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Nevermore Apr 2015
I pulled back the thicket
Brambles and thorns
Bordering my mind
Inch by inch
To let you slip inside


I hope you don't mind
The pestilent storm of neuroses
The angry winds whipping around
Eroding my cognition

(They all say
I ought to stop overthinking

They don't know the half of it)

Pardon the mess
The litter of apprehensions
Flotsam and jetsam of rumination
Tangles of tangents
Smog of chimeric thoughts
Sticky rambles festering in the corner
Acidic drizzle
Of obstinate wayward tunes
Insecurity and fear
Eating into the pillars and foundations

If you don't mind terribly
The clatter of sleet
The noisome fumes
The skittering vermin
The sheer clutter
That would make packrats shake their heads

If you don't mind
At all
Would you stay?
To my geisha. Welcome. (Watch your step.)
Wil Wynn Jan 2010
check it out check it out
chic chicky boom chicky boom chic chic
it's da state of this here disunion
this here bangalore torpedo seeks yer minefields
this here suffering hero
crows about         strafes
multitudes                 peripherally
****** blind prophets
chic chicky boom chicky boom chic chic
it's nothing but beginning
of  beginning & z end of approximation
time's sweet angry subluxation
universal caving in on U & U
chic chicky boom chicky boom chic chic
when was z last time U really loved
i mean really really really loved
ha i could only hold to z imagination
z skeleton z allegory z myth
'cause everything slides & falls
screams careens outta control
chic chicky boom chicky boom chic chic
she brought in
is z caustic effervescence of her wit
eroding my sandy castle of deceit?
ha and repeat ha
chic chicky boom chicky boom chic chic
forgive-me-notes are written high
on z forehead of my despair
a cursive flowing interdiction
malediction cruxifiction err-u-diction
in each pyrotechnic moment when we don't see I-to-I
on anything relevant to what we once hoped was us
but we continue dance dance dance
perseveration aberration indiscretion cha-cha-cha
chic chicky boom chicky boom chic chic
she said *** is z engine of z world
like engine like world like ***
like like like
could say no more
oh it's tiresome to go on
describing that chimeric uniting
flesh-to-flesh-in-flesh eliding
we all are guilty of
do not end a line with a preposition such as
that or a proposition such as this:
given angle a prove that old triangle theorem
two simultaneous loves don't make a right
cherchez les angles les anglais la bon mot
ya know
chic chicky boom chicky boom chic chic
when i die please  bury me upside down
prone to z ground making dead love to earth ya kno
while the centuries lie down next to me
chic chicky boom chicky boom chic chic
chic chicky boom chicky boom chic chic
chic chicky boom chicky boom chic chic
bex Aug 2017
So... What if I flew too close to the sun,
cimbing steadily through the open air
and my feathers all fell off, one by one.

Freedom and a reckless moment of fun
mixed with a child's propensity to err...
I know I will fly too close to the sun.

I left the earth with my song, still unsung,
drifted along, alone, without a care
and my feathers all fell off, one by one.

A chimeric mirage, to which I clung
and I pleaded Fates, my wings to repair.
So what, if I flew too close to the sun.

The journey over, quick as it'd begun.
Shining bright was the sun's terrible glare,
and my feathers all fell off, one by one.

The path once chosen, could not be undone
when caught in simple, Fates' auspicious snare.
So... What if I flew too close to the sun,
and my feathers all fell off, one by one?
Chandra S Nov 2019
You asked:
"How you came to your dead end?"

How did I?
Perhaps too much of chasing butterflies,
or maybe running barefoot in hot, avid pursuit
of those looping, berserk kites

adrift like airborne serpents

in delirious evening skies.

Then there were those chimeric rainbows -
sedately fantastic illusions of dream jobs,
and loving homes with ambrosial glows.

They all eventually led to the same prosaic end,
for, any-which-way, all roads wound up
at appropriately conventional
and consequently beaten bend.

Till the chase went on, it was the same old story -
All fulfilled ambition promptly subject to
increasingly falling marginal utility.

