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Mohd Arshad Apr 2014
Little children
Have you ever thought
Why the sun is always bright
And why its rays heal mankind

Little children
Going to school is not a drab duty
It's a purpose, a goal, a dream
And that is to reach the peak for humanity

Little chidren
Essence of punctuality knows the sun
And why it has to shine in the heaven
Thus in time its noble journey it sets in
And then for the whole world gleams
Khoisan Mar 2019
Guns and money
bullets and power
running and hitting
chidren in the shower
Two four year olds died in the Crossfire
Aharon El Dec 2015
The time has come for the chidren of Israel to awaken
We are living in the written times of the End

Though I may not know where this life will lead me,
I know that Allah has a place for me in Her kingdom

Wake up, children of Israel.
You ought to know where you come from
Edward Coles Jul 2013
The most unfair thing I was ever taught
In my sorry little life,
Is that death is the only thing you can rely upon.

I was most upset to find that I was not transcendent
To all those fools
That succumed to the hands of death before me.

Why, I could kick and scream,
I could crawl and plead
But I still must make my merry little way

Back into the Earth I was born from.

And so life - what of it?
I know that I shall grow up and become an adult
And therefore more childish with each day.

And so why should I don those suits
That stifle my throat
And choke my idea of ‘I’?

Noon is the most sublime time
To emerge from dreams
and to be greeted by the sun

And not blaring alarms,
or bleeting chidren.
Thus, I yearn to write.

Not out of skill
And certainly not out of profit,
But to take back all of those moments

with my back upon the soil.
For when I am feeble and when I am spent,
I know by now that I shall regret

Not the moments with empty pockets
But the world that I lost
In a restless rush,
In a useless toil.
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2019
the radical ambiguity
of the Roman Catholic Church

the horror and the holy
both hidden in the Search

better protect your chidren
read, resist, research

seek salmon, shamans, sushi
poets, painters, basketballers, birch

suspicion sits with trust
may the best battle back their worst.
jeffrey robin Sep 2010
when it really matters
i know
you will be here

we know

we can
play games
in the dark

but not in the light

we are too real for
such stuff anymore

we know too much already

the mothers are crying
the chidren are hungry

the menfolk are crazy

and here we are

it really matters now


be here
right here
right here
Denis Barter Aug 2020
I’ve a coat with many pockets,
that’s special in its ways,
Although young when I first donned it,
still fits me well these days.
With a host of special reasons
for wearing it today,
It's  gifted to my chidren,
when I reach my final day.

It’s got pockets full of memories
and others full of dreams,
from my ninety years of living,
with more to come it seems.
there’s a pocket for the future,
into which I hope to add,
all the moments I’ll enjoy,
be they jubilant or sad.

Should I feel downhearted:
an occasion that is rare,
I’ll recall a favoured happening:
or a moment I can share
with anyone that’s listening,
that has befriended me.
With a moment that I treasure,
I deem a priceless memory.

When friends have come together,
a common human trait,
we’ll reminisce on our early years,
and how we faced ill Fate,
We talk of our successes
and times of yesterday,
as for achieving the impossible?
We’ll brag the livelong day.

But there is a pocket hidden,
it’s one embedded deep.
Within it, lie my broken dreams:,
that have hurt me rather deep.
They rest with irksome memories:
that make me sad and blue.
as do my angry thoughts,
that I'll not disclose to you.

There’s memories that are cheerful:
there’s others that are sad.
Whilst others make me wistful,
for the better times I’ve had.
When I think the world’s against me,
I’m alone and feeling bored,
I’ll rummage through my pockets,
for the memories I have stored.

In its pockets by the number,
there’s many treasured dreams.
Amongst memories I cherish,
there’s a host of madcap schemes.
Despite pockets overflowing,
and others fully filled,
there’s plenty more to fill,
before my life is stilled.

Yes, my coat of many pockets,
is a cherished one I wear.
Though somewhat worn and tattered,
about it I really care.
It may not look inviting,
when hanging on a hook,
but Memories therein stored,
invite your second look.

Rhymer. August 10th, 2020.
Justa little thought I've had as the year progresses and life gets a tad tougher due to the pandemic.
Jude kyrie Dec 2015
sitting in the family room
*struggling with the tv remote
my husband fixes it
in a hearbeat giving me
a superior smile.
Then the dog walks through
the house with muddy paws.
My young son needs
his diaper changed.
my husband moaning
his supper is cold.
I am ready to weep.
is this all there is?
I want a vacation
No chidren a kiss
someone to say
its all going to be alright.
or even just
I love you honey.

