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Drab Sep 2
For years they knew who I was.
Now they find out who I am.
Irony has a way of biting one in the ***....
Drab Sep 10
I give up what you think about me.
It's probably all true anyway.
But what I think of you, is my problem, or my solution.
Depends on which way I want my day to go..

It's going well so far but I haven't met anyone yet.
NOTES - I don't think he said this....
Drab 3d
The only way to flip.
Is to flip both ways.
Then you can decide.
Drab 1d
He was just an angry, depressed, elderly human being.
The foreship’s snip away at its soft underbelly.
But it hung in there.

Respect is hardly earned.
It’s just a word……..

NOTE – this
More Notes - Nobel here I come!
Drab Aug 31
You take me for granted.
I can tell every day.
It’s not that I’m complaining.
It feels normal in every  way.
I sometimes feel alone.
But then you come around.
And remind me of my humanness
A surprise not so profound
08/31/24 – I really need to stop whining. I call these last few poems “The Depressive  Series”.  All due respect to mr. lars von trier, or however you spell it. I’ll cut it out - 😊. “Sorry about that chief”
Drab 7d
I think he’s lost his marbles.
I think he now sees the sea.
Those cement boots are heavy.
I tell you this is me….
NOTES – inside my head
Drab Aug 27
Turns out there's a correlation there...
August 27th, Tuesday - Another one. It keeps happening. Someone help me.....................
Drab Sep 3
It's an inclusive society.
Well, as long as you agree with us.
Notes - F Flat - Sorry, I was thinking D.I.E. - I suffer from Dislexai.....

Oh, funny you should ask. D.on't I.ncrease E.xcrement.
Drab 1d
I want change!
I want it NOW!
Where did all those coins go?
NOTE – don’t even think about it bub….
Drab Sep 9
Poor me.
Pour me.
Into the goblet of time.

Add some ice and I’ll rhyme.
Add some other stuff and I’m fine.
Put it all together, I’ll probably snort a line.
NOTE – Memories….or lack thereof

Quote of the day...."Words to Die By"
Drab Sep 1
Since he was perplexed, he sat on a log.
And wondered what happened to get lost in this fog.
I know I am wondering what happened to me.
But I’m sure the end result will be something……………….
NOTIFICATIONS ONLY PLEASE! I'm busy doing something personal...
Drab 5d
What the world needs now,

Is VOTES! sweet VOTES!

That's the only thing there is too much of.
Ms. Warwick has my apologies....
Drab Sep 8
Goodbye dear friend.
I love you most.
The thing I trust.
The guiding host.
I lost you once,
Shame on me.
I lost you twice……
NOTES – What are those footsteps?

Sunday, Sept 9th.

Peace be with me

1836 Ralph Waldo Emerson publishes his influential essay "Nature" in the US, outlining his beliefs in transcendentalism
Drab 4d
I wanted to be magnanimous
I wanted to be altruistic
I wanted to be ............


I “wanted” a lot of things……………..
NOTES – I learned these words in 6th grade. Well, the first two anyway…😉

The fourth is what I am....
Drab Sep 4
Think of TIME.
As a line.
Going from left to right……
Arrows on the tips,
Never reaching the end, it flips..

And I’m a line
Going up and down through time.
An arrow at the bottom of that line.
Now you know where I’m headed if I don’t turn around.
09/04/24 – POV – a circle actually. Can lines curve?….or turn around? I need a drink……
Drab Sep 7
"Movement, leaves marks...."
NOTES = Just saw this in a perspiration commercial, I pictured something Google it. Really. Oh....this is not an ad. It's a relief among other things...
Drab Sep 9
I went to pharmacy today.
Had to get into the que?
Didn't take my vit....a....mins.
But I used a shifting spanner.

The water closet broke down.
Now I'm in deep cagada.
What is one to do?
If you get my Ensenada.
NOTES - No muy bien.

Can  you tell I was in the oilfield? .....probably not. Or grew up near LA? I don't think so. How about lived in Texas for 20 years. I beg to differ.

In hindsight, I knew it all along.

Drab Sep 9
The very old and the very young.
Are the only people who understand me.
The old because they know what I’m talking about.
The young because they don’t know any better and assume I’m either correct or wrong…...
The others are stuck in the middle with me.

