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230 · Mar 2017
Mirror, Mirror on the wall
Vani j Mar 2017
If Mirror were to reflect minds, it would have shattered in pieces.... To reflect it perfectly .... in details.
230 · Sep 2017
Vani j Sep 2017
I saw you cross the street
And thought... This is how lightening strike must feel like....

Sitting on the desk, when I saw you ducking your head through same doors I walked few minutes back...
I thought... This is what people must mean about life being unfair

I still remember the first question that came out of your mouth(you asked the professor) .. And I thought... This is what losing one's mind must feel like...

When I saw you smiling with another girl, I didn't feel jealous
Was it because I was sure she will not be able to maintain your interest.... For long.. And thought... this is what vanity must feel like

My mind registered... When you were not in the class... And i thought..this is what delusion must feel like

I couldn't help myself from looking at you.... At times... And i thought...this is what looking at a car crash must feel like

I still remember the colour of your shirt that day... Even though i hardly remember anything else and i think...
Work in progress
230 · Apr 2017
Wedding Ring
Vani j Apr 2017
She had heard, Mrs. Briganza the walking rumor mill
She knew her husband was looking for something fresh, run of the mill
She had seen him removing his wedding ring, the other night
She felt the same wedding ring choking her neck, unable to breathe
She felt her heart growing out of her ribs and she imagined lying in a pool of blood at her very own feet.
Little johny came rushing in, 'Mama, mama when will daddy be home? '
'Soon' she barely breathed.
She knew she couldn't cry.
Don't all big girls choke on their own tears until they die.
#Rumor will #choke #Little Johny # Big girls
227 · Oct 2017
Vani j Oct 2017
She was selfish
So selfish.. That she might ****...
But did she ever claim anything otherwise..

There is nothing great in sacrifice, she will tell you

Who burns their own hand,trying to douse the fire that is going to scar somebody else's heart

Who keeps themselves cold, when they can get the cheap light burning
down low

There is nothing.... nothing great in sacrifice

It takes a man to ignite himself with selfishness
And turn himself to dark
227 · Jul 2017
That one
Vani j Jul 2017
She asked me my name
And although i had no intention of telling her
I ended up revealing more than she could contain
It was play pretend from then on
I sometimes tried to touch her heart
But my hands passed through
At times she felt like a hologram
She was busy doing chores
while i was counting painful scores
We held each other close
But we couldn't be farther
She was pieced together so tightly
And i was fragmented so badly
But what was common was
We both were broken once
And still are...
226 · Jun 2017
Vani j Jun 2017
She was the kind of sweet that made you choke back your tears
and count them again when you were alone.....
224 · Jun 2017
Vani j Jun 2017
She was a book of puzzles.
In a cover so plain.
It was puzzling.
223 · Sep 2017
Vani j Sep 2017
All the girls/boys that hated you
And all the boys/girls that you loved
There is a special place for them
Its neither heaven nor earth
220 · Oct 2017
Two way ending
Vani j Oct 2017
And you want the cure/disease
But maybe I
I have started liking the disease/cure
And you want to put your heart in the freezer/heater
But maybe I
I had developed a habit of putting
it in the oven
At 100 degrees heat/( it in the fridge)
219 · Mar 2017
Vani j Mar 2017
Where did you go and break yourself into thousand little pieces, heart?
218 · Jul 2017
U & Me
Vani j Jul 2017
You and me
There is a sea between you and me
Its colored blue.
217 · Jun 2017
Vani j Jun 2017
Love was lying there
Begging her to hold his hand
But she was afraid of losing her stand
214 · Aug 2018
Vani j Aug 2018
Everything is special
Or nothing is
In its own way
214 · Oct 2017
Vani j Oct 2017
It was one of those days again
Her each sunshine sooner or later was akin to rain
214 · Oct 2017
Order and chaos
Vani j Oct 2017
John thought John was a nice man
John loved his family
John went to church
John paid his bills,for being a human
John was agreeable,to his colleagues and to charity
John paid his dues for being in a society
John loved animals
John even slipped a couple of notes to people begging on the streets

But John,John thought he was a bad man
John was constantly bleeding
John had a hole so big in his soul,but no one could find it
John loved his family but he was ready to quit anyday
John went to church ,but those hail Marys were bitter birch
John liked his colleagues and would have loved to put a little poison in their coffees
John paid his dues but couldn't stop the gagging in his throat everytime he did it
John once puked on the society and washed it squeaky clean so fast
No one could see it
John cared so much that he didn't give a **** by night

