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Sensual healing
Remote vibrations
Contemporary beliefs
Dissolve within a great force
Of electro magnetic Sun's charge
Fantasy ride over the ridge on the horizon's
Flickering tales and there aware beauty satiates long lost
Trust in human kindness which is unmasked is a true longing
Immense need borne into a trembling moment revealing thy
Love energy is dancing as one giant leap in the realms of
Levitation on my shy sound wings as they soar magnificent
Wondering why thy tiny serene particles open
Everlasting desire to be as one luminous
Mandelbrot's rainbow reflection on
Edges of a pure cosmic droplet
Effervescent dark magic is
This darkest intelligent
Deep pertinet gaze
Absolutly free
ˇImagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic Loveˇ
Meghan Letson Apr 2013
I feel like triangles i cant seem to make sense
i feel like a ball thats had its insides torn to shreds
i remember me being important when i thought that i wasnt
but now that im not i seem to notice
the dresses i wear hit my ankles hit my toes
I hate how i look
even when i wear my cloths
i thought i was smart
someone to ask help of
i thought i was worthy of your love
the more i type
the less i know
i dont make sense anymore
i dont have strenght anymore
i dont have the hope i hade before
i feel
Yea im ******* trash and i know it
Im a ******* ******* and i dont deserve to live
Everytime i get her trust back
I say one stupid thing
And its gone again
I dont know why i say it
Its stupid, for absolutly no reason
I lied to her face
Because i thought it would help
For some weird ******* reason
Why did i think that?
That is no way to keep her trust

Im ******* trash
And she deserves better
Why do i keep her chained to me
I love her so much
But i keep breaking her heart
And making her question her trust
Its stupid, why do i do that

The other night was amazing
We talked and cuddled and shared stories and it was magical
Things were looking so great
It was the best night of my life
And now its being followed by the worst day
A day where i make her feel horrable
Because of ANOTHER
stupid, inconsiderate thing
That i said

Im ******* trash
And i wish there was some way to make it up to her

And never let her down again
Im ******* trash
Damaged Jul 2013
You think you can shoot me down and **** me,
well go ahead and try.
But you'll find it harder than you think,
*because I'm already dead inside.
Geno Cattouse May 2013
We sit in the middle of the the universe. Truely. ?

The earth is flat .the horizon.
Falls away to oblivion TRUELY.  ?

If man was meant to fly he.would sprout wings.

My god is the real god.

Freedom is. For free

Really ?.                                                The meek shall inherit the earth.

                                      Still reading the ticker tape on that.

Absolute power corrupts. Absolutly
Absolutly !!!!! .

Will a bear **** in the woods?
Probably !.                                                     Is this poem going anywhere?
Just a goof.
Carsyn Smith Mar 2015
I still have your tshirt.
I found it a few days after giving you back your stuff --
I'm not sure why I still have it, but it hasn't moved
Still on the bottom of my dresser drawer.
There've been 147 nights where I've wanted to crawl in it
And sleep like I used to, but I'm stronger than that, right?

Do you remember how I stole your tshirt?

We were hanging at your place when I got really sleepy
And you knew I absolutly cannot sleep in a bra.
You were a gentleman and left me to change
Into that baggy grey tshirt you offered me.
I crawled into your bed and began to drift off
While you finished messing around on your computer.
After a while you came to lay with me. I remember you
Kissed my forehead, or maybe my shoulder, probably both,
But we laid together and just forgot the world;
Completely entangled in each other in the most innocent of ways.

