lethargic and closed itself in its own object of ideology, of the individual and of the gods who administered everything without a Corpus Mortalis, rather they challenged three-quarters of the day, and three-quarters of their spiritual acuity, to resist the siege of space that disrupts the pause in the hour that excludes all gadgets, to counteract the detonated and not rescued exception of the challenge. The voices of the Moiras were tuned in with Circe, under Zefian's ordering principle, who was already delivering the ergonomic ****** of the fourth arrow, to leave it in the carelessness of Vernarth and Saint John already revived, encompassing and assuming three-quarters of the day they glossed to attract them the threshold that behaved in immovable demiurgic, where men stopped being men with intelligence, rather they dialogued about initiations of the cosmos, but without human centrism that acquires it for a dialogue of Timaeus, wherever they may be. the non-existent things, where he splatters her with nuances of science would bring serious stenches of his erudition. The saga was made of the Ekev of causality that explores from an understood cause already issued, but of the Samaritan philanthropist who shone more at this time, than anyone who closes his eyes so as not to open it after the eternal Aegean night. The philanthropic sense was sensitized with reason in the hands of Zefian, after delivering the Saetas knowing that his personality trilled from the Timaeus, not to disagree with it from a human conscience, but from bilocation of the Beit Hamikdash, attributing his conception with low resources of whoever restrains him by rationalizing, but is under the clinical resource of the one who is recovered from his stuttering and dyslalia.

