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Drab Sep 5
"to ride a painted pony wild"

And to be a native of YOUR country.
Note enough - Cheers to B. Taupin and the other guy..
Drab Sep 4
Lazy I guess.
A bit sleepy.
But I'm WIDE awake.
A bit disinterested in anything.
Maybe it's depression.
I've never been depressed.
Either that or I never haven't been depressed.
Either  way I just started writing poetry and it all goes away.
Until it doesn't
Backwards moves mountains......
NoTeS - PoV - Thought for the day.....
Drab 1d
I am so old,
I have to take the blue pill,
just to think about ***.

That's as far as I get........
brain freeze (among my other stuff)?
Drab Sep 1
He’s politically conservative and morally liberal.
The best of both worlds to his liking…
She agrees too.
So do they.
Or not.
08/31/24 - To ponder is to live......
Drab Sep 9
I watch bad lip reading videos of movies I don’t want to see when I’m high in my 2nd bunk.
I then watch the movies straight from the chair.
And see if they're as funny.

This is not something I do lightly.
I take this seriously and do not judge.
Therefore, I tend to scuffle around and do nothing.

But at least I’m happy.
24@september 9 - Another long night...
Drab Sep 5
I don't need to be so sensitive.
I don't need to place blame.
I don't need a place anymore.
With that I don't have any shame.

But sometimes the enemy creeps on me.
I feel it under my skin.
The thing that I see that is bothering me.
Is what's inside of it.
Note to self - stop writing notes....
Drab 5d
the site keeps going around in circles.

I'm getting tired.........
Drab Sep 4
A reporter asks Bryce a question.
He responds, "is that a clown question dude"?
Who says Mormons don't have a sense of humour.

Drab Sep 4
They are watching me.
I know they are.
I don’t have to wish,
Upon a star.

Those evil things.
That roam the earth
It's INSIDEOUS !!!!!!…….
09.04.24 – Bernie is a genius!. Kramer too. i.e - He was a hideous person..;-). Shoulda put "water" in there. But then it got complicated.
Drab Sep 11

Cable – How I send info to someone these days.
News  - Very old today, and repetitive
Network  - How we all find out about what we already know.




Sounds like it reads.

NOTE – PICK none
NOTE – PICK none
Drab 1d
Keep  your enemies close.
Keep your friends further away.
Study them both.

Who are they voting for?
It’s madness I tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NOTES – Edgar Allen Poe (phd: Poet, *******, and ultimately, dead as a canary.)

Also Employee Assistance Counselor, but that’s after he stopped drinking…
Drab 4d
HP is a name for many things.
Hewlett Packard, comes to mind.
A note, a name, to call myself….
Not that it really doesn’t rhyme?

Anyway, sung to the tune of Iron Man.
NOTE – Don’t
Drab Sep 1
Mee too....
metaphorically speaking
I think the pill is peaking.
Quitting is for losers.
I can't come down, no boozers
the colors all run dry,
Until RED becomes the sky.
Note to self - Poe Wannabe here, there, somewhere....Nevermore.
Drab Sep 9
“It’s like a screen door in a submarine”.

They said..


Zip COde - 90824
#notes - Hey Bill.....again. I picture some poor dude shoveling what I do saying, "what is he thinking?"
Drab Sep 5
My mother wouldn't recognize me in a mug shot.

She would rather just recognize me.

Life is not fair.

I'm not young.

Was I ever?

My brain says always.

My body says NEVER.
Notes - Are they all people care about? Other than Tags. But then I'm "IT" which means I will probably lose the game. 9524
Drab Aug 30
My highly advanced intellect is dead weight.
I solved the world's problems of relationships by getting and staying single.
I solved the world’s problems by just letting it pass me by?
No I think too much me thinks......
Therefore, I am.....such as it is.
08/30/2024 - on a steam roll, running out of water
Drab 6d
I want to be the wind.
Whipping silently to thee.
Never mentioning my name.
I want to set you free.