The next day I get splashed
on the town sidewalk
by a passing car the water
muddy and cold all over
my new coat.
is this life?
is tbis all there is.?

But there are moments
when I catch my reflection
in a store window
in front of the superior manequins.
with size zero figures.
and deprecating faces.
I see the wind blowing in my hair
I see the real woman
who I always wanted to be.
Her smile is magical
she is **** and awesome.
her size fourteen figure
real and curvy.
this woman rocks
I love her.
I wave back at her
and whisper
I remember you honey
I love real women
God bless you all

BTW this was just Jude exploring his feminine side.
he still does not bat for the other team lol
tom krutilla Dec 2013
Dont stretch me out too much my Lord
you are always on my mind
guide me to that promise land
to enjoy the fruits of your labor
and i will reciprocate in kind

you gave me the devil and
i hope you took him away

for i am not perfect, my sins i
cant hide from you
your forgivness for your chidren
is a constant
please hear me as you always do
my love for you is forever as yours is for me
Mohd Arshad May 2014
They hung me on the wire,
Sleeves pinned, collar folded.

Selfishness blows there,
And I flutter like a wounded fly.

The chidren come and play.
I sigh at their shots in delight.

The lovers sit on the benches under passion.
I blink to see their warm kisses.

I struggle to stretch my arms
To whisper to them,

Wear me, o young generation
Wear me and make me your dress

And carry wherever people
Walk, sit and sleep.
Moomin Aug 2020
Calling all those that groan, over this world's calamities
Who are tired of the tragic news, we see on our TVs
Those who tire of viruses, of terrorists and crime
And hate to hear of yet another, slaughter in our time

Have you of late found yourself, astonished and bemused
Whem you read of women, who are crushed and so abused
Of shooting sprees and stabbing fests, that innocence do ****
And the poor and sick who drain and die, cause they cannot pay the bill

Does your heart go out to poverty, yearning for it to end
While many gorge themselves with wealth, that they can never spend?
Do you still believe the promises, of political Messiahs
Who claim to build us Heaven, and fulfill all our desires?

Do you feel that life is just, a struggle to endure
And joys are rare and so short-lived, and meaning is obscure?
And finally, when life is done, and we draw our final breath
Don't you wish that we could find, a way to conquer death?

And if so, you are not alone, in questioning this deal
For honest people everywhere, this is how they feel
But don't despair, and don't give up, for the world is about to change
There is a promise that is true and sure, though at first it may sound strange

It does not come from imperfet men, so prone to selfish ways
But comes from one who cannot lie, who wants to bless our days
It comes along with a guarrantee, as certain as the dew
Of promises once made before, all of which came true

He told us that our world would reach, it's current desperate days
That nations would reel in confused despair, like lost children in a maze
That diseases and disasters, would violently give birth
And that mankind would be poisoniing, and ruining the earth

But when these things were to ocurr, and be observed and viewed
They were indications, of imminent good news
An event of wonder, and of joy, to change the world we see
To bring in peace and health and love, and true security

“Thy kingdom come” he promises, with marvels that it brings
To replace all lords and governments, with a righteous, loving King
Who will heal and wipe all tears, and broken hearts will mend
And those of us who are friends of peace, he will call his friends

Restoring youth to the old and frail, and vision to the blind
And removing sickness from our lives, and sorrow from mankind
He'll quell all storms and fires, and calm the mighty quakes
And burn man's deadly weaponry, and missiles he will break

Most amazing of his promises, a grand and glorious act
Will be to empty mankind's graves, and bring our loved ones back
Imagine greeting mothers lost, and husbands once more embrace  
And chidren prematurely gone, to behold their little face

For he has sworn that death will end, and life will never cease
And the world will be awash and glow, with everlasting peace
Our pains and fears will all disolve, and will never come again
And those so selfish and so cruel, will no longer remain  

So ease your mind and console your heart, for this promise will come true
These wonders we can all behold, this he swears to you
Our future is not in man's hands, nor by fate will it be won
For God's will will be done on earth when his glorious kingdom comes

“God will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will sorrow, nor outcry, or pain” - Revelation 21.4 (The Bible)
If there be two who do not love
They are not alone only lonely.
The great Poet who Made the
Universe who said He made us
In His likeness knowing He is
One comprehended that all His
Children would be little ones
We  all have that in common
We are all one like our Father
And like God our essence is
Love.  To Love is our being
So doing we magnify His Being
The knowledge of His Goodness
When we love one another we
Experience His sweetness. Two
Are one -three are one; All are
One.  If we experience loneliness
As each does it is a knowing that
Our love is still incomplete Calling
Us to love more for our peace is not
Complete-to experience the greater
Oneness we are capable of....