The Argive constructor Tecton already came with his builders, while the Corpus Mortalis hit who or who would hammer from the plexus, or who or what would be the first network of his linear for the Vóreios de Zefian, adjusting to the beginning of a Corpus Mortalis when it began the constructive principle of the Argivo tecton. The arches were deconfigured in irrational measures, which with their sixth sense they could foresee from the trace of the Platonic Philebus, as he nodded with a refined tiresome bustle, but he appropriated it in presupposition, going to settle where everyone goes together to pick the berries of the field frank, next to the Mataki who was already putting an end and closing the Phaedo that was encircling, with the feverish organization of the trembling desire of the philosophical den, not determining to die like Corpus Mortalis in the breviaries of the ellipsis, where everything remains in nothingness or in the outcast of the one who treasures it with more contingents of memory, and of the same one who is reborn from the slags, having had an insight that remains empty in the cliffs, under the figure of a marked man who revives in the lightning bolts that enabled royal wisdom, while his Corpus Mortalis was leaving with his soul that was embracing vast fields of his thesis. Where what he removes when he pulses from the heart, he adds what the dying person adds, although it is not known where he is going, it will summarize his ontology more than a prison inhabitant who poses free on his profane neighbor from the rhetoric that manifests position in his trajectory who will remember him and will not locate him in the next scene of the challenge of a new life. The Phaedo is on the ex-Voto of him with two institutionalized powers, he will have to know who will dare to cure him of his sieges and his demons that resurrect him but not make him his captive. The spell already inaugurated that knowing or deciding in the nomenclatures of a Platonic Demiurge, who from all past life made it ulterior, but not processed from the Seventh Heaven, between both coincidences from an astral magistracy that will take him through the lawsuit of self-exorcism, wild for the greatest mountains that protect him when he wants to warn, that beyond them he will come umpteenth more monumental than themselves, but with his, Phaedo contained in his soul written and rewritten by him and by his Corpus Mortalis.
Corpus Mortalis
Desde temprano había menudeado las llamadas de
felicitación. Para el ex torturador (todavía no se
sentía cómodo con esa partícula: ex) ya no
había peligro. La tan cuestionada ley de amnistía ahora
tenía el aval del voto popular. A las felicitaciones él
había respondido con risas, con murmullos de aprobación,
con entusiasmo, sin escrúpulos. Sin embargo no se sentía
eufórico. Desayunó a solas, como siempre. A pesar de sus
cuarenta, se mantenía soltero. Estaba Eugenia, claro, pero en
una zona siempre provisional. Recogió los diarios que
habían deslizado bajo la puerta, pero se salteó
precisamente aquellas páginas, aparatosamente tituladas, que
analizaban la ahora confirmada amnistía. Sólo se detuvo
en Internacionales y en Deportes. Luego se dedicó a regar las
plantas y el césped del fondo. La recomendación oficial
decía que, hasta nuevo aviso, era imprescindible ahorrar agua
corriente y prohibía especialmente el riego de jardines. Pero
él gozaba de amnistía. Todo le estaba permitido. Si le
habían perdonado torturas, violaciones y muertes, no lo iban a
condenar por un gasto excesivo de agua. Democracia es democracia. El
agua salía con fuerza tal que algunos tallitos, los más
débiles, se inclinaban e incluso hubo uno que se quebró.
Lo apartó con el pie. Así estuvo dos horas. Regaba y
volvía a regar, dos o tres veces las mismas plantas, que ya no
agradecían la lluvia. Cuando sintió en los pies el
frío de las zapatillas húmedas, cerró por fin la
canilla, entró en la casa y se vistió informalmente para
ir al supermercado. Una vez allí, hizo un buen surtido de
bebidas y comestibles hasta llenar prácticamente el carrito y se
puso en la cola de la Caja. Un signo de igualdad y fraternidad,
pensó: aunque estaba amnistiado, de todos modos se resignaba a
hacer la cola. De pronto sintió que una mano fuerte le tomaba el
brazo y experimentó una corriente eléctrica. ¿Como
una picana? No. Simplemente una corriente eléctrica. Se dio
vuelta con rapidez y con cierta violencia y se encontró con un
vecino de rostro amable, un poco sorprendido por la reacción que
había provocado. Disculpe, dijo el señor, sólo
quería avisarle que se le cayó la billetera. Él
sintió que las mejillas le ardían. Emitió un breve
tartamudeo de excusas y agradecimiento y recogió la billetera.
Precisamente en ese momento había llegado su turno, así
que fue colocando sus compras frente a la cajera, pagó, y
metió todo en la bolsa que había traído a esos
efectos. Cuando abandonaba el supermercado, oyó que alguien le
decía, al pasar, enhorabuena, nadie hizo comentario alguno pero
él comprobó que uno de los clientes, un bancario que
pasaba a diario frente a su casa haciendo jogging, levantaba
inequívocamente las cejas. Pensó en los perros de caza,
cuando, al detectar la proximidad de la presa, levantan las orejas.
¿Él sería la presa? Boludeces, muchacho,
boludeces. Estoy amnistiado. Un hombre sin deudas con la sociedad. Todo
lo hice por obediencia debida (con alguna yapa, como es natural), mi
conciencia y yo estamos en paz. Ya en la casa, fue vaciando la bolsa,
metió en la heladera lo que correspondía, y lo
demás en la despensita, sin mayor orden. Mañana, cuando
viniera Antonia a hacer la limpieza, sabría a qué estante
pertenecía cada cosa. Encendió la radio pero sólo
había rock, así que la apagó y se quedó un
buen rato contemplando el techo y sus crecientes manchas de humedad.
Llamar al constructor, anotó mentalmente. Después fue al
dormitorio, se desnudó, se duchó, se vistió de
nuevo pero con ropa de salir, fue al garaje, encendió el motor
del Peugeot, pensó hacer todo el camino por la Rambla pero mejor
no, siempre es más seguro por Bulevar España y Maldonado.
Qué tontería. ¿Más seguro? Vamos, vamos, si
estoy amnistiado. Y rumbeó hacia la Rambla. No había
muchos coches. A la altura del puertito del Buceo, lo pasó un
Mercedes, que de pronto frenó. El conductor le hizo señas
para que se detuviera. Él vaciló. Sólo por una
décima de segundo. El corazón le golpeaba con fuerza. La
Rambla jamás es segura. Fue sólo un instante, pero en ese
destello calculó que, si bien había suficiente distancia
como para esquivar al otro coche y huir, el motor del otro era mucho