But he slept
Good John was punctual
No one was harmed during writing this ..
Also no offence to Jesus...
210 · Oct 2017
Vani j Oct 2017
She didn't write poetry
Poetry got written through her
209 · Sep 2017
Vani j Sep 2017
Poetry is baring your soul...naked.
209 · Jul 2017
Black/White Magic
Vani j Jul 2017
If you ever knew a woman truly,
You came close to magic
White magic, black magic
205 · Sep 2017
And Love
Vani j Sep 2017
And love
What of love?!
Have you ever heard of a cage...
Glorified that much
203 · May 2017
Lovers and Killers
Vani j May 2017
They say love kills
so i asked him :Are u dead?
202 · Sep 2017
Blue Blue
Vani j Sep 2017
Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue
But she was so
True True True True True
202 · Aug 2016
Vani j Aug 2016
Light are waves,
and waves are light,
So tell me why do I sway
200 · Mar 2017
Vani j Mar 2017
The eyes might look beautiful and nice now
But soon they will turn dark and cold as ice
194 · Jul 2016
Reluctant love
Vani j Jul 2016
I was never sad that it broke
I was sad that you never tried to rebuild it
194 · Oct 2017
Vani j Oct 2017
Her smell permeated my soul so strongly
Now I have anosmia
194 · Aug 2017
Vani j Aug 2017
Cruelty doesn't make her cry anymore,
Those rose thorns don't hurt so much
As a sweet caress
Sweet words do
They hurt, they touch
They make her cry
They make her wonder
Where did they come from
Chinese fingergames
Angry child...
Breaks her
Its like waiting
Small a gesture
Can hurt you so much
191 · Oct 2017
Vani j Oct 2017
She was angry
But now she is resigned
Like an ocean with remaining shells and sounds
He was in the mud,the swine
He threw some on her
Thinking that she will get *****
But the dirtiness was always in his mind
Everyone told her he might have ugliness beneath his beauty
But she thought maybe there was some tenderness hidden behind hard lines
Or That it might be the exception
Or maybe she just got lured
Shiny things attract us
And don't we go bumping in them all the time
But you can't tame a beast,MAN
It will bite you the moment it gets a chance
It will show you its ugliness
Much deeper than the ***** mud on the skin
An incurable....disease of the mind
And make you believe that ...maybe maybe it's just how he is
Or maybe its you....bringing out the beast in him
But let's be honest
Most of the time he is a calculated,conniving,cold hearted monster planning his sinister deeds,well in advance
He requires no apologists
Because All he is ....
is a heartless cold blooded Swine
Formally a pig might get offended by this
189 · Oct 2017
Vani j Oct 2017
She does good in short games
Give her white muscles,give her sprints
She doesn't stick for long ones
It ain't her thing
Continuity is her Kryptonite
One day is all she excels in
She can't stay,she is always runin
Her track record is long but it is always in short things
She is a good Jack of all
But ain't master of nothing
189 · Sep 2017
Vani j Sep 2017
She had beautiful eyes
They looked like sunrise
188 · Apr 2017
No one
Vani j Apr 2017
She killed herself
And no one cared
She was not their daughter
And not their sister
So it was not their pain to bear
Read a sad story of a girl in the newspaper...
178 · Oct 2017
Vani j Oct 2017
He didn't like women with spine
He was Spineless
177 · May 2017
Light Years
Vani j May 2017
She wondered if the stars were too close or if she was too far....
From earth, humans
174 · Apr 2017
Vani j Apr 2017
She was beautiful
Just like the wind
Before storm
172 · Oct 2017
Body of Love
Vani j Oct 2017
Love left her body
And was found crawling on the floor
Tears of somebody
drowned her and brought her back ashore
170 · Oct 2017
Vani j Oct 2017
Oceans behind her retinal curtains
But she never cried
168 · Oct 2017
Vani j Oct 2017
You can't hold it for long
And there are many delusions
Million stars in the sky and a billion blues in the ocean
You think you are close to edge and you will drop in the solution
But your mind just puts another thought in  motion
It's the contemplation about contemplating about contemplation
158 · Oct 2017
Vani j Oct 2017
You can be deep down in the muck
And still be a lotus
Saw it with my own eyes
118 · May 2021
Vani j May 2021
we are rivers apart
you came off of me
I came off of you
Now your tongue is gibberish
my gestures are sicklish
Now nothing can bring us
bring us back together
we are miles apart
miles and miles and galaxies and light years

— The End —