It's one of my favorite memories,
But I can understand if you need it back.
I've held on to it too long, clutched it too tight
Now that lifeline is cutting my palms,
Trying to find a way back to you.
I'll give you back the piece of you, if you give me the piece of me. Then you can go chase the girl whose smile lit up your world the way that I can't anymore.
When there is no hope! When all contact with you has been lost! And when i feel directionless! I turn To Mr.Writer and Publishman! hoping that maybe, just maybe when youre done reading this, you will call! So far, there has been absolutly no sound nor vibration from my phone! Look's like i got the"try again next time" piece of the tim horton's coffee cup! And what a ******* it is!
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
Shayley M Jun 2013
What do I even do now? I'm stuck here all alone and no one even notices me, it's a Thursday night; it's summer, nothing to do, no one to hang out with. All alone sad curled up in a ball just crying. I wish someone could help me. But no ones here to listen. I've been suicidal yet no one notices or seems to care. I try to find help but nothing. Nothing at all. What's the point of being alive if there is absolutly no one or nothing? I always try to tell myself there are reasons to live but I can't find that reason too, I swear those reasons run away from me whenever I get close to them.
Larry Dixon Nov 2017
A snow white orchid blooming in the winters eve.
summoning the souls who disbelieve.

Hours pass by as people wonder.
The secrets this little flower has to plunder.

Even though is just a simple little flower in the snow.
More about this magical feeling I must know.

Its fragle petals damp with morning dew.
Its placement quite askew.

With death and fear all around.
This little flower is surely bound.

Its stem reaching into the sky so everyone sees.
The beautiful essence it surely leaves.

With the clouds rolling in with the sound of thunder.
attempting to leave the flower asunder.

People try to help it grow.
To see the powers it bestows.

even though this perfect flower is pretty new.
Its beauty is absolutly true.

And when the blazing sun goes down.
Darkness is seen all around.

The beautiful feeling I receive.
When our emotions interweave.

Seeing her fragile smile in the morning sun, I ask what spell I’m under.
As I feel i have fallen in a blunder.

Her bright hazel eyes quite aglow.
I wish I had felt this feeling long ago.

I catch myself staring into.
With this magical feeling I’m not used to.

I never thought I’d be this astound.
I’m far to gone to back down.
Sydney Victoria Feb 2013
In The Pastel Light Of Dawn,
The Sky Would Smile At The Weeping Willows,
As The Remaining Stars Would Wipe Their Tears,
Telling Them There Is Absolutly Nothing To Fear

In The Murky Sky Of Dusk,
The Clouds Would Dance With The Blooming Nocturnal Lilies,
Telling Them That The Day Would Find Them Beautiful,
Even If Their Petals Were A Dusty Grey
Don't ask me to change my poetry again

I got a bad review,a terrible review
"Give it up" it said
Please stop writing, you stupid fool
We don't want to read anymore of your ****
Your wasting your time
Your poetry's crap
Can't even spell, punctuations non existent
So I'll write for my fans I've only got two
But they like my work so f..k you

I'll put pen to paper
Join beautiful words
Write a poem for the masses
I could use big words
I don't understand, look to the dictionary for every line
Leave a blankness in your head
Wondering what the hell it said

From this poem your feel astounded
Magnificent,marvellous, absolutly gorgeous
All the beautiful words I've put down
Look lovely, sound wonderful
But don't mean a thing

I'll tell you what is little-known
What school is like if you actually go
I never went to college you see
No chance of a university degree
Pretty much what you see
Is what you tend to get with me

I don't know how to write poetry
All I know is what's inside of me
The rawness, blatant truth
Sometimes happy, mostly not
My writing will shock
Make you see some truth
As raw as possible, this is what I do
I'll never sugar coat things
Make them easier to swallow
The big wide worlds out there and its  *ING horrible
African children dying in pain
Their mother's **** sliced off, ***** and maimed
Our boys fighting an endless war
So those countries can have much more
Children blowing themselves up
As their told its the way to God
This governments  
people are freezing
As our war veterans can't afford the heating
What kind of world is this that we live
When people are starving,dying and sick