más potente y le daría alcance sin problemas. De modo que
se resignó y frenó junto al Mercedes. El otro
asomó una cara sonriente. Lleva la valija abierta, amigo,
¿no se había dado cuenta? No, no se había dado
cuenta, así que dijo gracias, ha sido muy amable, y se
bajó para cerrar la valija. Sin embargo, la valija no estaba
abierta. Todo él se llenó de sospecha y
prevención, pero el Mercedes ya había arrancado y se
había perdido tras la curva. Miró hacia atrás,
hacia el costado, hacia adelante. No había otros coches a la
vista. ¿Podría ser que la valija se cerrara sola?
¿Por qué no? Boludeces, muchacho, boludeces. Pero cuando
volvió a empuñar el volante, dejó abierta la
gaveta donde estaba el revólver y por supuesto no siguió
por la Rambla. Cuando llegó al Centro, y a pesar de que en esa
cuadra había dos sitios libres, no se arriesgó a dejar el
coche en la calle y lo llevó a una playa de estacionamiento.
Recordó que debía comprarse una camisa. Entró en
una tienda y le dijo al vendedor que la quería blanca, de mangas
largas, para vestir. ¿Es para usted? Sí, es para
mí. ¿La quiere con el cuello flojo o más bien
apretado? ¿Cómo apretado, qué quiere decir con
eso? Oh, no lo tome a mal, me parece bien que lo quiera flojo, hoy en
día nadie usa una camisa que lo estrangule. Hoy en día.
Naturalmente. Hoy en día nadie. Estoy amnistiado. Nadie quiere
que lo estrangulen. Ya no se usa. Se llevó la camisa blanca,
para vestir, de mangas largas, y de cuello flojo (39 en vez de 38, que
era su número). Le pareció carísima, pero no
quería llamar la atención, así que pagó con
un gesto de soberbia y a la vez de despreocupación por el
dinero, y empezó a caminar por Dieciocho. Desde un auto,
detenido porque el semáforo estaba en rojo, un desconocido le
gritó: felicidades. ¿Quién será? Por las
dudas saludó con la mano y entonces el otro le mostró la
lengua. Su intención fue acercarse, pero el semáforo se
había puesto verde y el auto arrancó con estruendo, entre
las risotadas de sus ocupantes. Guarangos, sólo eso, se dijo.
Pero por qué lo de felicidades. ¿Por la amnistía?
¿O simplemente había sido una palabra amable, destinada a
servir de contraste con el gesto ofensivo que la iba a seguir? Vaya,
después de todo no era la primera lengua que veía, por
cierto había visto otras, más dramáticas que la de
ese idiota. Cosas del pasado. Abur. Por orden del presidente, la buena
gente había cerrado los ojos de la nuca. Ahora ya no iban a
escribir verdugos a la cárcel, verdad y justicia, y otras
sandeces. Ahora habían aprendido a decir: se le cayó la
billetera, enhorabuena, amigo lleva la valija abierta, felicidades.
Almorzó solo, en un restaurante donde nadie lo conocía.
Sin embargo, cuando estaba en el churrasco a la pimienta, vio que desde
otra mesa alguien lo saludaba, pero estaba tan lejos que su
miopía no le permitió distinguir quién era. Al
rato vino el mozo con una tarjetita. El nombre era del corresponsal de
una agencia internacional, y había unas líneas
recién escritas: Tengo sumo interés en hacerle una
entrevista. Sobre la amnistía, ya se lo habrá imaginado.
Le pidió al mozo que le dijera a ese señor que muchas
gracias, pero que no era posible. Ya no pudo seguir comiendo a gusto.
Al concluir no pidió café sino un té de boldo,
pero ni así. Salió rápidamente, sin mirar al
corresponsal, que se quedó en el fondo, haciendo señas en
vano. Iría a lo de Eugenia, era la hora. Ella le había
telefoneado bien temprano para decirle que lo esperaba con
champán. Un alivio. Por lo menos aquel apartamento, que
él había financiado, era tierra conocida y no devastada.
Eugenia estaba vestida poco menos que para una fiesta. Estarás
tranquilo ahora, me imagino, fue la bienvenida. Sí, bastante.
Pero no lo estaba y ella lo advirtió. No seas estúpido,
mi amor, ese asunto se acabó, ya lo dijo el presidente, ahora
hay que mirar hacia adelante. En una ocasión como ésta, y
tras el brindis de rigor (por la democracia, dijo Eugenia, y
soltó una carcajada), estaba más que cantado que
irían a la cama. Y fueron. Durante todo el trámite,
él estuvo con la cabeza en otra parte, pero así y todo
pudo cumplir como un buen soldado. En un momento, ella había
apretado su abrazo de forma exagerada y él sintió que se
asfixiaba. Por un momento tuvo pánico, casi se mareó.
¿Será el abrazo, o el anís tendría algo?
¿Será posible? ¿Nada menos que Eugenia?
Afortunadamente, todo pasó, Eugenia había aflojado el
abrazo, dijo que había estado regio, él pudo respirar
normalmente, y ella empezó a besarlo, como lo hacía
siempre en la etapa post coitum, de abajo hasta arriba. De pronto
él anunció que se iba. ¿Ya? Esta noche tengo una
reunión y quiero estar despejado, quiero dormir un poco.
¿Es por la amnistía? No, dijo él, receloso, es por
otra cosa. ¿Y dónde es? Él la miró,
desconfiado. A esta altura del partido, no iba a caer en trampa tan
ingenua. También podía suceder que, precisamente por ser
tan ingenua, no fuese trampa. Todavía no lo sé, me
avisarán esta tarde. Nublado está mi cielo, dijo ella,
sí, es mejor que te vayas, a ver si mañana estás
menos tenso. Estoy cansado, sólo eso. Bajó a la calle,
caminó unas cuadras hasta donde había dejado el auto y
antes de arrancar lo examinó con cuidado. Esta vez no
tomó por la Rambla, entre otras cosas porque soplaba un viento
que auguraba tormenta. Trató de ir esquivando (antigua
precaución) las esquinas con semáforos, que obligaban
siempre a detenerse y de hecho convertirse en blanco fijo. Cuando
llegó a casa, notó con asombro que la luz de la cocina
estaba encendida. ¿Y eso? ¿La habré encendido yo
mismo hoy temprano, y luego, cuando me fui, como era de día, no
me di cuenta? Vaya, todo estaba en orden. Quería descansar.
Abrió la cama, se quitó la ropa (siempre dormía
desnudo) y tomó un somnífero suave, suficiente para
descansar unas horas. Por supuesto, no tenía ninguna
reunión esta noche. Experimentó un cosquilleo de
satisfacción cuando advirtió que sus ojos se iban
cerrando. Sólo cuando estuvo profundamente dormido,
comenzó a recorrer un corredor en tinieblas, una suerte de
túnel interminable, cuyas paredes eran sólo ojos, miles y
miles de ojos que lo miraban, sin ningún parpadeo. Y sin perdón.
Safana Aug 2020
It's our day,
harken back
to our
who spread the
the seed of our
A legend who
let fearless man
to fear,
A prince who
left his crown
For a war invasion,
A great, who caused
100 million
natives and
he was an instituter
of religion and
culture, he was
a constructor
of the,
North and south
East and west,
Nigeria and Niger
Ivory cost and Benin
Cameroon and Sudan
Chad and Ghana
Eritrea and Togo
Congo and Gabon
Algeria and Burkina Faso,
with or more
100 million speakers
of Hausa language.

