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JR Potts May 2016
I have yet to know a self I can call my own,
wandering through these bodies
the way one would try on clothes
but far deeper
than this analogy could ever dig,
I live with these identities.

I fall for them
the way lovers do in autumn,
keen that the coming winter
will leave me yearning
for the comfort of another,
but no sooner do the bells of spring
begin to ring in summer air
does the necessity of this comfort fade.
The temptation of sweeter fruit
hangs above me in the orchard shade
and an affluenza of potential
almost coerces me to stay.

Though no self have ever felt my own
I know within my heart, within my blood
and in my bones, more than anything
I am compelled to grow
towards entropy and complexity,
ascending, never settling at any plateau
a silverback drumming his barrel chest
and roaring into the void of the valley below
“What is next for me!”

and the answer is silence
(I should have known)
Edmund Ashley Jan 2019
Its Love I'm not sure of

People and places,
Life's got its own races,
Good or bad, life gives chances,
Mine with you, never noncoincidence.

Things happen for a reason maybe,
But with time I just knew you'll be,
Something I've envisaged for thee,
A partner for who you'd be.

Many things go for a sight to heart,
Yours did for a hair at that,
My preferences subdue to that,
Yours worked on me like a ****.

I'm indulged,
I babble over thoughts of us, I overindulge,
Man up I say, as affections bulge,
To a lone night of clean "thoughts with no smudge".

Oblivious to a public scene,
I make my first words seen,
Chivalrously I ask "to be seen",
Optimistic of a positive answer forseen.

You shrunk my optimism,
Hallucinated my pessimism,
With thoughts if I'd pulled a solecism,
Thoughts that rhyme with barbarism.

A turn off? I thought less,
My heart taught me to care less,
And to mind less,
Cause you'd still "come first".

Trust your heart,
guard the parts,
It assumes the innermost thoughts of both paths,
And coerces the being to act.

You trusted your heart,
Guarded the parts,
Your were coerced to find my path,
I was happy to have you back.

It all goes good,
Feels like hunger found food,
Thoughts drain like words in a big book,
Out like a baby, 9 out of the womb.

Loves in the obscure,
Not too bright to be lured,
Maybe its too early to sense pure,
What about...we're just not sure?

Conversations glitter,
Feels better than never,
We found ourselves, 'cause we talk better,
All nights, its ours to getter.

But wait, I'd assume time rather hop's,
With that, we can account for times we never talk,
When daft blue ticks are the norm,
Emoji replies bare the nigh-dialogue.

You initially thought we had something,
I did think so too, same thing,
But we look lost, close to nothing,
Maybe we aren't doing the necessary "fighting".

For a while its lost,
We're gone, for short!
Maybe we should have taken a shot,
To keep our life span for talks not short.

But things fall apart,
Maybe only when Achibe laughs,
But life has its own true paths,
Maybe for who compulsorily have to cross paths.

Little fires spark a big flame, indeed,
Maybe we realise we both are in need,
Of each others warm needs,
Maybe were both tired of a boring deed.

Lets rekindle us. A date?
Sounds good. It definitely deserves the wait,
Love talk, you'd guess, or? lets not exaggerate,
The day schedules a good date.

Alas, she's late, but its queen,
She deserves the big scene,
With a nice dress in green,
She'll pass as my queen.

Fun food time goes quintessential,
Night time in urban city? Cinema is essential,
Got us dazzling with thoughts of us not in denial,
Possible lovers? we did the conventional.

Cozy moments, things get sweet,
You'd actually feel love's heat,
It burns, rather internally in the heart,
Its an affection you'd never want to thwart.

Trigger triggers, what's triggered?
Ardour, lust, infatuation, love fad, love, what's desired?
Passion grows for each other, both admired,
Actions? Long talks no one gets tired.

Do you call it sudden love, lust, infatuation?
The words are lost find one with a good definition,
Feels are strong and great, feels like never diminishing,
But experience says, its love I'm not sure of, finishing.
The poem talks primarily of an unsure love I have for someone. I narrated poetically how we met, and how things have gone since. Up and down. Wasn't a strong bond even tho we both had a crush, but it recently and suddenly has become an inevitable affair and you'd ask? Is it love? Well I'm still not sure of.

Some stanzas explained.
"Many things go for a sight to heart,
Yours did for a hair at that,
My preferences subdue to that,
Yours worked on me like a ****." - I basically meant her nice Afro was what influenced my crush on her. I like Afro hair a lot.

Oblivious to a public scene,
I make my first words seen,
Chivalrously I ask "to be seen",
Optimistic of a positive answer forseen." - In a full class I go to her and ask for her number, hoping she'd give me.

"You shrunk my optimism,
Hallucinated my pessimism,
With thoughts if I'd pulled a solecism,
Thoughts that rhyme with barbarism." - My bad she didn't.