Not really….
NOTES this....

Pardon my French...spelling problems on board
Drab 6d
It’s just a view.
From the edge of the ocean.
Looking outward.
To look in.
Drab Aug 30
Keep every person at emotional arm’s distance.
Legs, brain and those “rascals” feelings.
Or as my ex used to say, feelers.
Anyway, then they won’t bother you as much.
People that is…….
08/30/24 - a breakthrough!!!!!!      I can eat solid food tonight!!!  The Lord moves in mysterious ways....
Drab Aug 30
Flip it, flip it good.
Sorry, didn’t mean to be a devo.

A poem can be written down or spoken aloud. It is a collection of ideas and emotions in a creative way.
Thursday, October 29th.......I will be dastardly attacked by a Gastrologist tomorrow as he goes "in search of".  May the force be with you....a day that will live in infamy.....shoulda tagged those last few...
Drab Sep 2
I used to flip stuff.
If only in my mind.
I believe Walter called it chiral.
I just call it the mirror with a twist.
Notes - E Flat
Drab Sep 5
Living in a cornfield.
YOU gain perspective.
There are ryes and ears all around.
So breath deep and walk silently.

Old people like me, we just fade away.
Into your nightmares........
NOTES - 9.5.24 - POV =  It's good to be real. In my mind anyways.
Drab Sep 2
My brother and I were walking along.
Talking with laughs and lines.
It was a clear day as I remember it.
Everything was fine.
It's cool he said as we wandered along.
I said I was a fool..
For not bringing a coat with me that clear April day.
He put his knuckle in the top of my head and said,
"Don't EVER call ANYone a fool!"
09/01/24 - My head still hurts. Nobody's perfect...
Drab Sep 1

Miss you....
08/31/24 - Gene too.....Hey, at least it rhymes...
Drab 6d
She couldn’t shut up.
The salad was sour.
The mood was low.
And the ***** flowed.
NOTES – Wrote this listenin to Garth. Fixing to listen to further excalmations….(pun or whatever it was)
Sept, 21st century
Drab Aug 26
The End.
August 26, 2024 - Monday?

I rest my case...
Drab Sep 7
I’d like to thank all the little people,
They know who they are.
Not to offend,
They shine like a star.

As you grab the statue.
Of moments and grace.
You may not be on the throne.
But this poem’s in your face!
NOTE – Congrats Pete!
RIP - Author unborn...

Rule 62 - Never take yourself so **** seriously, folks.
Drab 6d
I walked into the chamber.
Turned left into a vestibule.
Climbed up a mountain of stairs.

And Jumped.
Into the absurd.
With both feet.

It’s shallow in here.
NOTES - I don't need NO fluffy NOTES!!!!!!
Drab 3d
Talking too much?
I’ll take a break.
Go watch a flix movie…
Go read a, what do they call those?
Go outside, if you can.
Go inside, if you dare.
Go forth,
Which way?
Note  A+
Drab 6d
They will get theirs.
And I will get mine.
Words to die by.
I forgot.
Drab Sep 9
Sticking in my craw.
Then I crawl…
Then I stand…
And get pushed down.
“Stepped on when I had no shoes”
Who is this foul beast inside me?
Do I dare to cast it out?
Or just sit here and wait patiently.
This thing, what is it about?

NOTE – Can’t shake this….
All due respect for R. Wilson and Daddy Cool on line number, whatever….090924
Drab Aug 31
She told me she needs someone….
Who was more “goal oriented”.
So did a number of others over the years.
But the joke’s on them.
I reached my goals a long time ago.
08.31.24 – That will teach her….;-)
Drab 5d
Metaphorically speaking or so to speak..
I’d rather be in sane,

Than here.

NOTES -huh?

Drab Sep 11
One is kind
The other is blind.
I think I’ll choose both.
They're both viewed in my mind.
Drab Sep 7
He sat behind me,
In what was paradise.
In a French Cafe in PR.
I thought it was nice.

And then he did something.
I noticed about he.
The anger was boiling.
The things that might be

Another human being(s)
Wasted on earth.
However it happened
She/he were never heard.
NOTE - Just sayin......RIPurgatory at best.

