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A library of poetry
cannot articulate
what is found in
two minutes of Chopin.
I could love you
as dry roots love rain.
I could hold you
as branches in the wind
brandish petals.
Forgive me for speaking so soon.

    Let your heart look
    on white sea spray
    and be lonely.

    Love is a fool star.

    You and a ring of stars
    may mention my name
    and then forget me.

    Love is a fool star.
My head knocks against the stars.
My feet are on the hilltops.
My finger-tips are in the valleys and shores of
     universal life.
Down in the sounding foam of primal things I
     reach my hands and play with pebbles of
I have been to hell and back many times.
I know all about heaven, for I have talked with God.
I dabble in the blood and guts of the terrible.
I know the passionate seizure of beauty
And the marvelous rebellion of man at all signs
     reading "Keep Off."

My name is Truth and I am the most elusive captive
     in the universe.
"You're not perfect, but I still don't care.
Because, when I say I Love You,
I don't just 'say' I Love You,
I mean it."

KD || I Don't Care
I am posting my quotes on Instagram, follow me there for more such quotes.
Humans have strange loves
like lukewarm coffee in the middle of winter
or paper cuts on an unsuspected finger.

They sob for days about loveless affairs
while drowning the pain with champagne
and melting the sorrow in stale bath water.

Eternally in love with fields of blooming flowers
and obsessed with deranged ideas of love and power.
Careful to soak each lost battle in red wine
along with their heavy pasts.

Humans **** each other with chaos
while pretending to be lovers
but that is our nature.

To be who you wish and love strange things
To have the right to love another being
no matter what race or gender
To be mean or tender
To be human
My love for you has no boundaries. I know not where it begins or where it ends. It is eternal and everlasting.
My love for you is forever changing as it grows it also evolves . It tethers  me to you, keeping me grounded. Because of you there is nothing I can not do.
My world is full of hope. You encourage me to pursue my dreams. Making anything and everything seem attainable.
My love for you is possible because of you.
You complete me and I'm happiest when I'm with you.
Blessed is the poor of wealth
For he learns to value real things
Like love and his social being
For there are many kinds of food

On this Earth, some closed to
The greedy, for his delight is
Born from humility & simple things
And his dreams are not to

Emulate the successful, for he
Witnesses their vanity, corruption
Blessed is the man who cannot
Be bought, he hath no price

He does not frequent the marketplace
With rumors, propaganda, selfishness
Instead he walketh by the river
Instead he helps the unfortunate

For he has suffered enough to know
Who requires help and true meditation
And understands the necessity of charity
And the right conditions of altruism.
My Love,
No matter how dark the present
No matter how uncertain the future
I will forever love you

No matter how deep the valley
No matter how high the mountain
I will forever want to be with you

No matter how far apart
No matter the passage of time
In my heart I will forever be yours

Essence and colors of twilight
ceased my heart,
yet, still I have looped
on your thinking, my darling

Snowflakes have covered the trees
underneath cold wind blows from north
my spirit become low,
what a teach of the nature!

Darkest horizon what it has meant,
that threats my nights and days-
stars have blended, apart from hopes
clouds are whirling on drifted edge,

Dreams have broken,
run with autumnal cloud
I can rather want to you,
my darling

As alluring attention that dies,
with illusion and hallucination

The last, ever and forever,
my confession

I will die with a claim
of romantic torment,
‘O' darling and you will face,
the rude reality at the end -

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
romantic torment: Actually a romantic poem
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