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  Aug 2015 obnoxious
Baby kiss me
like we're on Mars and the only breath
we have is from
each other's lungs.
- I.p
obnoxious Jul 2015
1,422 days
in love with you.
You ran my mind
but did not have a clue about it
I hate to be so cliche, but it felt like love at first sight
though the probability is minimal
I stand by my word
you walked into my life & I couldn't seem to shake you from my mind
obnoxious Jul 2015
I pinched myself to see if you were real
If for once things had played out right
Our eyes met almost magically, effortlessly

I hated to see such a wonderful day go
So I tried to hold on to every last bit
I took your hand & left
The moon was chasing me.

I bounded down the road
Through valleys of auburn
Over wonderous mountains
Through fog that made the road elusive
Till I was stuck by the sea
I stood in my tracks
With my hand intertwined with yours
The sun sunk into the horizon
The once blue sky became shades of orange pink & purple
Then the sun left no trace and the moon hung high
The Stars danced around against the black backdrop
My toes buried into the cool wet sand as the tide blew over my ankles
Your lips pressed against my forehead
The day was gone
obnoxious Jul 2015
Maybe we'd sit in the forest
Atop the fallen leaves of autumn,
Maybe it'd be cold
Who knows there could be snow,
Maybe I'd still stay,
Maybe I'd stay because you were like summer,
Maybe you made winter a little less harsh
obnoxious Jul 2015
I love Lightning when no claps of thunder trail it
I love the pitter-patter of rain outside when I am dry inside
I love you when feelings remain requited
I love everything until I see each layer
obnoxious Jul 2015
His bike was a twilight sky, his eyes were new leaves of spring as sunlight poured through
If it weren't for us the path would've been vacant
Hearty laughter & gentle giggles would be far from the sight
The sea foam tide's beauty would be left unappreciated
I would sit alone people watching, wondering who I identified as in this world as strangers strolled by
He would lay in bed as "12:51" by The Strokes blared aloud
But that's not how the cards played out

I pedaled just behind you as you screamed your favorite lyrics
Released unnecessary angst I suppose
Then our two bikes inhabited a pebble painted beach
We laid facing one another as summer's warm breeze kissed our faces
You'd express with such desire how you saw the world
how you saw the past
how you longed for your future to be
But all that mattered now were the two beach cruisers that somehow linked us together
You sat atop your blue mountain
I hugged my lilac meadow, with you in mind
This euphoria was only transient but felt imperial to me
obnoxious Jul 2015
I love the way she writes her sevens & the way she rolls her eyes at me
She writes all her letters in print except for 'l' and 'e' & her favorite color is lilac
She's insensitive & snappy yet she's sunshine still
I love *** like any man before me but that's not what I want her for
I want her laugh
I want her scowl when I tease her
I want her smile
I want all the times she pretends not to love me
I love how she humbles me, reminding me her options are still open
But I know she'd never leave me
I love to see her vulnerable
To see her unravel
To meet each layer of her that I never knew existed
Each more delicate than the one before
Each sending me into timeless state of Mindy
As sappy as it may be
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