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 Apr 2015 Vera
Drin Tashi
The feeling of swimming underwater,

missing someone,

standing on top of a mountain.

The feeling of shedding tears over a movie,

excitment over a kiss,

running for no reason.

The feeling of jumping up and down over a song,

smiling to birds,

being lost after a drunken night out,

is what we should live for.
 Apr 2015 Vera
Kaitlyn A Warnken
The Strongest People
To Tell Their Stories.
 Apr 2015 Vera
MV Blake
Resilience I
 Apr 2015 Vera
MV Blake
Who falls too far from the tree?

The unlucky,
The unwelcome,
The misfits,
The free.

So save your broken wings.

You'll never know
When you'll find them
Whole again.
 Aug 2014 Vera
Jessi Bee
Teach Me
 Aug 2014 Vera
Jessi Bee
Mixed emotions
Unclear notions
I'm in roller coaster mode
Do I hold on?
Or do I simply just let go?
Honestly, I don't know
I'm not 100% sure of who I am
I'm growing, still learning
And constantly yearning
For a deeper understanding
Of this womanhood business
It's a very complicated existence
For instance

Society describes what a woman should be
So faintly
All of the descriptions I hear are nothing at all like me
And since I don't quite understand what I should be
When I make mistakes on my womanhood journey
Society ridicules me
But why? I don't know what I'm doing
And since I don't, shouldn't someone show me?

How should I conduct myself?
Why hasn't anyone prepared me for this womanhood test?
Society shouldn't just expect
That I should already know how to be
Independent, submissive, loyal, loving and trustworthy
Especially if no one took the time out to show me
I only had society to mold me
And clearly
Society doesn't know what a real woman should be
I couldn't learn how from TV
Those people, those images are nothing but deceit

So what's a girl to believe?
Oh, society you don't know either?
Fine, well when you find out
Maybe you should teach me
 Aug 2014 Vera
Miranda Jo
Let Me Go
 Aug 2014 Vera
Miranda Jo
Why do you hold on to me?
I'm such a mess,
Just set me free.
I won't be here forever so just set me free.

I'll be gone someday.
Just apart of the trees.
Maybe then you'll finally let me be.
Serenity is no longer considered peace.
 Aug 2014 Vera
Is it real?
 Aug 2014 Vera
I try to feel
but when I do
I get hurt
so I try not to

But what if

What if one day
I find it
That one thing
We all think we have
because we all want it so bad

What if I find
true happiness.
Is it real?
 Aug 2014 Vera
homework love
 Aug 2014 Vera
sometimes you're like homework
so confusing
and i just stare at you
hating you
yet you're important to me
it's so hard to finish you
and i lose inspiration every now and then
but when i get high as my grades
i come running back to you

i can't wait to graduate from school
get rid of this infatuation
we would be adults by then
and hopefully this mess will be sorted out

— The End —