After all of it was said and done,
every little crown lost and won,
the agony of the question still remained
no last words arose,
to which to exclaim and say Yay!

Life had me in its hook. See:?
while this is what it meant to be free: !

Fossilized in my den, I stared wistfully
at life's irrevocable loose ends
and this is how my friend
I arrived at my proverbial dead ends.
Inspired by the question in a poem by Inner Incognito at


Sad you are?
Join the club!
I think you'll find there's plenty of

like headed minds and wandered souls
On the path to pay the toll
But like all paths we're headed down
If stayed the course you'll come around
So pick a seat and tell us friend

How you came to your dead end.

© Inner Incognito, 2019
Lendon Partain Dec 2019
I had Your
You're eyes can't see me
The locket
I never got to give you
Would have held
Our Secrets
Had i got the time

Time Fell off,
the Veneer of our love
the body
Of our Chimera

Teeth, Fallout,

We cant share these,
the body of our Chimera

A Siamese foot out of the casket
the dependence of mind
the body of our Chimera

I lay on,
Top of you
coddling our parts pressed
trying, Melt in you
or just fall out into you

mixing waxes from two evils

our sick busted brains

The body dead
of our Chimera.

I hold our throat together, so it falls not apart, no  words can come out, trapped, in the forest of ivory monoliths and the strongest miscarriages, and you pull back the hammer, we fall to the black.

Becoming one with your partner till it kills you to death.
Aiden C Oct 2010
the beginning was a serrated dawn
past and imaginations folded
like the creased edges of a paper fan

raindrops were not calculated trajectories
I had once forced upon myself

but a distant memory
unbeknownst to those who never look past
the tide of their vision
impressions pressed into our days
duties followed; marching to the beat of predecessors

yet the tide rolls in
forevermore relinquishing celestial pull

twilight falls with grievances long overdue
the water births it's friction
straying from wind's course

the end was a planate dusk
chimeric chances and futures rejoiced
like the musical notes of the breeze
the paper fan now blew
©Aiden Crowe
i have a cut on the bottom of my foot
how, i don’t know
when, i don’t know
it merely appeared one morning
i was drowning in cold sweat
i was choking in all that sunshine
and in my transparent
chimeric dream state
birds’ song and memory
became intertwined

i think i lit a fire the night before
i think i found a begging hand
and slammed it in the door
i think i still was guilty
and ridden with malaise
i think i hung my coat in smoke
beside my crafted blaze
to cover up the stench
of my last few days

so i awoke
with this cut, as i said
barely stitched together
by eager hands of fibroblasts
coagulation had amassed
futility in its efforts
for on discovering this cut
and the soreness that enveloped it
i crushed the meat
between my fingers
until the milk of infection
and blood of my veins
flooded in release of pain
broke the binding scabbing chain
and the fleshy chasm still remained

that day i spent repenting
or correcting, i should say
for as the morning trudged along
i found the casualties of my ways:
an opportunity slaughtered
that a coward wouldn’t save
a friend beneath a boulder
in the belly of a cave
and a innocent life
in that drowsy night
found my tires
as its grave

but with all the mistakes i’m sure i’ve made
with all the morals my moves degrade
with all the arrogance i parade
and all the faces of my charade
i know a hole of regret
where my heart should be put

yet i only wish i was not beset
by this cut upon my foot
In that sacred instant, the lacerated Marie approaches her and invites her to settle on the table that was also fractured, both of them sit arranging the items that were still intact. Marie calls him Lazarus and he admits it with a gesture, he takes the ointment and places it on the table near the feet where they had left the icon on the table. The innopia of time was accessed in the source that was overflowing with ciphers, which mediate between the anointings of the omega liturgy that arose in a chimeric, which arises from the same temporal support from the ruins of Agios Andreas to Bethany, to its An iconographic extension that gouged the ointments that were overthrown by the gutters on the faces of both, Marie and Lazarus, but also Simón bilocated in Lázaro himself. The embalms and musks spilled everywhere, even reaching the crest of the Estinfalos that dated with the desire to free themselves, since Ayia Andreas rarely tried to trap them in the conferred of María, Marta, and Lazarus, with the triangulation that was content with the balms for the head and the blessed feet of the Lord, when pointing out that he came from his head and that he incarnated the Seventh Heaven, that his feet were already set in the house of Simon the Pharisee and not in the house of the Brothers of Bethany, joining with Mary Madalena as the unified professed of Bethany in their hearts. The anointing inked the sky of Jesus with his head of red blood cells and vapors of Lilies, and the ground crowning Limbo on the third day of Anastasis.

