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It’s always
the least suspecting one.
You convince yourself
they are your stars and sun,
When all along,
they were just
another bullet in the gun
forever expanding.
the stardust, grows like our sentiments..

alone in the middle of the sea of dark matter,
so intimate..

two galaxies.. colliding.
who would ever think the bang would create such wondrous views.?

they always say death comes in 3's...perhaps that means life and its meaning comes in 2's..

see I met her...
& she was my shining Sun..
late night talks about, what we'd name our future son..
before God created this, they say a word was sung.
so I stay singing..

I'm on my Jamie Foxx..blame it on the liquor..
perhaps a sip of this and we might fall a little quicker.
she says shes awfully cautious, thinking I might trick her..
I say, girl, I'm not just here because your prettier and thicker...

I'm here because the universe conspired a marvelous plan,
to allow our paths to cross..
ingenious, how coincidence in actuality is destiny, so at night I turn and toss...

what is to come,?
what will the heavens deliver next...?

me, you and the universe, & my trinity's blessed

I think I saw you in my dream
or maybe it was
that place between awake and sleep
That place you wish you could never leave
but the truth hurts like cigarette burns
And honey you taste just as bitter
Yet  I breathe you in every time you cross my mind
Just to slowly breathe you out again
Watch you spiral as you fill the air
Dissipate and disappear
When the woman you love is a poet,
It is hard to tell the difference,
between a poem and a conversation,
When the woman you love is a poet,
She will never speak her thoughts,
I have to decipher the lines,
When the woman you love is a poet,
It's hard not to be ensnared by the words,
And remember that the notes she sings,
Were not all for you
Every word has
a pulse. Every poem
has a heartbeat* ~
I'm just waiting.
Maybe for a flame,
a text,
or the iced coffee I ordered.
Either way,
I'm still waiting.
:3 im too impatient XD
How scenic,
the view of the city from this rooftop.

But I've seen it all before.
I'm really looking for a new spot.

I've done it all yet i still need time,
Kind of like a new clock,

i even met the devil once,
Had Jimmy Choos and a blue top..

but just when i want to leave,
i remember why i stay.

I remember all the cracks on the concrete
i see by day.

And every crack has the potential to grow a stem.
Kind of like every person has the potential to grab a pen.

And the most inspiring of moments is when a rose blossoms.
the thorns might be thick, and the scent might be off some..
the petals might be thin, but its still looking awesome.

Do you follow my story?
Can you grasp my allegory?
Can you understand why I revel in this garden i see before me?.

You may just see cracks,
a street needing a fix...
But I'm in total bliss speaking life into exist-...ence
The reason my view will never get old..
long live the rose that grew, regardless of what it was told..

he started counting cigarettes
the way he did every other night
he counted them like flower petals
with "she loves me"
and "she loves me not"
throwing them afterwards
to the street below.

he started counting cigarettes
the way he did every other night
he counted them like flower petals
but he inhaled the smoke
of the burning petals
and she filled his lungs
and lingered there
for what felt like years.

he started counting cigarettes
the way he did every other night
keeping in mind the seconds
he lost with each stick
he banged his head
against his fist
and cried apologetically.

he started counting cigarettes
the way he did every other night
but, today,
he thought he should stop
but he couldn't help it
it was the only thing left
that reminded him of her -
her nicotine lips
and her warm glow.

he started counting cigarettes
the way he did every other night
he tried to count the times
he said he'd forget
or he said he'd move on
he took another drag,
flicked it to the air,
and said,
"that's it for today."
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