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Of course you lust over me. You are hungry for the man, that I need you to be.
I was dying and no one cared. Not even myself.
River rock, smooth and cool
Glistening in the midday sun
A testament to time and strength
Beneath the rushing waters run

Carved by centuries of flow
Each curve and groove tells a story
Of the world's relentless dance
Of nature's boundless glory

I pause to touch your ancient surface
Feel the weight of your solid form
And marvel at your steadfastness
Amidst the chaos of the storm

River rock, you stand unmoving
A symbol of resilience and grace
A reminder of the beauty
That lies within this wild place
mental illness is the
most expensive thing
i've ever owned but
never wanted
His eyes
Meet mine,
And they sparkle.
Light the night sky.
They build the days I look forward to.
Deep ocean blue,
When we swim so deep
That blue turns to green.
A beautiful pool
Of dark blue,
Mixed in with hazel and
Patches of green.
They look at me.
And inside i want to scream,
But outside i smile back at him,
As he smiles at me.
And he looks with such care,
And caution.
Love, and passion.
Sometimes, when im sad.
He gives this look,
Of sorrow and empathy.
True love and understanding.
his eyes say
‘I love you’
When they look into mine.
And with not just my eyes,
But my voice
I will tell him,
‘I love you, too’.
Like a whiplash of a storm
A sucker punch of emotions
Just thinking about you now
Lights up my mind in glowing, rainbow Crystalline

I want your purple pink sky
The wonders that lie in your mind
"Can I call you mine?" I asked just now
Your eyes turned into a smile, rainbow Crystalline
An action to surrender
will continue our lesson
to always remember
that love stretches beyond
when silence falls
upon a devoted heart.
I used to scream for you until my throat was too scratched and dry to even whisper. I can still taste the blood you regret gifting to me.
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