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It's sad how the things go like this today ..
I've thought about it hundered times ..
The words that should be said ..
Before reaching this pointless point ..
Time won't always heal your pain ..
Sometimes , the pain will always haunt you ..
Listen to my unspoken words ..
Hear my unheared scream ..
Stare at my eyes and you'll find the answer ..
It's sad how the things go like this today ..
This pain inside your chest , i feel it ..
This pain that lead you to carziness ..
This craziness that i can handle ..
It's me , It's your home where you're always safe ..
I will be there away and you'll replace me hundered times ..
Until you realise that no one can handle you but me ..
Not because you're hard to handle but because it's me , it's your home where you're always safe ..
I will be there away and you'll comeback ..
Until then , i will be in another place where i didn't use to be in ..

I will be

In the corner of your eyes

And you'll always look at me

you look at me with that sad, sad smile
it makes my heart falter my stomach turn to bile
you don't need to say the words
just sit silently
let them pass unheard
i know what you are thinking
i'm like a ship that is sinking

pull me from beneath the wave
i'll show you the love you always crave
i'm sorry for my lack of affection
it's just a mere symptom of my disconnection

i forgot what it was to appreciate
now let me finally
 May 2014 Victoria Healy
 May 2014 Victoria Healy
i dont think there is enough glue in the world to piece together my broken heart and if so where can i buy it you destroyed my existence it hurts to look at flowers because they remind me of you and how you didnt love me and i feel like im on fire because you left me with nothing and i just need that **** glue
i didnt know how to punctuate this so i just left it as clouded and messy as it was in my head
 May 2014 Victoria Healy
 May 2014 Victoria Healy
 May 2014 Victoria Healy
i took too many pills so maybe when im at the hospital they will pump you out of my system and i can finally be at peace
its been five months but i still feel as empty as i did that night
 May 2014 Victoria Healy
i am
hovering between
me and
my body

i cannot think
i cannot dream
unreal is
what i seem

reality is not existent
its just a concept
the insistant resistance
of playful dreaming

i have just barely
made it
slightly touching the ground
drowning in the cushioned air

i must be suffering from
sleep deprivation
or one too many shots
of *****

has no gravity
increasing the longevity
of time

time has stopped
it is infinite
hovering slightly above
the current.

the present.

i fall
just as a star falls
euphoria washes
away from my eyes

reality surrounds me
as my breathing
comes to a stand still

suggestions are very much needed! :)
your deep brown eyes stare back into mine
you can read my mind
you know exactly what i think
there is no need for clarification or confirmation
i know that this is love

it is a strange thing
it is an invisible string
pulling me ever closer to you
like a whisper
i hear it calling me
inviting me
it waits for me

another single soul
out there in oblivion

one day we will meet
one day we will fall in love
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