was a hero,
Abu yazid bn Abdullahi
son of king of Baghdad
True Hausa state ( Hausa Bakwai) Daura, Biram, Gobir, Kano, Katsina, Rano, and Zaria (Zazzau)

Hausa Outline satellite (Banza Bakwai)Zamfara, Kebbi, Yauri, Gwari, Nupe, Kororofa (jukun) and Yoruba,
Mateuš Conrad May 2016
sure, the romance, they are the new gods,
     Paris, Rome, Barcelona (don't ask me about Madrid,
                                                       too royal),
a Venetian mask i would don, and become the quixote fighting treadmills rather than windmills -
although to Rome i have not walked
                for my footsteps to encounter the pave,
but in the Venetian pirate lair, plunderers of Byzantium
i have set foot on, at the same time to have learned
of the number 613 near a synagogue and heard the shofar.
Paris (not the Trojan) is the cliche synonym of Eros -
elsewhere Gemini: St. Petersburg as the Amsterdam
   of the north, and Edinburgh as the Athens of the north.

well, such a verse does indeed desire
                                                 more translation of Horace,
as in nimis ex vos, sed non satis ex "ego",
  yes, "ego" the abstract component of you that's
free from the three tier psychoanalytical *******,
what superego, what id? forget it! there's only you
and only "you" - work with me:
               too much out of you, but not enough
               from your alter (synonym of "ego" -
               Jungian shadow porridge);
but as promised, yet more Horace

               deus inmortalis haberi dum cupit Empedocles
               ardentem frigidus Aetnam insiluit.
               sit ius liceatque perire poetis:
               invitum qui servat, idem facit occidenti.
               nec semel hoc fecit nec, si retractus erit,
               iam fiet **** et ponet famosae mortis
               amorem. nec satis adparet, cur versus factitet,
               utrum minxerit in patrios cineres an triste
               bidental moverit incestus: certe furit ac velut
               ursus, obiectos caveae valuit si frangere clatros,
               indoctum doctumque fugat recitator
               acerbus; quem vero arripuit, tenet occiditque
               legendo, non misura cutem nisi plena
               cruoris hirudo.

but of course i'll translate, but prior in dogmatic proposals...
keep the book of revelation of the Ιωαννης,
discard the rest... the four primers are a parody of
the tetragrammaton - so gentle in his own land
yet such a vicious serpent in Egypt? which one's the fraud?
messiah of just hanging, standing still,
40 years in the desert or 40 hours on the cross?
and all that iconoclasm and modern too via narcissism?
"bring out the selfie shtick! oh wait... my hands are
nailed to a ******* crux!" and this persistent 2000 year old
negation - and being spared, the Romans, or
rather the alphabetum, Roma est mort but you
can still ask the italians of a cappuccino - Chino and
Khaki elsewhere with the Lombardy League ponce
rubbing shoulders with Saxons... Chino Versace
whistle at a Bella... you can still see c b g long after
and the coliseum in ruins... it wasn't swallowed up!
i too though the second H in the tetragrammaton was
intended as a déjà vu - it would sit perfectly with
anti-, the concept, but not the man as such,
and indeed the Y would make a perfect tree of Golgotha
in that tweaked geometric, then W and seas
and continuance - Roma alphabetum, sole constructor
of computer robot? maybe... but you see, the H
is a slippery *****, it's silent, like in Khaki... or
as is the usual case in Hindu - Dhal... it's not so much
déjà vu but silence - a necessary surd to make spelling
pretty... dyslexics think spelling is a bit like arithmetic...
it's actually an aesthetic, but they do find it as hard as
arithmetic, and that's why they're genius at numbers...
but the aesthetics is missing, so they cling to numbers
and the aesthetic is missing, and everything associated
with money... well, it's a bit ugly, isn't it?

... (postponed translation)... yes, London is Hades...
    doom and gloom.

but indeed the Gemini in the tetragrammaton,
but first the principle of three-dimensional space (Y) -
just look into one of the corners of a cube (yes
the room you're sitting in),
and lastly the principle of waves, whichever,
sine or cosine as you will, looks better that way
than mediating the ad infinitum of 1, 2, 3 etc.,
sea and constant fluxes (fluctuations),
pin-point the opposite, the principle of one-dimensional
space (a definite coordinate, rather than three-dimensional
space and that ****** indefinite coordinate) and
subsequent ripples, which aren't necessarily waves:
my tools? a-       and -the            and every other ism
that might act as an auxiliary attaché - time (W).
but indeed the anti- implementation that serves as
direct Gemini chiral-ism: the latter serves no close
resemblance to be guided to Golgotha,
hence guided toward Megiddo, and a crucifix also there?

**** such religiosity twice over with its vortex,
as promised the Horace translation

       Empedocles, desirous of godliness in being so,
       having icily strutted toward old age and by
       old age near frozen, was prophesied to jump
       into flaming Etna. as they want, let the poets
       have a right to a death (of their choosing).
       who whomever against his will saves,
       twice-over rattles the suicide's intentions.
       it hasn't been the first time, it's not that easy
       to say it: i am human. he wants to immortalise
       himself, fame posthumously. he writes poems.
       why? maybe he urinated on his father's grave,
       maybe in a place basked by throngs he took
       from it the vices and in solitude became
       desolate with inherited uncleanliness of urbanity?
       like a bear with scars, prison bars he breaks open,
       scares off the wise and the foolish, such
       the adamant nature of compulsive poetic labour,
       whoever he grasps with recitations he
       finishes off, the leech attached to his skin will
       not fall off, until satiated with enough blood.

**dicam Siculique poetae narrabo interitum.
ConnectHook Sep 2015

Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit,
according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world,
and not according to Christ.