Don't ask me to change my poetry again
Or I'll shout it from the roof of your office building
A feeling created when two souls are easily drawn together in life. Once together there is something created that is so beautiful and strong that people fear, admire, and envy it. When you have found that person they suddenly become the world to you. They light your way through life and never give up when things get tough. You cant help but put them on a pedastool of admiration, always complementing and telling them how absolutly amazing they are. Making a sacrafice for them is no struggle if that is what you know you must do to be together. All you will ever want is to be together. To cuddle in your true loves arms every night and wake up to their presence each following morning. You know all their qwirks, what they like and dont, all their favorite places to be touched rubbed or scratched. You want nothing more then to share a life home and a family in the guaranteed happiness of the future. You are able to always say I love you and know deep down in your heart of hearts that it is so real. With that love you are strong enough to go through anything you are faced with and it is all you will ever need. If the world stops spinning or if the sun never shines again you will have that love. Always!

There is no example that can be given. It isnt something that is taught. It can be observed but unless you can feel it you will never truely know. When you have it it hits you and you know with out a doubt that this is the love you want forever. That is TrueLove
DC raw love Jan 2015
people in todays society ****
always late
always complain
and worst then that
they look for **** to complain about

the funny part is
it has absolutly nothing to do with them

if you lend them 5 dollars
they'll complain and say you are cheap
yet they don't have a *** to **** in

even funnier
they don't even have a job

they'll tell me my porshe is nice
yet their car is better

i ask were is it
it was repoed 5 years ago

all i can say to people like this is

anthony connell Feb 2015
Trees Trees, lets talk about trees
First they help the bees
By giving them a home
Second they dont have knees
and dont eat bones
Lastly they positivitly, absolutly don't
Larry Dixon Nov 2017
They say that when you’re with someone you love your heart and soul will light up light the Fourth of July.
But for us that was actually the night it all began.
We began tickling and flirting, only reading each others silent reply.
Because at that moment, at that moment we started something we never mean’t to plan.

The instant our lips touched, there were fireworks much bigger and brighter than the ones that had been going off all night.
Seemed to be frozen in time with everything else happening around us, we fabricated our own reality.
Since then everytime our eyes meet my heart is filled with a wonderous sight.
Since then everytime we talked I fell more in love with your personality.

This short time we shared has been so much fun.
Even though we thought what was happening between us was so bizarre.
Now I am not scared because you might be with one.
I’m absolutly terrified because I know that you are.

I have to leave now but I promise I’ll be back.
Because you are what I’ve always lacked.
I don quixote an unfair world
Where the demons of evil
Plans and conspires
To rule humans like slaves
I am still alive and fighting forward
Across all the continents
Against these giants of darkness!
I am the legendary knight
My name is synonymous with struggle
Always with the right  cause
Beyond my fifty thousand years
I admit my face is sad
Because there is so much injustice
Wise ones can understand    
Nobody could be joyful in a such case
Faced with what is happening here down
I'm still alive and forward to the fight
Riding my imaginary rosinante
With or without my faithful Sancho Pansa
With all the braves our faith is up
Always believe that the light
Will overcome the darkness
The truth always conquers the lie
Fight is eternal proof that we live
Only the deads accept despotism and failure  
I am the great torch of resistance
Symbol of everyday life
The light is fighting every day
Against the dark shadows of the evil plot
Under other lights of sun and skies
I am known as Don Quixote
I can get out in any soul fighter
So i was in south africa& North Africa
Where i made my pilgrimage
Long before the birth of children
I fought in latin america
Where i had an another birth
And even in Vietnam next to General Giap
I'm always  on the side of oppressed people
i absolutly  believe that men are born free
The dominants are always the oppressors
Now i am the global fighter
Finally I am the soul of any fighter
who fight for freedom and justice
beingcoolisaflex Feb 2021
I honestly feel empty,
It was like life had a plan for me
But now it’s all falling apart
Just like bricks falling from an old building.

The process goes slow yet too fast,
I’m trying to make it stop
But can you even stop a building from falling apart?