Marie's anointing witnessed the flood of seven soulless beings, who vexed her island in the disciple, who apprehended herself in the affection of the Bethany brothers, anointing her looming and faithful ***** Lazarus, anointing him without measuring or excepting the amounts of incense that They fell from the head of the icon, which spilled it from his hair on both of them who were posthumous minutes of Kairos, containing the bequeath of a fractured poly Christ and completely replaced as a saved icon, as it did with Lazarus of Betania, now Lazarus of Spinalonga. The afternoon was getting dark and the perfumes lost their effect, both of them having to get up from the table, similar to an improvised Matakis, with great similarity to a majestic quadrangular triclinium, for furniture that was made of living flesh to heal them in the interval of the hours. Lazarus lacerations starting on his left leg. Everything was already a post-Betanian conciliation, which foreshadowed guarantees even beyond the ascended soul, with bread, jugs of wine, and swift prayers of cheers, which led them out of the conventual of the island, towards the aggregates of the Estinfalos who called them to crown themselves. over them, anticipating the premonitory and appropriate musks to say goodbye to this Expiring Cenacle between two entities, rising in the bronze elytra with the others to rule their true owners.
Vianne Lior Feb 22
Opal tendrils writhe,
sylphic breaths gild ebon tides,
vellichor unspools.

Fay Slimm May 2016
The Farside's Face.

The wish of a painter or poet is to transport
the spirit's deep emotion by pausing
in awe at day or night's high-vaulted scene,
transposing its  beauty to dreams,

then viewing grass as more than green.

An alchemist with no interest in gold
invests time between folds,
finds in the sky thermals on which

to soar on fancy or some surreal whim
to make jasper of sea,  jade of dawn

and perceive gems hidden in flora's form.

A seer catches the farside's face
and traces that world in sentence or paint,
chimeric in nature an artist
whose eye encounters rock gives it heart,
transforms by description  
accepted mundane into mystic meaning,
adds soft to feather, colour to blur

and improves the initial by seeing further.

It is said that fine art opens doors
to show the extraordinary as but normal,
for the good poet or painter
ranks as foremost importance a felt magic

when met with empty paper or canvas.
it is very dread
when the chairs, chimeric,
sun an afternoon.

eclectic cats also
partake, but

as they sun;
their dread looks
upon the chairs
M Padin Dec 2016
The sun casts long shadows upon the lawn
As a man races for that distant point—
a heedless body of effulgent brawn,
brighter still than the gleaming stars at dawn.

In him the earth and heavens are joint,
like a chimeric animal, a faun.

But only insofar as he is free
from the accursed gleist and its petty plea.
(c) 2016
Seventeen special K
vanished into thin air
in one fell swoop life savings
fraudulent fiend did clear
yours truly duped
courtesy scammer with consummate flair
rowdies in peanut gallery doth jeer
raucous insult to injury outware
any remaining shred,
where peace of mind concerned
unraveling threads feeling victimized
Harvey Specter's lobbed hand grenades
fractured, exploded, destroyed... psyche
how mean spirited and unfair.

Amidst din in noggin
analogous to tower of Babel
meaningless mysterious cable
enclosed holding key
to deliver remuneration
bringing tears of joy
and Hollywood ending
to torturous surreal fable
decrypted applying
following conversion table
7.15 13.5
fiasco from fraudster
(fiendish) frazzles father
would elicit flickering salvation.

I still haint reckoned with reality
and shake me head in disbelief
mourning forsaken legal tender
while yours truly merrily
strolling along information superhighway
unexpected encountering grief
sorely missing nest egg
linkedin with devilish scheme hatched
when computer hacker
impersonating Apple technician
lured me into a virtual net.

