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i hope that one day
i fall in love, again but know better.
with someone that is in love with me
I'll bring them flowers
and little tiny things
in tiny boxes

put them in the fire if you have them

I put you out of my

out of
my misery

I'd always let you wear
my jacket
when it was blustery
I'd always keep you right
when the bus was coming from
the left of me
I'd always open your door
and light your cigarettes

how could YOU forget?
how could you forget?

i always answered the first ring
******* every other thing
you might have done
one more thing wrong
but i don't remember

what it was
that did me in
but my in
was wearing thin
if you get my meaning


my meaning

both of us
have something
that makes us alright
i didn't give a rat's ***
when i lay down at night
As long as you were next to me

You weren't

I had no recourse but to hang it up and travel on without you
It would have been easier for you to tell the truth were it torturous

I'll practice forgetting you every day
while you practice on the pizza guy or your cabby, breaking the bonds of love between strangers you know only one of, for fun.

I step away as I push you into the next lane just as the bus arrives
there, that takes care of that.
for fun.
Get run over
hands swollen
fingers bloated
balloon bananas on arm ends
knuckles sandwiched

every joint broken
Everyone here knows you
We all hope you're well
They all want to know you better
Understand it's understood
Put the past to rest
Because i only tell them

About me i tell the truth
They see me and size me up and
Let me shine
Encourage me to
Epic things
The place they made for me is mine

They hear what i say
And shake their heads
Why would I hang on
I say it won't be long now
It's been a long day I say
But now it is gone

Hoping is a weak way
Of figuring out
how much to
Speak out of my mouth
Action is louder
You know what they say
About words anyway

Drastic means were
To stop the bleeding
We were likely to die
Right where we were

Maybe we did

I'm not obsessing
or thinking much about things still
I'm in my humble neighborhood
That's a blessing beyond measure
If you will
Grateful feels good

Think we were great
You did a bad thing
It wasn't too late
Making the best of a rotten situation
When the going gets hot
Don't go away I'm on fire
Self immolation drills
Paying off in spades and thrills

I Like walking with you slowly
Seems you're real bad company, mime,
I have a story...

Fill the earth
Full of filth
Fill bags and boxes
Full of death
New world burning
light up the sky
Push it on back

When does it end?
Never so far
Forever free or imprisoned in
Black space and stars
Returning forever
Remember the wheel?
And this house full of monkeys?

The forgetting
Is a lie
And escape is laughable
Stuck here and out of gas
Like a dead-letter postcard to ourselves
Dated and sent from some parlour-trick fantasy future
Where the switch-up is almost, nearly like dying

Do your best to remember
This day
for the endless eons that follow
When the new morning calls
It's the one thing we can do for Ourselves
One another
For us all
you said love  
i was already mystified

you never said,
it's done
and breaking,

i watched from outside,
our runaway undoing

I simply could not

if indeed my thoughts and actions are tangibly mine to command,

now and next moments
that i create,

i will still love like an adolescent,

mixing whatever i have within me simply
with simple-easy to relate;

ask me again, how i know that i love you
i will do my utmost to simply tell the truth
Love is a flower on the twisted vine of truth
stuff spread all over
moving from one abandoned
to another
Seems I'm ******

spoken words without truth
phone broke
homeless joke
it ain't so funny
when I'm stuck

In the confessional booth
can't get out of here
trust no one
night wary light little
some kind of maze
**** riddle
i don't have the answer to

got to get
before it gets you
i got to go real soon
new hat same old boots
this is just a bunch of dust
it'll **** you

wake up
on the morning news
hide your things
or take them with
else you ain't gonna have ****

broken will
broken dog
sleeping in a hollow log
drink mud
It poisons

sick two days and still gotta move
another place i can't stay long
don't look now
here comes the law
give me ****
wish me luck
thinking I'm a ***
got what i had coming

can i put up an argument?
be worth the time that I have left?

doubt me
catch your death
crown me
catch your breath

hell hill
third world frills
cops chasing the elusive
kick grandma's door in
shoot to ****
shoulda left the pistol
grabbed some other till

19 now and a ****** rap
what the hell am i to
do with that?

all these things that i did see
leave me choked...
without speech

stressing on the basics now

all day long
bow me down
it's work simply being
it's something sad as well
no one but myself to blame
The fates are not this cruel

when times get rough
i become more hungry
But now it's time to go underground
when i truly would be casting blessings
bring some when i come back around
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