"You trusted your heart,
Guarded the parts,
Your were coerced to find my path,
I was happy to have you back." - She later took my number from a friend and texted me.

"But wait, I'd assume time rather hop's,
With that, we can account for times we never talk,
When daft blue ticks are the norm,
Emoji replies bare the nigh-dialogue." - We stop talking like we used to.

"But things fall apart,
Maybe only when Achibe laughs,
But life has its own true paths,
Maybe for who compulsorily have to cross paths." - I believe things can go wrong. Chinua Achibe is the Auhor of the book "Things fall apart", and on its cover he has this nice smile. So maybe the book's title makes him laugh (smile). And I believe perhaps maybe life thinks we definitely have to get something between us. Even for once.

"Little fires spark a big flame, indeed,
Maybe we realise we both are in need,
Of each others warm needs,
Maybe were both tired of a boring deed." - Our usual texts are "how are you". That's it. But looking at our chats we both do realise we need more than that.

"Lets rekindle us. A date?
Sounds good. It definitely deserves the wait,
Love talk, you'd guess, or ? lets not exaggerate,
The day schedules a good date." - We try and plan a date in one of our conversations.

"Trigger triggers, what's triggered?
Ardour, lust, infatuation, love fad, love, what's desired?
Passion grows for each other, both admired,
Actions? Long talks no one gets tired." - Something's changed! After the date! Its so intense you wouldn't know what it is. Is it us?

And as a thinking boy, its headache - A "love I'm not sure of"......
Saige May 2013
Because beauty lies in minerals and chalk,
and outlandish tinctures remedy physical faults
with pastes and goo,
the daily ritual of painting flesh,
disguising ourselves from a social stigma,
compels and consumes us

Obsession over minute details,
driven by the incessant narcissism
of a portentous society,
coerces us into proclivity,
so that each day we worship a virtual image,
mere reflected light

Because of all the reticulated bones and fat and blood,
sustaining life-functions and supporting the capability intelligence
which we rarely take steps to refine,
and of the independent, incognizant cells,
working ensemble circuitously,
the web which imprisons it all is most beautiful.
Because we worship our reflections.
Lightbulb Martin Jan 2014
One thing I'll delight.

Poetry is challenge
Made constant.

unnerving unwordy
pilfering deposits
on surety.

there is forever an
unfound to unveil.

But only if/when
Fright is kept inside you
whilst writing or wiling
In every day.
Not fright meaning scares
Or terror mined despair.
In its stead adopt a fealty

To the unknown unknown!
To not knowing what
exactly or even a glancing
What unknown which

So Seek Servitude
in unsolvable.
Embrace imalleable
Modern mystery.

Absolved of any certainty
completes an unintended
Our lack
of knowledge
is the only solid
Peace of Knowledge
we can grasp.

To (not really) quote Biggie Smalls
you don't know what's unknown

It's a Mitzvah this thing
Our one our only blessing

Because truly this
is what compels
And Coerces
A need to create.
Robyn Kekacs Apr 2012
I feel as though I have found peace, as the pieces have found me
Stuck to my skin, want to push within
But for now I let them be.
I'll drink with you tonight my friends, let laughter build me so elate
But at home my mind waits
Thoughts are clawing through gates
It purrs as it asks, "Why so late?"
I sink to the abyss, bobbing my head
Trying so hard to tread in these doubts and these bouts
As soon as something's clarified it finds a hole and flourishes
And the fears I've repressed, it nourishes
The animal inside that coerces me to abide
And let it have my courage.

"Let yourself feel what you feel,"
It's not hard to argue that the feeling is real
It's primal, this feeling
But still keeps me reeling every time you've upset to a point where I'm lost.
And even in these times of tough navigation
I find brutal elation in the fact that you want me
So stay, disappoint me, corrode while I watch thee
A same mistake twice is just one time to little
Because I know you take pleasure in the way you belittle.

That soft, sensitive side turns so raw, becomes blind
My words hit like seashells on diamond, and slide
The hopelessness curls in my stomach and sighs
Just a night gone awry, just a night gone awry.
Dave Bas Nov 2010
I am drowning now at mine own hands
Praying with all mine heart
Wishing with all mine soul
Working with all the strength I can procure and finding more

My faith is strong
My hope is infinite
My love endless
We will be together once again

All pleasure is gone
Every muscle is strained
Each of mine thoughts endless
For you are my flame

God has embraced me
Life has carried me
Divinity has  consoled me
For without you I cease to be

His word holds me
His love endures me
His will humbles me
For I feel we are destined to be

My logic escapes me
My design is erased from me
My being is distorted
You have taught me to love

Before you I refused to care
Until you I knew not of joy
Because of you I learned affection
I know this to be certainty