Colossians 2:4-8 (NKJV)

His Nietzschean trip moved from Comic toward Tragic:
Deleuze’s delusions flew out the fenêtre
Airborne and ****** on philosphy’s magic
(the nihilist suicide’s raison d’être…)
Propelled from the window, transcending the Ontic,
his organless body in textual flight,
a schiz-flow beyond on a voyage turned frantic.
His thought – a nomadic adornment for speed,
multiplicitly viewing a thousand plateaux
was a force for unhinging the doorways of light
and a plea for postmodern decoding indeed.
His frame soon encountered pure striated space
in the form of the pavement caressing his face.

He joins other smokers of Gallic tabac,
other esotericians of cognitive frenzy
(those mullahs of madness, those sultans of Whack…)
Sorely missed by his victims, disciples and friends
he is mourned, misinterpreted, copied, dismissed
– but for semioticians he heads up the list.

Another brave Frenchman, some guy named Debord
a bespectacled Marxist (who missed all the marks)
made the mediums’ message a radical bore
dialectically fading the lights into darks.
Indirectly disrupting pop-culture with Punk
and other anarchic phenomena-junk,
he too chose to leave with a nihilist bang –
while we whimper and suffer down here with the gang.
The old situationist’s last situation:
an agit-prop funeral short on elation…

So to French de-constructor-philosopher-ravers
and all who rejoice while society wavers
I offer these lines, like a quick coup-de-grace
and be warned – they’re now viewing the Good Lord en face.
A schiz-flow elegy for Gilles Deleuze (1925–1995)
& Guy Debord (1931 – 1994)

If I was snow
Would you be my angel?
Leaving your imprint
Indentation upon my heart,
Footprints on the beaches
Of my mind
All your memories
Beckoning me
Like my own
Dark city,
I the constructor
Of my own reality,
You my shell beach
Inaccessible dream,
Or would you fly away?
Mistaking the white of me
For a cold barren world,
Though even in the depths
Of any wasteland
There is life
You cannot see,
Just waiting
For the warm sun to rise,
And as such I await you,
Frozen in a place
Time forgot,
My soul on ice
As you skate on by,
Maybe we'll meet
When the winter thaws
And the rivers flow
Life anew with you once more...

