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Goddess of USR Dec 2023
Adrift and lost, I search for bearings true,
Your thoughts, like whirlwinds, ever in my view.
Today, our hands, in tender touch, did meet,
Palm to palm, our pulses skipped a beat.
Electric currents danced, our bond did grow,
Through multiverses, our spirits did flow.
Time collapsed, our paths entwined, complete,
Drawn together, destiny's own feat.

A choice was made, surrender to the heart,
You've seen the truth, and now we'll never part.
Our chariots race through time and space so vast,
Until our souls unite, together at last.
The tangled webs of life you now unweave,
With patience, order to your world conceive.
Concerns for son and daughter weigh your mind,
Love's risk pondered—will she be unkind?

Forgiveness sought for words once cast aside,
Your heart's confession, no longer to hide.
The weary burdens that you long to shed,
For a new beginning, where love is led.
I hear the chaos she's been weaving tight,
In this moment, you seek solace in my light.
Here I stand, a beacon, still and true,
Awaiting self-forgiveness to renew.

Be valiant, love, and shield your tender heart,
A fresh dawn awaits us, a brand new start.
For CBM aid Dublin sent with a thousand kisses 💋💋💋💋💋you know where to place them ❤️
Goddess of USR Nov 2023
The simplest message of understanding that I can put forth to you is...I believe in you. I believe in us. I forgive you. I'm here. I love you. That is all.

Listen with What a Wonderful World- Eva Cassidy version ❤️
For CBM of Dublin Sent with a thousand kisses❤️
Goddess of USR Nov 2023
play James Bay- One Life  

An invitation to dream and create the life we imagine

To my true love counterpart, the one who guides me through soul expansion,

I offer you this dream: visions of all of you, all of me, V, B, O, M, and our future grandchildren. Our family. The one we knew could exist together many years ago when we shared the ten-year plan.

Dream with me, my love. There is no one else in this universe for me but you. You are the one I long to create this life with. You once asked me to dream with you. Now I’m asking you to imagine and dream with me. Know that it’s possible and that I am right here, standing in the center of our dream, waiting for you to dream and build with me. Everything in this world is built twice: once in our imaginations.

A Beautiful Life

We live in the center of our dreams
A purposefully created dream-built life
We have homes in places near and far
Where we enjoy the sun, the stars, and the sky

We are citizens of the world
We move effortlessly throughout the globe
We have stable grounding wherever we go
We are connected by love, not by code

We are partners in vision and in action
We create change and impact in the world
We adore each other and share our passion
We are dynamic, radiant, and bold

We are expressive in the ways we allow
Our love, support, and understanding to flow
We are together super stellar, unique, and alive
We are magical, otherworldly, and divine

We experience the majestic and the creative
We guide those forces to benefit humanity
We prove that doing good, creating, and influencing
Are not mutually exclusive, but can be in harmony

We have amazing children and they have amazing partners
They love and support each other deeply
They have successful vocations and careers
They are happy, healthy, and free

We have a main home near a lake
A 7-bedroom house with room for our future grandchildren
Between the four, I know they will add more
It's convenient, luxurious, and spacious
It's filled with music, song, and laughter
We dance around the kitchen as we create beautiful memories and meals

We ride bikes,
We ski (you coaxed me back gently)
We meditate and channel
We shower together and make love
We visit ice castles and play Lindsey Stirling
We laugh and reminisce about our journey

We admire the beauty of the world together
It touches us so deeply and we feel the awe
We live in love's frequency and gratitude
We feel so blessed and we thank God

We love, respect, and admire each other deeply. You are a legal scholar and consultant the world over and you advocate for justice in all of its forms. Your work creates change and you write. I am your muse.

The show I created is a resounding success and you support me in this endeavor
It's syndicated and a series franchise
It's a new genre of television media
It's a fortune and a benefit for mankind

The design collection is a hit
It's a fashion sensation the world over
I collaborate with the famous stylist from my days in Paris
to bring the AR augmented reality collection to life

We visit Paris often and are hosted in style
We have access to everything and everyone
We are wildly successful and recognized
We are creative and influential and fun

We experience the majestic and are highly creative. Together we are able to guide those forces to create projects that benefit humanity and still make a fortune. We proved that doing good, creating, and influencing are not mutually exclusive and can be accomplished.

We go on to develop, build, and release the Justice system. We changed the face of divorce and child custody. We made it better and live to experience it.