In the face of all reason
Despite all explanation
In spite all my knowledge and comprehension
I have faith We are written as providence

I am prepared to make any sacrifice
I am ready to make any surrender
I am ready to gamble on any chance
To have you in my soul eternally

I will not resign  my faith
I will not  relinquish my hope
I will not  yield love
For that is the man he has made in me

You loved me at my darkest point
You cared for me at the pit of my life
You gave me devotion at my abyss
I refuse to accept the that there is no salvation

I shall be infinitely honorable
I shall be perpetually courageous
I shall be committed to no soul or heart but yours

I shall wade the deepest waters
I shall ascend the highest peak
I shall brave the greatest beast
To attest our destiny

I provide you my devotion
I bestow unto you my integrity
I present to you all of my adoration
I present to you all of myself to do with as you desire

Why I sense this is I am uncertain
Regardless of my efforts I cannot eliminate it
All my being refuses to weaken it
Therefore I must embrace it and toil to render it genuine

My faith makes no barrier to great
My hope permits no submission
My love will not tolerate desertion
For you warrant all the struggle in the cosmos

The Lord gives me the words
He gives me the perseverance
He coerces my labors
For this rationale it is offensive to terminate

If this be my lunacy
If my toil be futile
If my risk be fruitless
I will feel no anger nor spite for you are worth the peril

For He has said
For  He has predestined
For he has instructed
That my pains be commenced despite my reservations

My faith continues me
My hope risks all
My love knows no bounds
For I beyond doubt believe we are destined

Faith without works is dead
Hope in God for I shall yet praise Him
Love covers all sin
For he gave us these gifts three faith hope and love but the greatest of these is love
Andrew Geary Dec 2014
The pit of hell eclipses the ******
toilets in the mind of the lone security guard.
He had informed the right people
of the breath of feces spoiling the air,
the spilling of porta-potties dampening
the earth and a girl’s smelly shoes.

But now a man onstage informs, “Um,
there’s a fire…” The mountain of flame
overtakes the crowd. A 10 year-old barks
at the *** onstage. The last guard
ditches the show.

And Ted tosses an empty can where others
have piled, smells something. His friends
were taken by the crowd, purple darkens
on his arm and he wishes he was less bored.
He follows two pretty girls (finally!) but a group
of pale apes finds them and coerces their flesh to be
revealed. He tries to catch the cacophony in the air,
but noise bludgeons. Soon smoke
engulfs the night. Ted makes it home.
Unknown Jun 2014
Beneath the Willow Tree
Below the canopy of leaves
She sits in silence
The embodiment of Nature
In all her perfection

Blades of grass dance
Free from worry
Within the shadow of her protection

Branches of new beginnings
Beckoned skyward with the crook of her finger
Like so many bodies
Searching for the touch of life

Petals wander carelessly
Upon the whispers of the gentle wind
Beauty finds hope in the blue sky
And the golden rays of warmth
Light a smile on her face

Beneath the Willow Tree
I melt into the soil
Open and release my soul
Under her watchful gaze
Feeding on the wonders
Found only in her kiss

Her gentle embrace coerces eyes to open
Hands to splay over the small of her back
And tongues to seek hidden pleasure
In the fruits of her ambition

Eternal bliss is found here
In the endless ocean of knowledge
The outside

Nature is the purest of hearts
That holds a place for all
W A Marshall Jun 2014
by: W. A. Marshall

the spherical motion
a pedal clicked in chrome
like pistons on a train
this continual flowing
equalized organization
of carbon-fiber, trickling over
soft tar and grit -
alfalfa dancing like
a thousand green strippers
for the pastured stallion
goldfinches with spring plumage
and red winged black-birds
cautioning the field
my escort into
the silent winds
a conflict that coerces
blood further inside
my swollen veins,
and my lungs and heart
labor to find fresh air
in a country of drivers
with disturbed faces
in vehicles that hurry by
fading into oblivion
but I and thou glide firmly
burning –
in the moment
of my self-contained
My time out there...
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2016
man might suffocate under much less that expected of such concern; with such concern the least he can ascribe is worthy of an echo, or lost pedigree, or the forgotten remains.*