He (who spoke
with a clipped English affect)
his trust earned,
though no questions I asked him,
thus never double checked
truthfulness of authenticity
regarding his being credentialed
by Apple Computer Company
only after the fact painfully learning
checking and savings accounts wrecked.

Expertise with fleecing
sheepish folks like me
most likely found him laughing
all the way to the bank
donning poised demeanor ernest and frank
allowed, enabled, and provided
being emboldened, empowered
to pull off heist,
which legerdemain possibly refined
playing many a boyhood prank
pull the wool over my eyes
and extracting legal tender
he slyly, knowingly,
and deftly did yank

key personal information
compromising willpower to remain alive,
whereat suicidal ideation
(via prescription medication overdose)
teases as modus operandi to escape
death by a thousand cuts
unsure how I can weather insolvency,
a bitter battle to survive
and bear witness to monies thrive.
bulletcookie May 2016
Opaque, this darker dream-
Curls smoke like in thought
migrating to wispy seems
seeping, accumulating aught
no exit, zero visibility, fog rock
rolling past and whether foul
Ideas escape into this chimeric night
hungover precipice looking out to see
Land **!, out on open main's might
till morning winds from tempest seas
sail our vessel clear, reef and rock
rolling in crested white, jet black waves
scrolls this lemniscus day's clock
feeling shivering cloud bank gray
as bell peal tolls a breaker's pull

Avery Smith May 2019
I heard you whisper pulse into placidity
lay words into the earth
river to rhapsody
drum devilline deception
summon veiled depravity  

I’ve no shame in temptation
only in myself

Chimeric savaged soul
captive silken suffering
rabid nirvana
flood my bloodied conscience
with rosebud delirium
TheMystiqueTrail Sep 2018
When the Flamingos return home
with their pink flourish flaring up the horizon,
my shadow grows taller, stranger.

At an untidy pace, it grows,
swifter than my feet,
outsmarting my sanity.

With contours blurred to a hazy oblivion,
a stranger to me I become. I search me
hiding in the shadow of a Chimeric illusion.

My impish shadow plays hide and seek -
long in the morning,
weeny at noon,
weird again in the evening, but
never it leaves me!

When Flamingos return home,
it cruises with the setting sun
across the mystical waters
beneath the earth
to return to me
with the blissful colours
of a new dawn!
Fay Slimm Dec 2016
The wish of a painter or poet is to transport
spirit's emotion
by stopping in awe at night's
vaulted scene
and viewing grassland as more than green.

An alchemist with no interest in gold
takes up better investment,
finds a thermal to soar on fancy or some
updraught for imagination
to make jasper of sea, jade of dawn
and perceive jewels hiding in shape or form.

A seer catches the farside's face
and traces that world in sentence or paint,
chimeric in nature an artist
whose eye encounters rock gives it heart,
transforms by description the seen
as mundane to have mystic meaning,
adds soft to feather, colour to blur
and improves initial by depicting further.

It is said that fine art opens doors
to show extraordinary as but quite normal
for good poet or painter
ranks magic as foremost importance when
met with blank canvas
Tiana Lloyd Mar 2018
I Entrusted you
With My Being, My Essence, My Life.
Displayed my Chimeric Tormented Spirit—
Bared my Skin and Shed my Soul
I showed you the depths of my Hurt—
An endless Chasm—
Suffocating Wretchedness,
Spoke to you of True Pain—
Endless torture; boundless ruptures
Tumultuous Lightning Storms
Within My Chest,
Of Sorrow Simultaneous—
Drowining in Tears
Too Bold to Shed.
You viewed my sacred landscape
Riddled with War
Ravaged by the Merciless
***** by those who plant
Seeds of Birth...
And still Brought only
My Blackened Heart further Decaying...
In your Hands—
A Testament to My Desolation
My Wrath.
You Squeezed—
Forgetting you weren’t the First—
VL Shade Feb 27
when i spilled onto this earth,
i was born with a human head
and a mane
no one thought anything strange about this
of course
not so strange to have a mane
i was just ahead of the curve
(which would not be a trend)