APAD13 - 147  © okpoet
Te escribo desde un puerto.
        La mar salvaje llora.
Salvaje, y triste, y solo, te escribo abandonado.
Las olas funerales redoblan el vacío.
Los megáfonos llaman a través de la niebla.
La pálida corola de la lluvia me envuelve.
        Te escribo desolado.
        El alma a toda orquesta,
        la pena a todo trapo,
te escribo desde un puerto con un gemido largo.
¡Ay focos encendidos en los muelles sin gente!
¡Ay viento con harapos de música arrastrada,
campanas sumergidas y gargantas de musgo!
        Te escribo derrotado.
        Soy un hombre perdido.
        Soy mortal. Soy cualquiera.
Recuerdo la ceniza de su rostro de nardo,
el peso de tu cuerpo, tus pasos fatigosos,
tu luto acumulado, tu montaña de acedia,
tu carne macilenta colgando en la butaca,
        tus años carcelarios.
        Caliente y sudorosa,
        obscena, y triste, y blanda,
la butaca conserva, femenina, aquel asco.
La pesadumbre bruta, la pena ******, dulce,
las manchas amarillas con su propio olor acre,
esa huella indecente de un hombre que se entrega,
        lo impúdico: tu llanto.
        Viviendo, viendo, oyendo,
        sucediéndote a ciegas,
lamiendo tus heridas, reptabas por un fango
de dulces linfas gordas, de larvas pululantes,
letargos vegetales y muertes que fecundan.
Seguías, te seguías sin vergüenza, viviendo,
        ¡oh blando y desalmado!
        Tú, cínico, remoto,
        dulce, irónico, triste;
tú, solo en tu elemento, distante y desvelado.
No era piedad la anchura difusa en que flotabas
con tu sonrisa ambigua. Fluías torpemente,
pasivo, indiferente, cansado como el mundo,
        sin un yo, desarmado.
        Estaciones, transcursos,
        circunstancias confusas,
oceánicos hastíos, relojes careados,
eléctricos espartos, posos inconfesables,
naufragios musicales, materias espumosas
y noches que tiritan de estrellas imparciales,
        te hicieron más que humano.
        Allí todo se funde.
        Los objetos no objetan.
Liso brilla lo inmenso bajo un azul parado
y en las plumas sedantes la luz del mundo escapa,
sonríe, tú sonríes, remoto, indiferente,
*******, grotesco, triste, cruel, fatal, adorado
        como un ídolo arcaico.
        Sin intención, sin nombre,
        sin voluntad ni orgullo,
promiscuo, sucio, amable, canalla, nivelado,
capaz de darte a todo, común, diseminabas
podrido las semillas amargas que revientan
en la explosión brillante de un día sin memoria.
        No eras ni alto ni bajo.
        La doble ala del fénix:
        furor, melancolía,
el temblor luminoso de la espira absorbente;
la lluvia consentida que duerme en los pianos;
las canciones gangosas lentamente amasadas;
los ojos de paloma sexuales y difuntos;
        cargas opacas; pactos.
        Caricias o perezas,
        extensiones absortas
en donde a veces somos tan tercamente abstractos
y otras veces los pelos fosforecen sexuales,
y fría, dulce, ansiosa, la lisa piel de siempre,
serpiente, silba, sorbe y envuelve en sus anillos
        un triste cuerpo amado.
        No hay clavo último
        no hay centro diamantino,
no hay dignidad posible cuando uno ha visto tanto
y está triste, está triste, sencillamente triste,
se entrega atribulado y en lo efímero sabe
ser otro con los otros, de los otros, en otros:
        seguir, seguir flotando.
        ¡Oh inmemorial,
oh amigo
        amorfo, indiferente!
Deslizándote denso de plasmas milenarios,
tardío, legamoso de vidas maceradas,
cubierto de amapolas nocturnas, indolente,
por tu anchura sin ojos ni límites, acuosa,
        te creía acabado.
        Mas hoy vuelves, proclamas,
        constructor, la alegría;
te desprendes del caos; determinas tus actos
con voluntad terrena y aliento floral, joven.
Ni más ni menos que hombre, levantas tu estatua,
recorres paso a paso tu más acá, lo afirmas,
        llenas tu propio espacio.
        Los jóvenes obreros,
        los hombres materiales,
la gloria colectiva del mundo del trabajo
resuenan en tu pecho cavado por los siglos.
Los primeros motores, las fuerzas matinales,
la explotación consciente de una nueva esperanza
        ordenan hoy tu canto.
        Contra tu propia pena,
        venciéndote a ti mismo,
apagando, olvidando, tú sabes cuánto y cuánto,
cuánta nostalgia lenta con cola de gran lujo,
cuánta triste sustancia cotidiana amasada
con sudor y costumbres de pelos, lluvias, muertes,
        escuchas un mandato.
        Y animas la confianza
        que en ti quizá no existe;
te callas tus cansancios de liquen resbalado;
te impones la alegría como un deber heroico.
¡Por las madres que esperan, por los hombres que aún ríen,
debemos de ponernos más allá del que somos,
        sirviéndolos, matarnos!
        Con rayos o herramientas,
        con iras prometeicas,
con astucia e insistencia, con crueldad y trabajo,
con la vida en un puño que golpea la hueca
cultura de una Europa que acaricia sus muertos,
con todo corazón que, valiente, aún insiste,
        del polvo nos alzamos.
        Cantemos la promesa,
        quizá tan solo un niño,
unos ojos que miran hacia el mundo asombrados,
mas no interrogan; claros, sin reservas, admiran.
¡Por ellos combatimos y a veces somos duros!
¡Bastaría que un niño cualquiera así aprobara
        para justificarnos!
        Te escribo desde un puerto,
        desde una costa rota,
desde un país sin dientes, ni párpados, ni llanto.
Te escribo con sus muertos, te escribo por los vivos,
por todos los que aguantan y aún luchan duramente.
Poca alegría queda ya en esta España nuestra.
        Mas, ya ves, esperamos.
Hinata Dec 2015
She is a woman,
Just another human.
She is a broken,
Her true feelings are never spoken.
She is struggling,
There's so many things that she's juggling.
She is different,
An odd one, almost transparent.
She is intelligent,
An excellent student.
She is scared,
The world is something she feared.
She is a lover,
Caring, protective like a mother.
She is a dreamer,
Dreams full of clouds and streamers.
She is a wall of hope,
Opening up peoples minds to different scopes.
She is a constructor,
Building people up after they got torn down by destroyers.
She is a mystery,
Shrouded and hidden is her misery.
She is a messenger,
Preaching messages and a faith deliverer.
She is needed,
Her limits are always exceeded.
She is open minded,
No soul was ever so kind and kindred.
She is someone who no one sees,
Always forgotten when people leave.
She is a forgiver,
Always ready to forgive.
She is hard as stone,
Because in the end, she was always alone.
She is...
She is......
She is strong,
Even when the world treats her wrong.
She is....
She is......
taylor kathleen Jul 2014
.  .  .
i was only seven when your demons arrived in my home
playing with toys & dressing like a princess in my castle i would roam
then things turned upside down
it started in the middle bedroom where you burned my crown
brother playing video games and his back turned from the action
sister with her doll on the bottom bunk having her own distraction
you had laid behind me- slowly putting your hand down my pants
i was so scared and so innocent that i could not bear to glance
stripped from my cleanliness and confused by your ways
never telling my parents of those incredibly tragic days
keeping this secret for many years i ran into trouble
middle school was darker than darkness as suicide became my hidden bubble
cutting my arms/legs or holding my breath underwater until i turned blue
wrapping rope around my neck and leaning forward hoping air would not come through
hitting my head repeatedly because i thought i caused wrong
even putting that knife up to my neck because i felt i did not belong
permanent scarring was emotionally painful, the mirror said "disgrace"
i felt trapped- suffocating and dying because closing my eyes i saw only your face
some of it a blur but i remember being told to block everything out
my memory now partially remembers- there are things i have no full knowledge about
you did all of this to me
thinking your presence would come again would be a guarantee
nightmares engraved in my skull of you touching me again
made me lose every ounce of trust & respect in this world full of men
i remember packing up my belongings and walking down the street
eight years young and thinking this would make things complete
being out of the lives of ones i had "hurt"
until i soon understood you were to blame for the actions that i tried to avert
transforming into a woman has become a continuous struggle in my youth
you left marks on my body i can never cover and memories that are difficult forgetting to tell you the truth
c. - you are the destroyer but also the constructor of my story
i have learned protective instincts and transformed from a victim to a survivor through those times which were ever so gory
indeed my puzzle is missing pieces a girl should always remember
like the happiness of playing with friends or with my family together  
still i have days where i feel disgusted by my past
wishing i could replace those moments of when i was harassed
now i begin to think this was pure destiny
i am stronger and more independent so it seems you did not break me
looking down the road i believe the future will be bright
my past will remain distressing but i can never lose this fight
.  .  .
Lawrence Hall May 2017
The Fifth Karamazov

