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5.1k · Aug 2016
Vani j Aug 2016
I am the product of lost civilization;
hanging in between circles  of  modernization ;
who tells
Whether its rising or setting of sun  or globalization
The era of bindis
Or glamorization
Of going to Pubs
or piligrimization
Of  mothers going to kitty parties  
and  of socialization
Of works of Picasso's    
Or hussainization
Of  belief of gods
Or Sensationalization
Of act of democracy
Or  just rationalization
Of laws of science
Or limitization
Of acts of defiance
Or patronization
Of loss of love                        
Or dehumanization
Of views of people
Or individualization
1.4k · Jul 2016
Lil bird
Vani j Jul 2016
little bird
cant fly; cant fly
eyes always
looking at the sky
Never heard of a bird that can't fly
**** up lil bird
cold soup;
is all u gonna ever try
feed ur lovesick heart
lil bird
lovepotion is losing its high
oh lil bird
dont freeze wen ur parents
tumble you into this wholehell sky
dont get cold lil bird all dey want for u is to find ur own sky
bt shame lil bird ur mind has found its own neverland sky
oh lil bird ;if u could just fly
i know lil bird how u like the high
jst try; just try
ur siblings are shouting from the sky
u watch them lil bird with awe inspiring sigh;
and u turn your face lil bird
coz u cant face d lack of same love u find in their eyes
are u not trying lil bird???? tell me  or  have u jst glued your
eyes to the sky
fear lil bird has it turned you to
a box of ice and u keep looking for fire  to turn you from cold to nice
in the night ; hiding in the shadows  comes ur fight
keep fighting lil bird searching for dat thing  dat destroyed you
from the start
an enemy  so variant even u wont recognize  no one sees it lil bird
but u know lil bird how it is dat u hav to fight keep fighting fight fight fight fight fight fight fight..........
u laugh lil bird ...about how u thought once dat ppl were so high now u see them in the real light
dey got blood on their lips lil bird fools think that smearing lipsticks  can make it hide
but in the same light can u see urslf too lil bird
******* off of ppls love to make u high
oh sick lil bird how is ur idealism
love is your drug; yellow avian
and u want it unadulterated even more than your diet
even a slight impurity; u r spinning out of sight
stop dreaming lil bird come back from d neverland sky
maybe dey r jst ppl
and maybe dey r jst trying to survive
even with blood on their lips
and even with a foot that has
never touched a shoe for life.
so come lil bird come down from the neverland sky
they will never know  how it feels to see  the world , and want to change everything from left to right, to see someone in pain and get their own heart ripped apart
or how a song can make someone feel alive
and how when  you watch a movie and for a day become the character u like
funny lil bird  how u remind me ....
and when you want ppl to understand you without words.....
watever lil bird jst come down from d neverland skies
Cluttered head of a lil bird
1.4k · Oct 2017
Vani j Oct 2017
She was a blot
Blot of emotions
She came oozing out of her mother's womb
Her first word was a cry
And she has been tender since then
Beauty of the world broke her
And her laugh was a wonder
Yet seldom she smiled
Because it was melancholy which has died her skin deeper
Deeper than everything else
She wondered...
Was it all because she was born at night?
1.4k · Jul 2016
The love i felt for u....
Vani j Jul 2016
The love I felt for u
Got lost in time....
Coz let's face the truth.....
It was always me looking for u
And u were nowhere to find
Since debroglie said for everything,
Love must also be a symmetry  and
Half heart can't make something ....
Just a sign.
Imagine only one auricle and ventricle pumping to save our vital signs.
Random heart
1.2k · Aug 2016
Thump, thump, thump.....
Vani j Aug 2016
She took the stairs
and followed her mind shaped road to nowhere.
Nowhere had novocaine and a whole lot of what  should not be shared.
Mind trips,
Dulled her to otherworldly stares,
Bruised lips,
And no one in sight to look for her welfare,
Comatose limbs taking her from nowhere to nowhere.
Fogged brain
taking away every bit of care,
But her dulled heart,
Still dare.
Thump, thump, thump.
1.1k · Jun 2016
Vani j Jun 2016
I am her summer and she is my June,
I am her Uranus and she is my Neptune,
I am her lyric and she is my tune.
Just random
796 · Jun 2016
Vani j Jun 2016
A cat was found on the street
A man had left him lifeless ,beaten
Black and blue literally
It had some scars to show up for the persons artistry
Now a cat is called mean
Well never heard a cat dying a man green
And man is a social animal
But sometimes animal part comes out at the scene
But the fact is man has a bigger animal in him that any lil blue dyed cat named smurf can bring on the scene
And I m not being gender specific each time I write a man there is a man along with a woman ,fact was I just wanted to write human but each time I guess  the animal in me came on the scene.
On a cat who was dyed blue by a human
566 · Jun 2016
Vani j Jun 2016
If u like trouble,
Then u should come to my place
It has got walls painted with heartbreak,