i grew and so did my mane
it blossomed bushily
i got my name
and, when the first fist arrived at my ribcage,
i got my first fang

sulfurous and shaking
rank marlboro breath
reeking from sorry bones he called teeth
the first of many came
and showed me that my human head
was soft
and surprisingly springy
bouncing with less pain than i thought
off of banisters
and landings
(ironically named the moment you land on one,
don’t you think?
but i digress)

must have been from all that bouncing
that my human head began
to shift
into something else
but it was made real the moment
those haunted knuckles knocked on the door to my heart
my jaw snapped
like my mind
and i bit
just bit
deep and visceral
his glazed eyes wide
with surprise
maybe fear
(although not for long
before the first was joined
by the second
as i sailed away through the air
about to bless a landing with its purpose
i saw the arc
monument of my malicious maw
broken into skin
an insidious smile
but not that of a child
my head was a lions now
as my follicles foresaw
on my zeroth day

i was eight when i got my horns
it was surprising actually
third week of third grade
prismatic fissures of light
creating colorful schisms
in the asphalt of the church’s parking lot
i drank in the bittersweet view
as my face fell toward it
my travel sponsored by another boy
more sadism than sense
and two years past the rest
a fact never languished on for long

as most trophy hunters do,
he inspected his ****
a little too much hubris
about a little thing he just did
my chubby form rose
like Dracula from his coffin at dusk
stiff and unyielding
despite the protestations of my body below
and delivered my forehead to his own
the eponymous number of times
face newly painted in a scarlet shade
half blood below the skin
half above
he said you’re crazy
i didn’t know he was right, you see?
so that statement very much offended me
and so i added one to my quota and left
the nuns told me not to be so stubborn
not to hurt other kids
Jesus would turn the other cheek, they said
but Jesus also turned up dead
they said i was stubborn as a goat
my hair wild and unkempt
canines glistening wetly with blood
and, as if to suggest it knew what a goat was,
a **** on my scalp split open
just a bit more
just enough for sable spirals to rush forth

i was thirteen when i got my venom
(unfinished but i have always loved this one especially 🖤)
fatdogz Oct 2020
Last Winter,
the coldest place to be
was perched upon that balcony,
testing the frigid air.
You could find me overlooking there.
Watching my breath linger, then fade,
the figures of people walking away.
Expanding with strides unbroken,
their anachronistic spots of motion.
Fervent still-lives swapping each second,
flashing, their haystack destinies beckon.
Each step they continue, each foot they shrink,
"tiny infinities" I like to think.
Again, my old listless demon calls,
and the day's porcelain sky begins its fall.
A thin coat, a chimeric chair,
you could find me overlooking there.
With hands loafing, catching snow,
I'm pretending I'm not below.
Written to unwind after a stressful day, thinking about willful ignorance and avoidance, and about how it's about time to grow up and stop doing all that.
unspokenwords25 Aug 2018
Dried ink, cursive words
chalk a picture vibrant
Maybe fighting upon a dragon mighty
or roaming a wildflower meadow
with dainty pixies
A world of violet eyes
And chimeric scripture
Better still, Adoration
sweet blushes
warm blanketed hugs
or maybe passionate anguish
sharp strokes of pain
a bitter cup of salty tears
awe of the sights
castles in bubbles
riding on floating droplets
Really, anything u can conjure
like a magician with his tricks
The sheer power of faded ink
Chimeric and illusory
My vision a child
Eyes full of wonder
Hope is like light
In the dark of possibility

Begging from fates
Befriended by muses
Lips gone cold early
Strangers sleep in my bed

Seeing behind
Is a trick and no magic
Belief is a construct
Alone in our minds

Demons rage and rotate
From pole to pole to pole
Further destroying the field
Laying me bare to the sun