You can try holding it all together,
Hold it with ropes,
Put the fallen bricks back,
But in the long term they’ll just fall again.
It’s just absolutly useless.

The only possible thing that would solve your problem
Would be making it equal to the ground,
Starting all over again,
Right from the point you started all those many years ago.

But that takes time,
Time you don’t have,
Money you can’t spend,

The empty feeling will stay,
Yet I rather have it that way.
Jerry Howarth Oct 2021
Gen. 6:8 "But Noah found GRACE in the eys of thr Lord."
Grace is a very important word in the Bible. It is sometimes
translated "favour". When you are ask by someone to do them
a favour,  you are not expecting them to pay you or in some way
to return the favour. You are happy to help them, no expectation
of pay or some kind of return payment. You graciously give your time, your know how, yourself to them.

God's grace hs been described as "Unmerited favor"  "For by or through GRACE are you saved...."  There is absolutly no way we
can save ourself from our sins, by some personal sacifice of religious merit.
* Joining a church, being a faithful financial supporter - won't save
* Being a faithful lodge member - won't save
* Being baptized(sprinkled) as an infant - won't save
* Being baptized(emerged) as a teen ager or adult - won't save
* Being a graduate from a catechism class - won't save

One's ONLY hope of being saved, from the consequences of the
SIN of unbelief in Jesus Christ, is by abandoning, WHAT ever, or in WHOM ever, you are currently depending for salvation.

Romans 10:9-10 gives, in simple explanation how to receive salvation FROM HELL,  FOR HEAVEN. "That if you confess with your mouth, the Lord Jesus" i.e. through prayer to God, "and believe in your heart", i.e. that you are believing in your heart, "that God has raised Jesus from the dead, you will be saved."

Understand that Jesus suffered and died for you, BEARING all your sins and was BURIED with all your sins WTH Him, but was made alive by God His Father, LEAVING all your sins BURIED, never to rise up against you in condemnation. This is what it means to "believe in your heart that God has raised Jesus from the dead, you shall be saved."

I know this is getting long, and I am about finished with this devotion, so stay with me a little longer for Vs.10 which basically
says the same thing as Vs.9. Salvation is obtained thru simple heart belief, of which you tell God you are trusting in  His only begotten Son, and that results in God declaring you to be righteous in His eyes, and no longer a sinner condemned to everlasting torment in The lake of Fire.

For a little more understanding of all of this, read IICorinthians 5:21
And....thanks for staying with me.
    From Jerry Howarth's Book of Devotions
Tabitha Lee Nov 2020
Why does speaking out
Speaking louder than I have before
From deeper than within than before
Make such a disaster
Make my hell I am stuck in worse?

Well, you can't sleep that off
No amount of time asleep makes that ok
No amount of time asleep makes that just disappear
I tried
Well, been trying still

"They," say I am running away
From what you ask,
My problems, I guess

I spoke out, for once!
I made a decision
That one decision I hate to make

Hate is a weak word for it
More despise works for it
Despise the fact that I have to make it
The fact that this predicts that my world is going to be turned upside down
Viciously turned upside down once more
The fact that this is alway how my life is

Of course I am afriad
Afiad of the fact that this is how my world is
That my luck is absolutly ****** sometimes
That I tend to lose everything I care for
But of course, I have to wait and see
Because it is not the end of the story

But why should I play a part?
A part that shows a grieving girl?
Why should I play a part of a girl who is sad to lose someone so toxic?
I could just curl up in a ball and give in to all the "sorrow"
But why should I?

So I will sing no requiem for you
Not tonight
Not tomorrow
Not ever, ok?

And don't force one out of me
Don't tell me you are not the monster that I know
I have so many do nots for you
I could just scream them out into your face
But I stay calm
Not for your sake
No why would I do that?
You deserve me to scream and yell
I am just merciful for your ears
Be grateful for that
" No one cries when the villains fall down, no one so I will not cry for them."
-Me Now I Guess

— The End —