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jennifer ann Sep 2014
i just want to close my tired eyes,
and fly away.
dazed, amazed, i peacefuly gaze into space.
getting lost in purple haze,
i dream of better days.

floating on air,
nomore pain, or dispaire.
i dont care at all.
i just want to smile for a little while.
and blissfuly bounce off of these four walls.
c quirino Oct 2011
My fingers never touched it,
save for the tv screen.
Mama told me to not touch the screen with my unclean hands.
Sometimes when she wasn’t looking, I did anyway,
and felt crackling beneath my fingertips,
miniature lighting storms,
ravaging the faces of the young, famous, and beautiful.

but i never touched the undesirables,
never laid holy lightning on the exposed war-bones
escaping at 90 degrees from charred, living corpses.

i never held the dying children,
coffee-cup weight in my palms,
colder still,
and forgotten after the end of the episode.

and i still felt nothing
when i should have smelled ash.

i can’t imagine, or i can,
what happens on our interior planets,
during the four seconds before impact.
are they blissfuly going about routines?
are the markets full, only a few dissenters
crying “end is nigh” ?

they won’t even feel it.
jennifer ann Aug 2014
i love the freckles on your back,
the way you smile and just stare,
making me feel like i'm walking on air,
i love that goofy way you laugh.

driving around with you and acting stupid,
losing track of time, the amazing feeling that i get,
when your lips touch mine.

lying next to you,
feeling safe in your embrace,
i feel like my heart has finaly found a home,
blissfuly lost in time and space.

you, are the sid to my nancy.
the glen to my maggie.
you're the david to my darlene.
the ***** in my soda
the peanut butter to my jelly.
you came into my life like a beautiful sunset
after a tornado, and you never cease to amaze me.

& you're better than anything i've ever ever dreamed of my love,
it's our 2 year aniversary, and i've never felt so passionate, safe,
beautiful or happy. then i do, dancing & laughing with you. bullshitting and being lazy, smiling from ear to ear, shouting at random peole,
acting dumb having fun and being crazy, ane i pray that it's this way for an eternity, because nothing is better than when you and i are together,
or the way those big brown eyes light up when you look at me. i'm so happy that you're my baby.
i dunno
Emily Joyce Apr 2014
I always get asked why I read so much and the answer is simple really.
Its because I can escape to live and breath as someone else if only for a short amount of time.
When I'm reading I can breath again and all my problem just disappear as the word on the pages of this magnificent creation fill my mind.
Like my own personal movie acting itself out inside my head.
I read because while I may be losing my house and worrying about every little detail, Becca is moving on to college and a newer, sweeter better life. I read because even though I know its not real it still feels like it for a blissfuly small amount of time.
But really I read most of all because I love to read and the value of books, at least to me, could never be put into words.
I love to read.
jennifer ann Aug 2014
what has the world come to?
people nowadays are so shameless and sadistic,
im not trying to be negative, im just being realilistic.
it seems like humans are losing there humanity,
what have we become?
nothing but abunch of animals. with no heart, soul, or integrity, and no boundries, not a single one.

it seems no place is safe anymore,
and the future is very bleak,
society, your so
blissfuly ignorant, makes me feel so
hopeless, that theres no way that i can control this, makes me feel so angry, sad, and weak.

sometimes i just want to throw in the towel and give in,
this is not the world, that i want my future children to live in.
Harley Hucof Apr 2017
My kingdom is no longer of this world
I shall escape for i am no longer the lord
I am a traveller always walking without a goal
A wanderer moving away without a home

I am no longer of this world
My people are calling me
Let them run after me

This earth have grown too round for me
I shall hide blissfuly
I shall enjoy my security

I and me will run alone though we shall miss our land
In the night however , we shall dance

Words Of Harfouchism
Daisy Arcos Oct 2015
I sat to watch the world end
when I thought I heard a train
far over the waning horizon
It must have been my imagination
An echo of a locomotive memory
Those trains you hear but never catch a glimpse of

The trees were unaware
Still breathing life into a doomed atmosphere
Swaying blindly to an invisible rhythm
I wish I could be as blissfuly ignorant
Instead I inhale their last goodbyes

It all seemed normal for a moment
as the sky overhead opened up to the sun
letting the glow illuminate the silent landscape
The shadows marked the countdown
as they elongated into looming innuendos of mortality

The gods are cruel and I am alone
How long has it been?
Four breaths, five breaths, six
A bitter taste of soot and hope lingers
The end takes longer than I had anticipated
So I sit to watch the world end
Akira Chinen Jul 2017
He flirted with death and she flirted with love and it seemed close enough to a disaster made in heaven with the promise of a blissfuly ironic hell so they kissed and undressed and explored bones under flesh and thoughts over addictions and beds made of poison and songs made out of needles and blood laced with the highs of getting low on everything that could be beautiful if it weren't for all the human misery getting in the way and they made love in a way of ******* all the pain out of the desperation to be anything that was anything but human and they became gods of infinite delusion and dopamine waves penetrating depths beyond the boundaries of shadow and light and body and soul and they crashed and tangled and mangled and drifted far far away from anything real and became the death and love they had been dreaming of before they had even been born
You eyes
Feel so very heavy
Right now
Just take a deep
Cool breath of air
And let your mind
Fill up with snow
Come back to where
You always were
Ominous peace
Surging below
Failing time in
The blank you stare
The voices you
Gently follow
Blissfuly blank
And empty
Magnetic words
Softly hollow
Crossing the void
To sound pretty
You're falling out
Below the flow
Forsaking your
Wake up

— The End —