Where all of my doubts
Become memory's bad dreams
And morning reveals that I'm usually still
battle scarred shocked and weary
after a solid month of them
non-stop noise the cannon carry
cannon carry them
carry until the trenches fill
with brother's blood soak the hill
with death dis-ease and disentery

the hero's task at length is laid
yet insanity instantly draws his pay
in far off looks and broken gaze
it be death alone
death alone that saves
legion eyes focused far away
as millions board the ferry

infinite naivete;
its innocence
the ancient bloodsnake craves
blind as it ingurgitates
its own dark hind yet hesitates
in fleeting dawning awareness bites
infinite in rav'nous appetite
sating only lust and what remains
hell's own night
joy's light's bane

for apathy and avarice
it's deception's pillow and its grace
death's own mask; its hidden face mercurial and at once chimeric
camouflage concealing
its concealment a passive weapon
chameleon quite as colorful
and as so quite as perfect

a last murderous salvo comes
dawn a fiery hour too early by one
in it's childishly entitled insistance
as we slough off our own skins
and eat kippers with them
from dented tins
our elegiac last breakfasts

and alas again forgetting everything
of nothing's own self-importance
we burn and die in last morning's light
as the band of gathered idiots bind
a consensual last query to send into the vast distance

we would give in to this abhorrence without resistance?
Rachel Thomas Aug 2024
The snow was falling thick that night
like tiny feathers to the ground
while stiff white fossil-coral trees
Stood still as statues all around

And in their midst a mansion rose
with towers and frozen weather-vane
Where sparkling pavé diamond snows
encrusted every window pane

The match-girl shivered in the cold
then made a spy-hole in the ice
And peered into a golden realm,
an ante-room to paradise

But all the velvets and brocades,
the glowing fir-tree there inside
Appeared to her like pictures painted
on a magic lantern slide

For in her world these plush divans
with cushions bursting at the seams
The draperies and tapestries
would always be the stuff of dreams

Two cats with buttonholes for eyes
and fur that shone like watered silk
Were purring by an open fire
no doubt with bellies full of milk

While what our little match girl ate
was scarce enough to feed a fly
Though she was told by men in gold
her feast was waiting in the sky

No, here on earth, these coddled cats
like pharaohs basking in the heat,
Or padding round on velvet paws,
had choicer food than her to eat

So when she saw the gingerbread,
the frosted fruit, the marzipan
She wondered how this hunger could
be part of the Almighty's plan

And then, beside two girls, a youth
with dreamy gaze and rippling hair
Came in and hardly seemed to see
the many treasures waiting there

The  match-girl watched him button-eyed
as if he were a fire-plumed bird
Or some chimeric creature from
a fairy tale that she had heard

And as she dreamt she felt such joy
though hunger gnawed her like a mouse
For now she stood with him right there
inside that warm, ancestral house

They danced a sweeping ballroom waltz
while she was draped in crispest white
With diamonds sprinkled in her hair
like stars upon a cloudless night

Then as the lilting music swelled
he picked her up and twirled her round
Until, just like a swan in flight,
her feet were lifted off the ground

A swan who'd left her murky pond
with all the fetters lurking there
To reach up for the firmament
and taste its sweet, untainted air
Next day as she was hard at work
she passed the house and there they were,
Her prince dressed all in powder-blue
the sisters swathed in sable fur

They'd flown down from their iv'ry tower
to tread with serfs upon the street!
Oh how she longed to be in silk
with buckled shoes upon her feet!

But as she blushed and stepped aside
to let the "dvoryanstvo".pass
The boy stared through her sallow face
as if it were a pane of glass

Dvoryanstvo=Russian nobility
Deixis,.   elongated into Deixiixis, as logomachic parataxis,
an entelechy of ontic dyspraxia
periphrastic in cadence, sempiternal in
obumbrating the paramorphic tautology of

A synesthetic resplendence, evanescently
suffused with ophidian aureity, unspeakably
its chryselephantine effulgence, lambent,
tessellates eternity, numinous and

Ouroboric concatenations of antinomian
circumvolute within circumspatial paradigms
as obmutescent theogonic vestiges
in the eidetic zymurgy of aphasic

Pleromatic enjambments, soteriological in
cast catoptric immanence upon pneumonic
ontogenetic anastomoses hypostatic in
entwining the eidolon with noumenal

