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  Dec 2014 vague rememberance
attacked me like
a rabid dog
eager to taste flesh

bit into me like
raw meat
(because really that's all I am)

tore me open like
wrapping paper on a gift
you weren't supposed to see yet

I shut down like
a restaurant with health code violations
infested with rats

fell into you like
from thirty stories

poisoned myself like
a carbon monoxide car garage
falling unconscious long before death
The ocean reflects the scenery of the sky,
But the sky does not reflect the ocean.
The ocean and sky never touch ,  
The ocean still holds the reflection of the sky.
And when night time comes the ocean still reflects the sky.
Forever faithful to the sky.
The ocean tries its best to reach for the sky with its waves,
But the sky just sits there with no effort.
The ocean is so still at night,
in solitude when it realizes the sky is so far for a reason .
But when the sun rises again the ocean tries even harder.
Why does the ocean try to touch the sky knowing it is impossible ?
When people love something strong enough they will try their best to be with them. But you always want what you cannot have.
We smoke dried leaves
And drink fermented fruit
To try to escape the prison of reality
Even if it's just momentarily
By Arcassin Burnham

Both grew tired,
It wasn't non of your overshadowing,
And I could taste the fire,
Of heavy lies,
I didnt really ever imagine,
Spending a day without you guys,
But your ignorance disgusted me so much,
I had to design,
A way,
That I could get away from you,
I sacrificed,
My soul,
Isn't it golden.
I thought you were my friend , but you just like everyone else ...
  Dec 2014 vague rememberance
he always asks,
what's there to enjoy about alcohol? It tastes disgusting.
I reply every time,
alcohol is not to be enjoyed. You drink fruit punch if you want to drink something for taste. Alcohol is to get rid of the even worse taste in your mouth that every awful person in your life has left.
Darkness seeps between my fingertips
Even when my hands are clutched to my face as tightly as I can when I am crying alone
Fingernails digging into my skin
To remind myself that it is real
Sleeves pulled over my fingertips
So no one is forced to see the hideous things
Especially me
The way a murderer's mother shuts her son's old bedroom door at night when he has been jailed
To shut out the memories
Concealing what is unpleasant
At night I don't wear makeup
So when I wake up at 2AM to use the washroom
I keep the lights off
And fumble blindly through the black air to find the door handle
So I don't have to look at myself
It's getting worse everyday
A new kind of pain
And I don't understand
Why it hurts so much
But I think I'm going to stop telling people about it
I'm going to stop mentioning it no matter how much it hurts
I'm going to stop being self-deprecating in public
Because it just comes across vain, self-pitying, annoying, attention-seeking and fake
I want people to stop telling me I'm pretty
I want them to stop lying to me
Even if it just to spare my feelings
So I will stop putting them in situations
Where they must lie to me to be polite
I'm just going to be silent now
They already have to know how ugly I am on the outside
No one needs to know
What an ugly mind I have
I genuinely promise I am NOT looking for compliments when I put myself down every hour
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