And no................I had never had a lover
So its hard to explain whose blood got splattered on the gates
562 · Aug 2017
Cactus and Rose
Vani j Aug 2017
All the world's happiness is for you and there is nothing for me
You got a garden full of beautiful roses
And i got a garden full of succulent cacti trees
I know even roses have thorns
And sometimes u too bleed
But imagine bleeding all the time
Because that's the fate of having a cacti tree
Yes even cactus have flowers,
On those rare occasions
But have u ever seen anyone talking about cacti flowers
Oh the horrors of being a little flower on a much thorny tree?!
527 · Mar 2017
Vani j Mar 2017
She loved me more
even though she saw me lying on the floor
She gave me her hand
even though she knew i couldn't stand
She gave me her heart
even though she knew mine was just a painful blot
She loved me in darkness,
She loved me in rain,
She loved me in vain,
She loved me in loneliness,
She loved my pain,
even which I couldn't contain
So I wish her the sun
I wish her the moon
I wish her good days
I wish her a summer noon
About a woman...
519 · Aug 2016
Lucky bastard love
Vani j Aug 2016
She is crying on my shoulders,
Its forgotten who is the elder one;
My big sister has let another guy into her head
I have never been the luckier one;
He let himself in and  now he is running faster than he can;
I have a head too but hard as I try I  can't  never let anyone in  
I want to get my heart broken and I too want  to cry  a river over someone
But my heart is tightly closed like a box that can never open , I guess I would never find the lucky one !!!
Until then u can decide which sister is the lucky one
518 · Jun 2017
Vani j Jun 2017
She inhaled the sky
And gave birth to clouds...
517 · Aug 2017
Vani j Aug 2017
I am sorry
If you don't like my poems
I am sorry
That even if you don't like them you still sometimes have to see them
But you know i can't stop writing
Sometimes even when there is no rhyme or reason
I sometimes even question myself why why do i write them?
And what do i want from them?!
I know they are far from the lyrical analogy of a well formed mind deeply inclined towards touching the chords of another heart in a random tandem
But i can't stop
So pardon
513 · Jun 2016
Princess of darkness
Vani j Jun 2016
Princess of darkness,
She is the Queen of the doomed,
Walks through the midnight moon,
Sleeps through the noon,
Yes, her face is charmless
Just like a child who went
On deathbed very very soon
Eyes, sea of sadness quite like
Celebrating the aftermath of the goons
Yet, I am in luv with her
just like Japan is with typhoon, endless
Like infinite craters on the surface of moon
#moon#noon#soon#goons# princess# darkness# Japan # typhoon# craters
496 · Jun 2016
i kept standing
Vani j Jun 2016
I kept standing
I kept standing and everything went to the floor
I kept standing and there was no floor anymore.
I kept standing and grass grew on the door.
I kept standing and there was no light anymore.
I kept standing and everyone went to the dance floor,
I kept standing and you punched me in the face
till I could feel no more.
I kept standing even when my feet were sore,
bruised and burning no more.
I kept standing even when there was no point in standing any more.
just a poem about standing, floor, door, any more
466 · Sep 2017
Girl with Empty Heart
Vani j Sep 2017
Is it love?!
She asked herself
Do u even know him well?!
She told herself
Are u so fickle?!
She reprimanded herself
Do u believe in love at first sight?!
She chided herself
But still she went crying and sighing behind closed doors for years
What was she searching for?!
Was it his love or just love?!
Well the damage was done
Now her heart seemed so big
It will hardly be filled by his love
And she will always be the girl with the empty heart
440 · Jun 2016
Vani j Jun 2016
I have still got pain.
Its big and in vain, 
For its only pain,
It has got no body and no brain.
Its of no use ,
And from it nothing I will gain 
But it still comes like a tornado and rocks me like a hurricane .
It breaks my windows and knocks on my door
And enters swiftly, even when I don’t open them wide anymore,
And it holds me prisoner,free once but no more  ,
And it makes me write verses like they were curses once for sure,
Thats the gift that gives me  my pain .
No its never a boon,
it's alwez a bane.
A bane of my existence,not clear and quite uncertain.
I ride the waves from fountain to fountain. My pain has really no gain BT it's still bleeding,
bleeding crimson red from heart shaped curtains .
From the door to the street, it will make me keel it will make me bleed, but
Don’t love me alone, I may be insane.
But love me, love me because i come branded with my pain.
412 · Oct 2016
Ode to john green
Vani j Oct 2016
Love kills slowly at first,
And then all at once.
408 · Jun 2017
Of Little women
Vani j Jun 2017
She always wanted to be Jo, always
But she was always scared what if she was Beth?!
The thought made her gut churn,
she felt pukish , horrified
She looked at her bitten nails....
The sweet sickly Beth
Who cared so much
And made herself sick
Caring about others
About things
With no lover
Only her family
All alone
With worries...
Beth was not a warrior
Just a worrier
Worried sick