When young we identify with Alyosha
His optimism and his innocence
His fragile, flowering Orthodox1 faith
A happy, almost-holy fool for Christ

When older, the sensual Dimitri,
With irresponsible lusts and desires
Grasping for the rewards of the moment
Now, ever now, wanting everything now

Then older still, as intellectual Ivan
Sneeringly aloft, above all faith and flesh
A constructor of systems and ideas
From the back pages of French magazines

Though never do we identify with
Nest-fouling, leering, lurking Smerdyakov
Our secret fear, unspoken fear, death-fear:
That he might be who we untruly are

But hear, O hear, the holy bells of Optina2
Those Russian messengers3 singing to us
Inviting us to meet Alyosha again
At Father Zosima’s poor4 hermitage

1Russian Orthodox
2The name of the real monastery upon which Dostoyevsky modeled his fictional one
3The Brothers Karamazov was first published as a serial in The Russian Messenger
4Poor only by earthly standards
Everything I do is destructive
Nothing I say is constructive
You always see a destructor
In me, not single a constructor.

The day you were my great friend
You talked of great a trend
In me was a super brand
A hill touching the clouds,I stood.

I haven't changed
I am the one you used to know,
Everything I used to do is what I do,
You hold no water to accuse me.
You forgot that you used to praise me,now when you make false accusation at my back
Olivia A Keaton Dec 2016
The silent sighs upon the sight of more equations
the not only bright, but wonderful math instructor
her only rule or regulation
is that she is always our constructor;
building our knowledge up
she challenges your brain with complications
but know that Mrs. Hudnall's class is the best among the nations.
I'm in math class right now and some word doodling is happening.❤️
Lawrence Hall Jan 2018
The Fifth Karamazov

When young we identify with Alyosha
His optimism and his innocence
His fragile, flowering Orthodox 1 faith
A happy, almost-holy fool for Christ

When older, the sensual Dimitri,
With irresponsible lusts and desires
Grasping for the rewards of the moment
Now, ever now, wanting everything now

Then older still, as intellectual Ivan
Sneeringly aloft, above all faith and flesh
A constructor of systems and ideas
From the back pages of French magazines

Though never do we identify with
Nest-fouling, leering, lurking Smerdyakov
Our secret fear, unspoken fear, death-fear:
That he might be who we untruly are

But hear, O hear, the holy bells of Optina 2
Those Russian messengers 3 singing to us
Inviting us to meet Alyosha again
At Father Zosima’s poor 4 hermitage

1 Russian Orthodox
2 The name of the real monastery upon which Dostoyevsky modeled his fictional one
3 The Brothers Karamazov was first published as a serial in The Russian Messenger
4 Poor only by secular standards
carminayasmin Apr 2018
there is no doctor with a pill
to eliminate walls of loathing affliction.

nor is there a constructor
to knock them down.
12 April 00:10
Un hombre está mirando a una mujer,
está mirándola inmediatamente,
con su mal de tierra suntuosa
y la mira a dos manos
y la tumba a dos pechos
y la mueve a dos hombres.

Pregúntome entonces, oprimiéndome
la enorme, blanca, acérrima costilla:
Y este hombre
¿no tuvo a un niño por creciente padre?
¿ Y esta mujer, a un niño
por constructor de su evidente ****?

Puesto que un niño veo ahora,
niño ciempiés, apasionado, enérgico;
veo que no le ven
sonarse entre los dos, colear, vestirse;
puesto que los acepto,
a ella en condición aumentativa,
a él en la flexión del heno rubio.

Y exclamo entonces, sin cesar ni uno
de vivir, sin volver ni uno
a temblar en la justa que venero:
¡Felicidad seguida
tardíamente del Padre,
del Hijo y de la Madre!
¡Instante redondo,
familiar, que ya nadie siente ni ama!
¡De qué deslumbramiento áfono, tinto,
se ejecuta el cantar de los cantares!
¡De qué tronco, el florido carpintero!
¡De qué perfecta axila, el frágil remo!
¡De qué casco, ambos cascos delanteros!
ConnectHook Apr 2019
I fell hard for the head of that Isaac
(note the gravity of my event).
Over Tombstone I soared, on the winds of the Lord
Until Holliday’s bullets were spent.

Floating iceberg, I challenged Titanic
Single raindrop, got lost in the storm;
Genghis Khan’s mongol horse had ideas, of course
Stalin’s mommy kept baby Joe warm . . .

Perspectives from lesser-known players
May improve the morale of the team;
But a view from the edge of the forty-fifth ledge
Will compel true progressives to scream!

Have you noticed the wave on that wizard,
Washingtonian mage of the West?
You may dislike his ways, but it’s only a phase;
Now admit it; his hair is the BEST.

He’s the Cheeto in charge of your nation
Chief constructor of all that is Great.
Though you’re peeved at your loss, Mr. Drumpf is the boss
And there’s no more excuse for your hate.