Metagnostic palimpsests, fracto-linear and
catachrestically wane in hyperchromatic
whilst logorrheic peripatetic semiosis
anagogic mnemonics in transrational

Sempiternal arabesques, mellifluous,
periphrastic in cadence, ineffably
a chimeric chiaroscuro, empyreal,
inflorescent with argent, auroral and

Luminiferous vestiges, iridescent and
obumbrate the paramorphic tautology of
while a transcendental abecedarium, paralogical and
consanguineous with the inexorable umbrage
of our shared Jungian
germinates within the syntagmatic—
Ever relaxed or ecstatic,
Coalesced to pragmatic,
Lugubriously emphatic.

For naught but vacuous profundities
a simulacrum of the arcane
where in sesquipedalian grandeur
a syllogism clad in grandiloquent

A thanatognomic hierurgy, insarcophagal in
where chiasmic tetragrams dislimn the orphane lapse of
narthecal invultuations, ventriloquous in
unhoused within a synod of inveterate

Palingenesic nullibiety, unreckoned in its
epitrochal theurgy encoffined in
subfulgent entheosis, extrorse in
where hemographic eidoloclasts inexorably

Aphotic decarnations, invigilant,
somniloquent in abeyance yet archiphylactic in
hieronymic paraclosure, decathected and
in anamorphic antistases refracting

Neuralgic aposemas, crepuscular in
cladistically ensorcelled in the unworded
a cataphractic ephemeron, unanchored and
forever circumflected in hypernomadic

Matrescent in eidoptics, prelapsarian in
subcelestial divergences, nonveridical
where ataractic hypophonics, unsyllabled in
convoke the paragnostic , the fun of all this esoteric, enigmatic language hitherto
what do we do with words and why ?  deixis," which refers to words or phrases (like "here," "there," "this," "that") whose meaning depends on context. The extra "ii" could be adding a sense of something expanded or exaggerated.

Logomachic parataxis – "Logomachic" (related to word arguments) and "parataxis" (clausal stacking) suggest a jumbled or chaotic arrangement of ideas or words. The phrase implies a state of linguistic struggle or disarray, where the words are placed in a manner that feels unorganized but purposeful in its own way.

Entelechy of ontic dyspraxia persists – "Entelechy" refers to the realization of a potential that’s fully realized. "Ontic dyspraxia" evokes a sense of existential or being-related disconnection or disorder. Together, this suggests an ongoing process of transformation or realization, even in the face of disorder or dysfunction.

In simpler terms, it might mean:
"A chaotic struggle with language continues, an ongoing realization of existence despite disordered being."

a deep and dense concept, using abstract philosophical and linguistic terms to describe a state of being or thought that is still trying to reach some kind of fulfillment or realization. hmmm sound familiar  but then not at all.
Rachel Thomas Aug 2024
I see a jungle in my dreams.
of treepie and of parakeet.
Where water-flowers are big as plates.
the mangoes pulpy, gold and sweet.

Here serpents shimmer in the grass.
and view their prey with gimlet eye.
While killer dragonflies swoop down.
like turquoise daggers from the sky.

And as the battle rages on.
the monkeys squawk, the wild cats growl.
And midst the orchids and the vines.
a panther goes upon the prowl.

Some Bible-reading people say.
the trees, the flowers the beasts, the brook.
Exploded into being like.
the pictures in a pop-up book.

And when they see a beast with jaw.
as fine-tuned as a workman's tool.
Chimeric-antlered stag, or bird.
with plume of pearl and eye of jewel.

They claim that all this beauty must.
be fruit of some celestial Mind
That, like a timepeice worked by cogs
their every facet was designed

But where is the All-Seeing Eye?
this jungle shows no sign of Him
Here many fish get swallowed whole
and deer dismantled limb from limb

And how can we believe that God
would let the aeons pass before
He made an insect or a flower
or wrought a single dinosaur?

Now when I dig into the ground
amidst the fossil and the bone
The creatures of the past are there
asleep within their world of stone

They tell a tale as precious as
a seam of gold inside a rock
For from their dark and dusty realms
the secrets of the Earth unlock

— The End —