This is not work but for His Children
Their burden is lite-it is called Play
Play on children.  Play is the Way to
The perfect.  The God of Love will
Forgive your mistakes as we are all
Still learning, practicing to know. He
Will be with you to the end of the world
Claim you at the gates Heaven as His
Own forever and the fullness of Your
Love for all the children will be like
His.  A play where our better dreams  
Are realized; and We are the Dreamer-
All the One who because wel are  one  in
Another in a time that never ends.
Except at night when we sleep the
Sleep that is the Peace  of Innocense
He looked at His Creation and saw
That it was good a'n said: I Love You

For Lissa &Bren

And for all  Chidren.:"I Love You"
Caroline Shank Feb 2022
They had children and
war planes.  Muster at 0700
Bottles boiled, flannel laundry.
Grandma's coming over.  
Lunch buckets
with a sandwich. No beer.

Blue denim overalls were the fashion
of 1943.  Bandana covered curls.

They were not all Rosie's.

For some dementia was the result
of too much information. They were
brave in their trembling.

Attachment Disorder began
after the war
when the chidren were born.  

Awed at the


that anyone at all
raced through the
by the memories,  

of the noise of

the bombings.

The dead,


Toys flung out of cribs.  
They smoked
they tried to read books.

Several times a day the
War was lost, the real
battle, marriage,
and, for the second time,
the front, was drowning,
There was this OnIy stillness

They dared to muster the
to listen to the
broadcasts from
the other room.

the rank of Rivetter,

they were received with juice,
drank to the dead and to
those who wished they were.

Caroline Shank


Qualyxian Quest Aug 2020
They might say it's just the World Soul
And I'm a sensitive

But he sings of chidren as gifts
And I said God forgives

Taco truck again
On to the student store

Carolina blue
Post office once more

            Quaint and Curious
                 Forgotten Lore.
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2021
A leaf falls
A single drop of rain

Chidren far
Not near
Solo once again

Then a bagel
I sit; no grand plan

In the Multiverse
I am her loving man
But who can understand?
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2020
While holding more than 600 slaves
And having his white overseer whip them,
brutalize them, at times **** them, and sell their chidren down the river to even more sadistic slavemasters further south.
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2020
Unkind song on the court tonight
Had to walk on home

No deer appear, no year to fear
Not far to ramble and roam

Franklin Street is mostly empty
Infinity not at BP

If Eternity is like morningless sleep
I'll dream my chidren 3

Dream them next to me
Dream them flying free.
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2020
A difficult adult life
Illness and soul sorrow

I hope to still do my best
Don't give up tomorrow

Sleep and rest are welcome
As is the soft rain

My chidren are my joy
My own mind is my pain

Despite my despondency
Beloved in my brain
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2020
Chidren's Museum in San Jose
Yes, my sons, I know the way

Scooters in the street to play
I miss you each and every day

              In a terrible way.
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2020
If I could gift the Americans
I would take away their guns

Give them courage to walk without fear
And be truly Born to Run

Show poems to their chidren
Shakespeare and Moby ****

Remind them of Magic and Bird
The hick from French Lick

Let them see that racehate
Is their greatest folly

Let them learn Mr. Joyce and
Good Golly, Miss Molly!
Qualyxian Quest Jun 2020
Gifts are wonderful things
Because given without a price

The Giver is a wonderful book
I've read it aloud once or twice

Chidren, he said, are a gift
And I must agree

When my life seems a horror story
I cling to my wondrous three

The greatest gifts for me.
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2020
My mind naturally moves
Towards the apocalyptic

I'm also very drawn
To the apophatic mystic

But please help me treasure
Ordinary, daily life

And please provide daily pleasure
For my chidren and my wife

And help me figure out how to use what I got
To help my brother Scott
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2020
I'm fully 51
Like Don Quixote, no longer young

My madness may have also come
From too much reading done

The future is for the chidren
The growing ones, the tweens

I have hints but cannot read them all
Unsure just what they means

I wish to Sally Forth
I spend time with Dragons

I ride out on my own
Join no bogus bandwagons

But I ride forth from La Florida
A little like La Mancha

Scorned and covered with scars
Not the one she wants ya

There is no Dulcinea
She's made of flame and air

But there is a Catteleya
Please teach her how to care

And there is a Wendy Darling
And there is a Susan Meek

And there is me on my horse
A shy and seeking Geek

I fear annihilation
So I'll need courage at the end

I know no Sancho Panzo
But Mark is my best friend

Gracias, mi amigo.
Sacramento esta muy bien.

— The End —