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 May 25 Stardust
We hug
We kiss
We cuddle
In bed

We were just friends
We made out
To him
We were having ***
To me
We were making love
I was his friends with benefits
But he was my lover
 May 22 Stardust
From cosmopolitan, to nationalism;
For the world, for country.
For what is the world today
But a conglomerate of nations,
For what is a nation but apart of a world?
On a mish-mash, adrift through a vast nothing;
What a ride, what a whirl
A mess of tribes infighting.
The pheasant cries
as if it just noticed
the mountain.
 May 2 Stardust
All my friends ae dead
I miss them so much
So many good memories
I survive for you
I love you guys
I wish you were here
If i had one more chance
Id give you a huge hug
My brothers are gone
But never forgotten
 Apr 29 Stardust
Its tax time
Every corner
Every street
Every person
Every bank
Every corporation
Every city
Every state
Every country
Its Tax Time
Pay your dues
If you dont pay
You are cut off
I control it ALL
your turn
Write a check
Mariah Carey
In the Lords name
Im the plug of pure
No overdoses
I cure
That cure isnt free
Its tax time
So write an tell why
See you soon everyone pays
Pay or Die
I remember tiny creases
my cavalcade of strife
scattered puzzle pieces
fragments teasing life.
Broken memory.
If I give you love
what will I get in return?
will it be acknowledged?
or will it be but spurned?
If I offer my love
will you be mine forever?
or will you laugh at me
and say to me   - not ever.
Am I just a fool in love?
head over heels and blind?
silly and sheepish, blushing
not knowing what's in my mind?
I stand on the steps of happiness
worried, lest I fall
falling at your feet
all curled up in a ball.
Columbus took a chance
and by God - he did all right
I cannot leave you now
without putting up a fight.
I smiled and said I love you
my voice began to crack
but your eyes lit up I swear
as you smiled at me right back!
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