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you are beautiful.
you are tragically beautiful.
you are notre dame
at night.
you are the eiffel tower
amidst bombshells.
you are the house of commons
and the house of lords.
you are the lone beam
standing after Katrina.
you are the one baby sea turtle
who makes it off the beach.
you are the dark side of the moon.
you are the patch of sand
struck by lightning.
you are the remains discovered
after the plane goes down.
you're a smooth puddle in a parking lot.
you are the creaky stair
that warns of intruders.
you are all of the red skittles.
you are Job 3:14.
Of course it was something strong,
The way we used to look at each-other
And laugh at the same time,
Kiss each-other
Slowly, furiously, hungry and angry...
The way i used to lay on his back,
The way he used to hold my hand,
And we keep laughing and laughing
Crying sometimes,
Crying most of the time
And we hug each-other
He dries my tears
I kiss his lips
And we laugh, sing, dance and dream
He gets jealous,
I get mad,
He goes crazy, I go crazy
He holds my hand,
Puts a ring in it
We laugh again
We cry again
It sure wasn't something in vain
The way he used to kiss my lips
the way i used to take off his shirt
And we make love to each-other
Slowly, furiously, hungry and angry...
The way he used to take my pictures
The way i used to love his pictures
The way we imagined the future
For good and bad

Of course it was something strong,
Our promises, our happiness
Our memories,
Our songs, dances and dreams
Our games
Our love..
The way we stared at the stars
The way we contemplated the moon
The way he laughed at my jokes
The way we danced in the dark
And we grab each-other
Slowly, furiously, hungry and angry..

And he's gone
And I'm here
He disappears
But not from my dreams
And life isn't the same without him
My hands are cold
My lips are cold
I cry again
I cry a lot
And all the sad songs were about him
And all the tragic stories were about me
And all it was left for me
Is wishing,
One day he comes back to me..

Of course it was something strong
The way i couldn't finish this poem
The way all the words in the world aren't enough
To express my feelings
Or to tell our story...
For a sign you ask
A sign is shown.
Look up and down and to your sides,
For a sign will be revealed in front of your eyes.

Open your eyes, heart and ears.
Have faith and let your body feel.
This is for you and for you alone
For a sign will help you, keep your eyes above.

It’s materialized as a nickel you did not have.
Its result is to give it away to those who don’t have.
For it was never yours, nor it was mine
It belongs to the one in front of your eyes.

Let your body guide you; that is a sign.
Let your tongue speak; that is a sign.
Feel the warmth of the skin,
Feel the taste of those lips.

You don’t hear, for you write.
You don’t see, for you read.
I am with you every day,
Open your eyes, you’ll see my face.

I am the true one, and I bring the truth.
For I am the God, I am the self.
I’m in your soul; I’m in your head.

You see on your left your God;
*You see on your right the Self.
(From “Conversation with God”, by OFV)
Dark of skin
Tall and beautiful
Looking is impossible
Stop staring as well

Such a silent method
Such a cruel thing
Just a glimpse is heaven
A word is paradise as well

Brown sugar she smells like
Brown honey she tastes like

And mine, just mine.
To my Love Amy
Care not for the glass
For it is the cut that hurts
Mind the trap
So your fingers won't bleed

Look forward, not to your sides
Stay focus on the good,
Touch not someone else's heart
Just touch your lady's moons

Mind the gap of spring
Where lays ahead
The trap of summer
Disguised as autumn leaves

Reconcile your heart and mind
Reckon your pace
Find equilibrium in kind
Not someone else's face

Atlast it is rewarded
A smart heart and kind mind
Atlast it is best
Not to search, not to find.
To Cath
Sense the grandeur of your power
As you disrupt one life after another...
Even loving you becomes the absolute failure,
It is the most beautiful failure I could ever think of....
For the simple moments when I feel actual passion.
I don't care if it is a delusion.
My 2 Cents

“the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.”

Let me start by mentioning that I don’t usually get involved with political matters, but in this case, I’d say it’s more of a basic human rights matter.

I’m a man, and I’m a feminist.

I was lucky enough to grow up in a home with three women; my mother and two older sisters. Growing up with them gave me an enormous amount of respect for women, (even though I may have lost a certain amount of socially expected masculinity along the way), and their current lives continue to increase my respect for the opposite gender.

My oldest sister is leaving to study abroad at Oxford in less than a week to major in philosophy. Philosophy. She also graduated high school with a 4.0 and was involved in power lifting competitions and is enlisted in ROTC. Simply put, she’s an animal. She’s worked hard her entire life and I’d hate to see a world that put that hard work to waste.

My other sister is working three jobs to pay her way through college and is planning to major in psychology. I’m always envious of her work ethic and level of commitment to not only her education, but to her friends and family as well.

My mother has been my backbone since I was a child. She was always the one I turned to in times of trouble, and continues to be. She works hard everyday, while going through mentally straining marriage problems, and comes home and still asks me about my day. She has given me nothing but unconditional love for my entire existence.

For these reasons, it boggles my mind why anyone would ever be anti-feminism. I am genuinely confused as to why, because their bodies are different, women get less privileges, respect, opportunities, and even money. I just don’t get it.

I am also disgusted that women are seen by most men as walking ****** organs. l will admit genuine guilt to using the number scale to “rate” women. It’s something I grew up with, but now it sickens me. Assigning a number to a woman based on your misguided views on how she should look, whether you would **** her, is something I find repulsive. There’s nothing wrong with admiring the opposite ***, but no one gives a **** about your stupid opinion, especially the woman.

I hope someday if I ever have a daughter that she will have the privilege of living in a country of gender equality, tolerance, and open-mindedness.

Anyway, I just wanted to put my two cents in.

I am a man.

I am a feminist.

This isn't a poem but it's something I'm passionate about and feminism could always use more support. Spread the word!
I look in the mirror
I look into my vacant empty eyes
at the end of the emptyness
I see a cave made of ancient ice

Shackled palms
Shackled feet
Frozen chains
Broken me

Stalactites formed from out my eyes
frozen fear
Frozen breath
panic attacks
Frozen sweat
Ice sheets for clothes
Frozen trap

walk into the cave
enjoy the beautifull
frozen white
grab a stalactite
and stab
my shackled self
right in the heart

The spike slowly turns red
I look at myself
and he says: I thought you'd forget,
will you come back?


I turned my back
and I left.
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