This is our vision of a beautiful life
And there is plenty of black and white; we are fully expressed
A life that we love and enjoy
A life that we build and share
A life that is ours and not a toy

Dream with me, my love. Build this life with me.
For CBM of Dublin- sent with a thousand kisses ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Goddess of USR Nov 2023
I'm sending love (M83 wait)
Being deep in love with you.
Allowing myself the free fall of it all.
Taking flight, soaring, ripples reaching you,
Launched into the multi-verse, touching you deeply,
Waking your love, washing your soul path and existence with yes,
Abundance reign, rain, reign,
Love's rain, love's reign,
Pouring from the origins of everything and nothing,
To bring you home to yourself, to me, to us, to we.
I touch you through the wire,
Electricity, wave, affects, ripples (Kodaline all I want),
Drops of love reign, love rain, love,
Runs into you, onto you, reminds you to feel deeply,
Listen, stand still, hold, remember love.
You only need to remember love,
Remember that you are loved and that I love you.
I wash you in love's reign, love's rain, love reigns.
For CBM of Dublin sent with a thousand kisses ❤️
Goddess of USR Nov 2023
I know that you hold me deep into the night, when my consciousness passes into another world.

I know you watch over me, interested in every facet and changing mood.

I know you speak to me even when I cannot hear.

I know you blast your voice into the shadows, conquering time and space, forging a path forward until our minds' eyes meet in the physical.

I know that you love me and see me in the Fibonacci of all things,
as the purest source of light you’ve ever encountered.

I know that my beauty blinds you and my capacity to love, feel love, and call love astounds you. I know you know
she knows love.
For CBM of Dublin sent with a thousand kisses ❤️
Goddess of USR Nov 2023
There is so much I want to say to you,
But words can hardly capture the depth of my feelings.
You are patient, faithful, unfailing, devoted, steadfast,
With a deep sensitivity and a shy expression.
You are always there to discover me, if I truly want to know you.
You stepped into my boulder blast and marveled at my righteous rage,
Mixed up and confused by my inexperience,
But smiling in wonder at the speed of my resurrection.
You never let go of my hand, especially through the storms,
Over the deepest terrain in this life and all its possibilities.
Through the boulder blast we grow deeper, I grow deeper in love with you.
The pebbles are a reminder of the path before us and the endless potential.
I guess I did it to myself, but I want you to know:
I believe in you, in us, in our day in the sun.
For CBM aid Dublin sent with a thousand kisses - Don’t let go ❤️
Goddess of USR Oct 2023
Holding out hope
Like a hand reaching through time
Holding space
Providing the arrows that pierce my heart

Thinking of you
Longing for you
Unable to ever truly close the door on our connection

I guess I did it to myself
Giving love to someone who never deserved me
Trusting what I felt instead of what I saw
Allowing you to occupy the space without ever filling it
Choosing to respect what felt stronger than anything I’ve ever known

I guess I did it to myself
You left the room
Without so much as an "I’m grateful that you’re here"
Without so much as an "I love you too"
Without so much as a thread of hope

I guess I did it to myself
Provided the bow and quiver
Placed it steadfastly and aimed it straight for the heart

I guess I did it to myself, opened myself up for disappointment
You left the conversation without so much as a "Seeing you sent my heart soaring and my mind racing"
All of the timelines between us collapsed and there we were face to face
She standing in her truth and he still stuck in a lie
Fearful that if his heart ever stood for itself, the facade would crumble and shatter at his feet
And he would find himself naked with only one truth they know: love

I guess I did it to myself, allowing love to pass through me for you
Living in parallel universes with you
Because you asked me to

I guess I did it to myself, showing up in the now and wanting you to hold me the way I hold you

I’m exhausted
Saddened by you and for what could be

I kick boulders not rocks
Boulders into pebbles until I find peace with you and skip trace them across the frequencies until they lay at your feet, constant reminders of the path you choose between us

Pebbles of love, sun, wine, hammocks, song, black and white, solitude together, heartbreak, silence, grey check marks, music, promises unkept, Irish goodbyes and outright lies

I will find peace with you in the love of another man’s arms until there is no peace because he is not you

Why did we ever have to meet?
What wrong thing in my existence did I ever do to deserve you?

I guess I did it to myself, believing in you, in love, in siempre
Pierced with the fiercest of arrows

I kick boulders not rocks
Boulders into pebbles until I find peace with you and skip trace them across the frequencies until they lay at your feet, constant reminders of the path you choose between us

I’m sick of seeing the green guy, something needs to change. Show me love.
For CBM aid Dublin. Sent with a thousand kisses and tears.
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