I lull you into lullabies.
Illusions that twist my mind.
You think you saw a real nice guy.
But don’t look twice, you’re blind.
NOTE - Thanks to the bros....
Drab Sep 9
It’s not really empathy if you have to do it.
It’s not really humble if you have to think about it.
It’s not really wise to not do these things.
Keep thinking about it
NOTES – 9924 - I knew Philosophy 102 would eventually come to the rescue...
Drab Sep 9
Ask not what your country can do for you.
Just ask them for more.
Ask not what your parents can do.
Just ask them for more.
Ask not what you can do for others.
You are spreading the disease..
Drab Sep 7
Johnny was innocent.

"A copy cannot be used in court"

NOTES - 090724 - He's a dream.........
I luved Flash Dance
Drab Sep 5
Liquid alcohol.
Solid alcohol.
It all goes down the drain.
If you have a garbage disposal.
But who wants to go to the trouble?
Notation - at bottom of page....just blowin smoke.
Drab Sep 8

I'd like the jury to disregard the witnesses' previous testimony.
It did not happen!
NOTES - Yes it did....
Drab Sep 1
I kid you adieu, you faint of heart.
It’s with great sadness, I leave us apart.
The end is near, I’m afraid my dear friend.
Perhaps if you’re unlucky, we will meet somewhere that rhymes with The end.

09.0124 – It’s September Fools Day. Everybody raise their hands….
Notes = see above
Drab 1h
I am retired.
I own little.
I’ve seen a lot.
From my small crib.

Am I happy?
Am I sad?

Yup, on both occasions
But it’s cool
Notable - you
Drab Sep 9
The girl that came in with the aqua blue eyes,
And took my heart without any lies,
A perpetual love that I have just for her,
She’s an uncorrupt one that has an innocent allure.

She has a father who is loving, and caring though straight
Right to your gut and I love him as a mate
And her mum is a flower that will never decay
The girl like I’m thinking of in every which way

I would like to know her better but she’s so much aloof
She pretends to know me but I am not a goof
All I know is that I love her even though she is three
My precious one granddaughter who's name is Kali.
Thursday, May 8, 2008 - She is my granddaughter and is a beautiful young woman now. Her eyes aren't aqua blue any more but I'll take what the world got. Fledgling poet though i still am and always have been.
Drab Sep 5
I think funny thoughts.


I think not so funny thoughts.

And laugh at them.

It helps.
Notes 000009/00005/00000024- D. Moore - RIP  and B. Cummings I love you.
Drab Sep 9
The Night bar will be coming soon,
I thought as I awoke this AM June.
What could I do between the wakes.
When Dr. Tom comes singing, that's all it takes.

RIP T. Petty
Notes are Notes - Parts are Parts
Drab Sep 9
You said I did it.
I did not.
You said I stole it.
I did not.
You  said I wrote it.
I did not.

Is there smoke?
Is there fire?
Or a burning rat....
NOTIFY - TRUE story. Different times...

NOTES – God’s little jests…..
Drab Sep 2
This elusive thing is a problem,
It comes and goes every day.

The people can't stand prosperity
Neither can I so I pay.

The price of a Big Mac is rising.
My hope for the world dismayed.

I guess I'll go join the army.
And take all the the stuff I can take.
09-02-24 - An endless supply of BS. And it just keeps growing...
Drab Sep 3
It's a chip (of gelatin)
It's a block (of sugar)
It's a piece (of paper).

Where's Waldo?
NOTES - 09/03/24
Drab Sep 9
It's hot.
I'm dry.
Living in the middle of a cornfield.
I must be high.

The place I thought
I never wanted to be
Is the place called home
Whatever.... it's just me.

Drab 4d
“That thing”
“Dear Watson”, Darrell said, your IQ is turning…
"No, really, what is it?, he retorted.
"A vestibule or AI, not sure which?"

he said...
Drab Sep 2
It’s not fair.
I guess it’s who the receiver is.
Or what they think.
It’s not fair.
09.02.24 - Say goodnight Dan
Drab 4d
Last dance.
I grew up tall and she grew up RIGHT.
A wonderful lyric, I took the bait.
NOTES - Indiana boys on them Indian nights...
Drab Sep 1
Memories of yesterday are all forgotten.
Memories of tomorrow may not be.
Memories of today are too late.
But the moment, per chance to dream…..