She knew there was nothing of  Meg in her, nothing
Meg was too safe
Too practical

But there were parts of Amy in every march

Each one of them marched to their own beat.....
But  Beth was just a beating heart....
Or maybe she was just a coward
A true hamlet  trapped in endless to be or not to be
She will make you want to throttle her and save her at the same time

Beth needed sacrifice....
To survive
Or was she the sacrifice?!
372 · Jul 2016
Vani j Jul 2016
There is a tree
It hangs its branches low,
For wind to blow
Inspired by the haiku guys
371 · Nov 2017
Devil's hold
Vani j Nov 2017
Won't he leave her now
More than two decades have gone by
Since she caught his fancy
He turns her stomach to knots
And leaves her heart cold
Throws her fast and catches her slow
She might not glitter
Because he has been stealing her gold
Everyone suspects she is the devil
But it's devil's hold
366 · Sep 2017
Maroon Sweater
Vani j Sep 2017
The boy with the maroon sweater
You took her heart and threw it in the gutter

The boy with the maroon sweater
She tried her best but you were always better

The boy with the maroon sweater
She knew you were smart but you were an early quitter
365 · Apr 2017
Vani j Apr 2017
Sadness and happiness is cyclic...
Like a snake eating its own tail...
Circle of Life
345 · Jun 2017
A game of two
Vani j Jun 2017
Give me something of yours that won't die....
If you are reading this, thanks for your TIME!
A game of two. Dedicated to U.. Yes U
331 · May 2017
Special /Stutter
Vani j May 2017
He saw her first day
And thought she was special
Then he saw her next day
And the next
And the next
And the next
And the next
And the next....
That day she saw him
And thought he might be special
But by then he was wondering was there anything special?!
If you repeat something too many times.... Special, special, special, special, special... It loses its meaning.... Meaning... meaning meaning... meaning...
An ode to phil kaye
325 · May 2017
Willow wallow
Vani j May 2017
Willow will you weep for me?!
Or are you already weeping for someone else...
322 · Apr 2017
Vani j Apr 2017
She has never been to a river
And still she moved like water
318 · Jun 2016
Vani j Jun 2016
She lied through her teeth
And led me astray with her every breath
She felt like silk even though she was satin underneath
And I felt like a child who got
Vanilla instead of strawberry
# vanilla# strawberry# silk# satin
311 · Jun 2016
Hundred pieces of me
Vani j Jun 2016
The hundred pieces of me,
They are found hanging from a lifeless tree , I break and all of them get free  
one cries and ,other tries to be free  one dips in the muckey waters of melanchonly while, other smiles forlornly.
One piece wailes, while other sings, songs of sirens of what it could be.    one piece becomes cold white,  other turn amber green .
One is weeping in the corner,  other hangs from the chandelier singing songs of the free.
Even when they try to come together, there are cracks which still separate them from one another.
 Like a haunted house full of brazen deserted trees
311 · Jun 2019
Vani j Jun 2019
everything is same
same for you
but my eyes have turned inside out
and now i can clearly see