Disclaimer, Opinion ONLY. I wasn't Rockingham..
Drab 3d
It is a  good thing I’m me.
Who would the rest of the world…
Feel superior to?
NOTE – Cheer up
Drab Sep 9
No talk
                                                                                           Single talk
                                        Double talk
Triple talk

See, I can count.
NOTES - "What the world needs now......"you told them Jackie!.....

J.  DeShannon- sing it again shan....
Drab Aug 26
I wash them when I come inside.
I wrap them with gauze the wounds won’t hide.
I seem to be on my way.
To rhyming everything my hand doth say.
Monday?, August 2th, 2024.

At least it rhymes....
Drab 4d
Call me a nephew, and I was there.
Look at a mountain, and I was there.
The streams of tears, and I was there.
Humanity, and it was there?
Oh. Hark, I must pause...

The trust, and it was there.
The compromise, and it was there?

or here?

The news, ban those butheads.

All of them!


N – Sorry I’m getting  silly
#grapes of wrath!!!!!!!

HINT: The worst is yet to come...depending on your POV>......

THanks Alex....
Drab Sep 10
Oh dear.
Please forgive me.
I read the most soaring poem.

Yet my outstretched hands.
Can’t quite grasp the prize.
Of making sense.
Of my mind’s eyes.

I’m not really cruel,
I’m not really nice.
But my inner self.
Is as cold as ice.
No(te):  ice – Neat please…..
Drab Aug 13
An old year withers, a new one sprouts
The people celebrate with spirits and shouts
But is this something so special to learn
Perhaps just a page of a calendar turned

I don’t remember just what I did
One week ago, let alone last April mid
This time, it’s funny it goes all so fast
And never, never seems to ever quite last

The old they yearn of the days back then
The young cry for only the days just how and when
It seems so sad, to wish for much more
Or less is much of the same old kind of bore

If I can be grateful for the breath I just took
The rose I am smelling or the comfort of a good book
Or the taste and the feeling of my lover’s lips a kiss took
I need not try think that my day is mistook

The world is full of turmoil, war and decay
How can I be happy if I look too far away
If I am burdened with unhappy thoughts
I need just to start a brand new day now brought

A second, a minute an hour or two
And my life will change if I just try to do
Something for someone other than me
My soul and my heart are in sweet harmony

If I can live in the moment or day
The blessings that come I can’t even say
Too many lost weeks or months on the vine
Are taken away one day at a time
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Drab Sep 9
I came upon a crash.
It lay upon the hot asphalt.
Spread out over a number of vehicles.
I thought about his family
I'm glad I was the first one to see Him that day and not them

Drab Sep 2
"no sugar tonight in my coffee, no sugar tonight in my tea"

Guess Who?
Do,  re,  me.....

B. Cummings I love you!!!!!
Drab Sep 3
It's not so much the languages,
It's not the colors of the spectrum,
It's not anything.
It's where you live.
Notes = Where do you live? I'm in a galaxy far far away....
Drab Sep 9
The one who never judged,
was put to death by others.
The ones who judge the others,
will ultimately be the judged.
NOTES - Thursday, May 8, 2008 - I feel like charlton heston in another form lol
Not everybody fits the mold.
Drab Sep 8
Pup was long.
Pup was thin.
Pup was everything,
But I liked him.

He pulled me down.
He pulled me straight.
Pup is gone.
He met his fate.
NOTE - 09/07/24 - Good doggie....

RIP - C. Hearn
NOTE #2 - no vegan's were hurt in this poem.
Drab Aug 19
Rule 62 RULES!!!!
Drab Sep 5
"to ride a painted pony wild"

And to be a native of YOUR country.
Note enough - Cheers to B. Taupin and the other guy..
Drab Sep 4
Lazy I guess.
A bit sleepy.
But I'm WIDE awake.
A bit disinterested in anything.
Maybe it's depression.
I've never been depressed.
Either that or I never haven't been depressed.
Either  way I just started writing poetry and it all goes away.
Until it doesn't
Backwards moves mountains......
NoTeS - PoV - Thought for the day.....
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