I’m the roof on Melania’s husband
Call me carrot-top, call me toupée . . .
You can whine all you want, but I’m here to be blunt:
I’m the night after Democrat day.

I’m the hair on your wonderful leader
Driving liberals mad—and beyond.
The Deplorable’s turn: feel the heat, feel the burn;
Oh hilarious orange!  (No . . . blonde.)
PROMPT #17: write a poem that  presents a scene from an unusual point of view.
Perhaps you could write a poem that presents Sir Isaac Newton’s discovery
from the perspective of the apple.
Or the shootout at the OK Corral
from the viewpoint of a passing vulture.
Or maybe it could be something as everyday as a rainstorm,
as experienced by a raindrop.
A royal enforcer
A king to the throne
A cunning lord; leader
That let it be known
Fierce like a feline
Agile and strong
The decider of fate
For those in the wrong
Fair and deliberate
Constructor of laws  
Don’t be fooled by his whiskers
He’s got razor sharp claws
David Zavala Nov 2018
To write one more is a crime!
To contemplate immortality!
And the nonlinearity of time
To see the sun turn
And my eyes opening
To lose the flea that travels with me
To sit still in a doctor’s office
            Expand! I want more!

The seat that the man sits in to
be designed & the possibilities that
can occur as a swift spark of
the pen occurs again. It takes all day, all day,
                    to achieve the flow
                        that brings
                   creativity, like water being
poured down a toy that shifts the water
from left to right, as designed by its constructor,
and is colored yellow.

What I need is adulthood and normalcy
for our dance to satisfy and
for our creation to be enough as we
stand in suits taking a class photo.

To break from the line and continue
the lineage onwards to humility
because the gap that exist is

too far for a jump.

Our mouths are covered with tape
And we are cautiously out on a date.

Alright, Alright.

Trying to not throw my body on
the world’s stage, as we look upwards at
the king from the terrace on the third floor

Crown on head & we respect but we

“she runs off and we catch her”

& I’m dine & mad rush ends.

We are eating shame I am playing
             ­                          king.

The brown sand beneath our feet
                                  shoes off
                            watching the waves
                             crash into the beach.
The car is in the parking lot. It is
a Mini Van. We bought it in 2003.
We are happy with its maroon color.

May 4th 2018, 2:30pm
Maria Mitea Aug 2024
I woke up with my eyes full of dreams,
I reached out to hold you
you were no more,
no pillow,
nor your gillette smell,
nor your lazy steps,
you were no longer a bohemian poet as you were then in Paris, at midnight,

you became a constructor,  I saw you collecting stones,  building a home on the edge of the world,
you have 3 children, a wife and a goat,
everything is solved,

I made myself a coffee, I sip,
Joep Beving sings "paris s'enflamme",
like a falling leaf, I sip,
without getting lost in thought,
without saying a word,
the rain washes the oaks frowning with old age,
everything is clean like when you are born,
like when you cry and the tears wash your cheeks,
only the roots are curled up, twisted&drunk in the ground,
taking care not to put the forest to sleep, not to bleed,
how simple life is in the light,
how simple everything is,

I finished the coffee&looked at it  for a long time,
only the grounds remained,
when you think how much the bitterness of this Brazilian drink awakens your appetite,
I don't read in it, I throw it in the trash, and
like a snake, crawl under the feather duvet,
I lie down in the egg,
what's left for you to do after the night has stolen the pearl from under your tongue,
sleep further in the pretzel hole,
far far away from the rain and all these frills, masquerade, hoarse poems,
and I say to myself: - how simple everything is,
how simple life is
Silver heart Jul 2020
At age 6 he wanted to be a superhero
At age 8 he wanted to be a constructor
At age 12 he wanted to be A football player
At age 14 he wanted to be well liked
But sadly at age 16
He didn’t make it
Rest In Peace
Anime smarriti
David R May 2021
i look out in the clear crisp air
tinged with salmon glow
a dawning day left in care
of humankind below

woodpigeon visits the balcony
surveying hills' surround
soft contours of grass 'n stony
slopes of ****** ground

then, as one, arise discordant
blocks of grey concrete,
archipelago o' sordid, mordant
ash skeletons incomplete

silhouetted 'gainst gold 'n violet
contrapuntal heavy metal
harsh line of thematic islet
bars 'n blocks for man's settle

slowly skins 'n drapes develop
hewed from mountain's guts
ivoried sandy sheaths envelop
smothering man-made ruts

doors 'n windows, streets 'n cars,
smoke o' gas, light pollution,
blinding sight from sighing stars,
binding man from absolution

but as day breaks her vow of silence
children's voices drift in song,
song of infants, of reliance,
song of learning right from wrong

and with that song of angel's vapour,
with their tune and refrain,
choired cappella of babies' pure
laugh and cry paints grey terrain

in soft hues of rainbow colour
spreading warmth and healing
pink pastel to earth's pallor,
musical waves of feeling

with His baton, smiles Conductor,
hands upraised in swift tempo,
with His eyes, Master constructor,
signals world to 'onward go'.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
cmp Oct 2020
it would appear that roads or paths set direction
though not all paths need construction
hence throughout era all roads cover elusive paths

hence though strive of living script i represent
a constructor of indeterminate road or path
whom determined to nor govern or fully grasp
all's predestined course of direction or distance

— The End —