if bygone twice
the angel-wing,
a pigeon-****
and thrice the bowler-hat
of luck on the parade
of Trafalgar, then
my third Nelson hand
to shake a congratulation
to flick off Napoleon's
bi-corn to make a twangy
tango with four lions
rather than three
to make the shirt, and that too
was worth a kangaroo pouch
of son prior the father,
Jim prior to Timothy -
and the rest is, as they say is Lincoln
on Mt. Rushmore - thank
god i read the Marquis de Sade
too early,
to pervert myself with the French than
anticipate the English.
my first love was my father,
and the latter came, litany's oeuvre,
to which i sentenced my love
a caricature, and with each breath a loss...
what i might call a U-boat...
and that too was once a graffiti and tattoo
O days when a love for father coerces
the love for splendour - for he abandoned by both
mother and father and crucifix...
and kept idiotic chastised and chiselled...
to pigeon shape Gabriel
and crow croak Satan
and eagle aloof Raphael -
and with whatever tear to shed,
i shed..  with no eyes... blind - my tears
have wedded me to being blind.
Alice Lovey Jul 2018
I'm blunt and outspoken,
But easily heartbroken.
So truthfully, it’s best to lie.
Or perhaps I  should say, “hide.”
It’s best to hide hesitance than to let it reside
In every day conversational tides—
Pushing and pulling erratically, yet expectedly
Like my tug-of-war thoughts
The ones that route me to rot
Like my wrought iron that rusts
Until the build up coerces me to combust
At the worst possible times.  
It’s best to delude that I’m fine,
Or should I allude it’s easier to whine
Online to anonymous shrines
Like this one?
It’s easier to remind myself
What’s “for the best.” “Each obstacle is a test.”
What I should do. What I shouldn’t.
What I’d give and what you wouldn’t, couldn’t and that I needn’t care.
“It’s best now to carry on,”
To claim I don’t want what I want and
That what I do want is wrong.

Is it wrong to pursue our desires?
Wasn't a forward girl required?
Or are we simply left reticent liars?
It's always the stagnancy of which I tire.
trf Oct 2017
my orientation, pixelated on the small screen, tells me where to go.
like pavlov's dog, a ping rings and i obey.
                                                           ­   foggy nights, nature plays her role.
  coordinates escape as the device lethargically reroutes my landscape.

"follow me", SHE insists, british accent and all,
redirecting my already adjunct journey.
"you have arrived at your destination".
                       what does that mean? is this the place?
must be.

a child born or circumstance coerces my mind to meander and i move.
always and forever to the tune of progression.
not understanding infinity, the boy smiles, relinquishing my worry.
he does not yet know these depths his daddy will wander the world seeking HIS peace for the sake of my solitude.

I am merely a speck on a flea living on a fish in a vast sea.
he, the lighthouse, guides me through these deep dark waters.
as the waves churn and churn,
a million miles were traversed to affirm; this type of love

Reaper Dec 2018
I escape into a volatile world with her

Tongues dance in delight
As our mouths lock
Our starved hands claw at our worldly bonds
Revealing the soft heated flesh below

Her soft voluptuous *****
Pure warmth and joy in my hands
As my fingers dance around her elevated peaks

Our pelvises divulge the urge to grate against one another
Like tectonic plates pushed to the precipice of fault

Blood coerces through my ever beating veins
My now rigid endowment pulsates to the pace of my heart

As my fingers now sink down between her heated thighs
Like an oasis to my thirsty finger tips
I glide through her

Sounds of her hushed groans fill my ears
As the desire to fulfill my thirst occupies the rest of me

I press myself to her scorching gate and enter
Lustful thrusts give way to a flooding of eroticism
Nerve endings pushed to the limit of their senses
Before eruptions of passion soften into tremors

The world around us evaporates and only our eyes remain
Fixated on each other
I feel contentment and a thirst for more...

Experience not easily forgotten
Steve Page Jan 2018
Make your unwanted advances
- on the ****** predators.
Place an uninvited unmistakable hand
on the casual grazers
the brokers
*** negotiators
anyone who assumes
his entitlement
to sate his primal appetite
by right
anyone who
in order to pick away
at a vulnerable soul.
Now's the time to shout
to call him out
and expose him
to unforgiving light
reversing the shame
in bare plain sight.
And there you'll find
you don't have to fight alone.
No, he'll be shown that
you were never on your own
and together
we can show society
that we stand defiantly
claiming the right
for all to live beautifully
free of each and every
*** starved bully.
Come out now
and claim your life
and live it truely fully.
2017 brought us many things. A turn of the tide on *** predators was one of them.
Travis Green Dec 2021
Can we lay naked on your bed
Let your hands ***** my delicately flowered perfumed skin
Feel your glorious manliness, pure lip balm
On your fresh, irresistible lips
Intense eccentric eyes that coerces me to melt
I long for you to devour my striking feminine beauty
Enchant me, my shimmering and man-nificent king
Caress me all over, cherish every inch of my being
Tell me what you want to do tonight
Because I have no plans to be anywhere else
With you is where I want to be
Get real chill, embrace the heat
Experience the magicalenss
Kiss me a thousand times
Finesse me desirously
Unearth my superbness
Turn me around
Drip ice down my spine
Hypnotize me
Send me to paradise
Where I can delight in your masculineness

— The End —