all the things you said was just an elaborate lie
and i,a fool, got deceived
a sunflower among roses
saw the beautiful red ,
while your thorns left me bloodied
you have got your prize now
and lets hope you take your eyes off of me
310 · Mar 2017
Art of Affliction
Vani j Mar 2017
I don't want your money...
And I m not looking to please
All I am here for is to afflict you with my disease....
306 · Aug 2017
Vani j Aug 2017
You talk of everything, Ceecee
But you mean nothing, Ceecee
You talk about the world, Ceecee
But you are not of this world, Ceecee
You are kind Ceecee
And  you are one of a kind, Ceecee
But tell me
Are u the disease, Ceecee
Or will you be the ultimate cure, Ceecee
Are those your eyes, Ceecee
Or is that the reflection of me that i find nice, Ceecee
Are you the veins,
Or are you the arteries Ceecee
Are you taking away
Or are you bringing in the Pain, Ceecee
Will it be the ultimate love
Or will it eventually go dilute, Ceecee
304 · Aug 2017
Tippy toe
Vani j Aug 2017
feel too much
Scratch the surface
Rose petals
Stain on the cheeks
Smile without reason
Songs make u blush
Think too much
Sleepless nights
Testing waters
page after page unread
Am I in love
Or its just love?!
299 · Sep 2017
Vani j Sep 2017
She wished she had more depth.....
Although she was already drowning
297 · Dec 2017
Vani j Dec 2017
Oh love
Aren't u a gift from above?!
291 · Oct 2017
Vani j Oct 2017
Oh I am trapped
trapped in this bottomless sea
fight I may
fight I need
fight I strong
fight I weak
Fighting is the captor
And fighting is the freedom I need
I keep sinking
Sinking to the end
And I keep flailing
Flailing to the deep
My heart is burnt out
And my head is burning with thoughts
I don't need.
Struggle I victim
Struggle for defeat
Love is a lost prison
Rusted in the sea
I can't find it's gates
And the freedom is killing me
I know you won't understand
U won't understand
The fight that I need
287 · Jun 2017
Green man
Vani j Jun 2017
I was a desperate terrible teen
And no all those years, were never green
Now that i lay here lying in smithereens
I think green was a color that never actually truly suited me
And blues...were well blues
For if you ever find yourself a green man
And ask him to show you his,
You will be out of count
my friend...
Let me tell u this..
As it has always been
286 · Aug 2017
Vani j Aug 2017
Thou art so cruel world
Every time he went out
A little something in him died...
A tribute to Chester Bennington
280 · Dec 2016
Vani j Dec 2016
I know its hard,
hard to carry a body around,
And I know its summer
But it always keeps raining in my mind,
Every one that knows my name,
Doesn't know the struggle to keep it barely floating behind,
I know that I am not in your heart
But it does nothing to keep you away from my mind,
I know I can't keep it casual
Intensity is permanently renting a space in my mind,
279 · Jun 2017
Fragrance of Remembrance
Vani j Jun 2017
His poems were beautiful
They smelled of roses and rain
With a hint of glistening summer tan
She wreathed them into her hair
And they dissolved into air
Leaving behind
Fragrance of Remembrance
273 · Oct 2017
Vani j Oct 2017
She was selfish
So selfish.. That she might ****...
But did she ever claim anything otherwise..