08/31/24 - if you know what I mean.....
For my oldest brother.....wherever you are....
Thankful for the second one also....:---)
Drab 6d
Some are to be made fun of.
Some of them are to curse.
Some of them tickled me red.
Some stole from my purse.

I tell you it’s wonderful
I tell you it’s not pho-nee
It’s the holes in my head,
That reaches out to all thee.
NUTS - Friday the 13th. What a drag it is being old.
Drab 1d
Why worry about being miserable now?
When I’m supposed to be miserable forever after now.
Seems counter-productive.
N = 0
Drab 4d
Past or present
It’s not my past, or all of it.
It’s not my future, or any of it.
It’s not my now, I exist at this moment.
Which is it?

NOTE – What would happen if………
NOTE – What would happen if………
Drab Sep 10
Approaching 200
In less than a day.
The poems they just fly.
Off the paper, as they say.

It’s a WORLDwind that never stops spinning.
It wonders even me.
I never stop kidding.
For the world is spinning around thee
NOTE – Gotcha!……no… me…...
Drab 2d
I prefer to talk of myself as a first person
My third choice is the second.
The one I use is the third.
She’s the one that judges a lot.
NEATs - this poem, 91724
Drab Sep 11
I'm eating less.
So I'll get fit
I'm staying alert
So I can see
I'm listening quietly.
So I can shout

It's a beautiful day for a ballgame.

Remember the Dodgers!
Says stupid me.
NOTE – RIP Vin Scully and many others…
Drab 5d
I’m so ******,
I don’t know what?
But who, I know…..
He’s in first.
Little does I don’t know, BUT, they’re gaining.
NOTE – Had to have been done before, but I haven’t noticed.
Drab 2d
Throw the money
Into the sea.
Run real fast.
Away from me.
NOTE – Unless we are talking badmitton…..

RIP E. Banks (Let's play two!")
Drab Sep 9
A puppy licks my face.
I'm good.

A lizard licks my face.

It's clean.

An ant licks my face.
Ant's don't have tongues.
And they feel good on my skin.

IT's good to be alive?
NOTES - C Stevens - whatever happened to that goofball?
Somebody needs to do research on these episodes of sporadic incidental mental seizures.and I've had a few of the physical ones too.
Drab Sep 2
I'm working on my Auto-Biography in poems.
I'm working on my Audio-Biography in speech.
I'm working on my Audi Biography in the garage.
I'm working on my ******* Biography ever moment I breath.

That would make me the AAA if it weren't for the last one.
TO know oneself is to love someone else.
Notes- 09/2/22+2 - Gems, all of em. But does it make me a B since they are not lined up? These are important critical decisions for the reader to make to be a reader.
Drab Sep 7
What can I do with this feeble heart
My plans are true, then fall apart
The course is plain for all to see
Except that one, that one who’s me

I think I’m doing what I should do
Not thinking of how, or what, or who
For those who care about my turn
Instead of being a source of concern

Sometimes I think that I am right
To do what’s good in my minds sight
But those who are the ones I love
I sometimes think of me above

To look inside is such a gift
But seeing clear is better if
You use the glasses of other eyes
And see my warts that I despise

A love lost when, does it matter now
That I was wrong with tattered brow
I must affix a bandage to this man so ****
And make amends for my feeble heart.
Saturday, May 24, 2008 - Man, 2008 was a tough year!
Drab 3d
Sitting on a perch of deedlebobs.
Skqueezing in the slime out of the ***** that came in before him
One eyed snake, it seems to be mate.
She said.
Get the ***** out of here!
Drab Sep 9
You know,
I don’t mean to be a martyr
But I could use some sunshine here.

Just sayin…
NOTES – Can’t stop laughing………………………………………………………

Paid for by the fine folks at HP.
Drab 1d
Hubby - Wo ist meine Rennmaus?
Wife -      ja, ich habe es Richard geliehen
Oh, ok dear. Good night Ivanka…
Drab 3d
Biting one's tongue is hard to do when one's mouth is open.
It's less hard if you bite it when it's closed.
That way, no one will see the blood.
Dedicated to the two most undedicated people in the world....
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