There is nothing great in sacrifice, she will tell you

Who burns their own hand,trying to douse the fire that is going to scar somebody else's heart

Who keeps themselves cold, when they can get the cheap light burning
down low

There is nothing.... nothing great in sacrifice

It takes a man to ignite himself with selfishness
And turn himself to dark
272 · Apr 2017
Crop cycle
Vani j Apr 2017
The city makes you feel important
Those caged buildings make you feel like something you are not
But in those open fields beneath the sky
You will see the vastness and know how insignificant we all are
Just a crop and harvesting season is coming soon
Seeing life through the eyes of an alien
268 · Apr 2017
Vani j Apr 2017
You have so many beautiful words
But I lost my dictionary
The last time life came to visit me...
You say it's  amber, salmon, sage, ocher, rosewood
But all I see is red, black and black mixed with blue
The color of bruises,
The bloodiness of scars
Will you lend me your dictionary
So I can borrow some fancy words
And put them in..
Just like ribbons and lost stars
To cover the surfaces that have been marred....
268 · Sep 2017
Vani j Sep 2017
Someone loves u
And It it makes you happy
But does it hide the absence of a soul...
Because you are looking shifty
struggling in plastic
Putting on your branded cheap lisptick
And you think you look good,
And you think if you look good, everything will be fine. Alas.
268 · Mar 2017
Paper Truth
Vani j Mar 2017
All the things you can put on a paper....
Cerulean skies
Beauty of fireflies
Freckled skin
Brown eyes
Red lips
Sharp teeth
****** heart

And all the things you can't....
Winter's frost
Summer's splinter
The cold of the ice
The ******* of the nice
The horror of hope
The desire that burns
And every broken breath

And still....
You Cope.
266 · Apr 2017
Vani j Apr 2017
She was beautiful
Just like the wind
Before storm
266 · Dec 2016
Vani j Dec 2016
I don't know the words to the poem that will make your eyes shine
Last time I read a poem I was probably  nine
Sorry but the rain didn't get in my brain that time(shel Silverstein anyone!)
Shane koczyan, I can't even spell his name right, how can you expect me to make it rhyme
And yes we all may be beautiful but the ugliness is right behind,in the rear view mirror to find
If misery loves company, then I am the best friend of mankind
If Sadness is omnipotent  then you will find me on each street,corner and even recesses of your mind
How can a man who is even a tiny bit smart not be sad in these times
If love comes free, why is hate always lingering on our mind.
264 · Apr 2017
Vani j Apr 2017
She rotated it 180.
Tied the loose ends.
pretended with books, every kind.
Tried to **** it in the oven.
Tried to prison it in her mind.
Took it to  beach
Tried to bury it in the sand
Tried to drown it in the water
But it came back... every time
Stronger than before...
261 · Mar 2017
Vani j Mar 2017
I will cherish you
Like a mother cherishes her only child

And when sun's rays will fall ******* you
I will stand in the way and protect you from harsh sunlight

When the clouds will burst with heavy rains
I will become your rain cover with utter delight

And God forbid if you fall ill
I will scour the streets in the search of that medicine that will soothe some of your intense plight

I will be the audience when you will stand on your feet and shine your light

Stupefied I will watch you scale mountains and man alike,

You will find me wherever you go... in darkness and in light

Your shadow might not want me... but I will stood my ground and fight the fight...

Everything might die in me
But I will still keep you alive.
259 · Oct 2017
Vani j Oct 2017
They wanna put me in a box
They wanna put me in a box... real fast
They got all kinds ....
Just want to stick the label
So they won't feel confused
So they won't have to think about me hard
They need to sort
Like books on shelves
They want to trap me in a story...
..... in their heads
Rough draft
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