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 Jan 2020 Jake Besaw
Anna Bell
 Jan 2020 Jake Besaw
Anna Bell
he lied
to me
to those who cared

he ran away
from the love
from pure bliss

he now sits
in his brokenness
in pain he brought on

i only pray
for his happiness
for someone else to help

goodbye, you will be missed
 Jan 2020 Jake Besaw
 Jan 2020 Jake Besaw
she is a happy ending,
not everyone can wait for.
 Jan 2020 Jake Besaw
 Jan 2020 Jake Besaw
If I were to end my life
with a gun aimed at my temple,
just know, my love,
the bullet wouldn't be
the last thing inside my brain.
The last thing on my mind
would be you.
There are no promises
      for tomorrow,
   it may never come
say I love you today
to those special ones.

Set goals
       dream your dreams
but, live within today
       for right now
          this moment
             is truly everything.

Stop wasting time
      on what was before
the past,
lessons learned,
      now it’s time
          to close those doors.

Comes a time in life
   when one must grow,
      the saying is true
you reap what you sow….

Give your heart
to the one you love
         make it a point
to show them
          No One Else
   could ever rise above.

Live in the here and now
   give a smile
          to all you meet
walk every day in love
make your
            life complete.
 Jan 2020 Jake Besaw
Edmund black
Every heart
Wants to
         Be loved
I’ve come to learn
    The key to receive
              That love
           You crave
       Is to First
             Give it
      Without prejudice
We want to
        be excepted
      In our imperfection
            Refuse to
         Love anyone
          We do not deem
to love
              And watch
                     Your heart
               Reap a bountiful
                Rich love
             Will worth  it
  Cheers to love !
 Jan 2020 Jake Besaw
Robin Lemmen
How could you forget
The way my lips kissed you truths
You felt as heavy as your own
Because they were
We were likes and strangers
How could you forget
The way my arms kept you safe
On nights where the world
Knew how to hurt you most
And I held you as you refused to talk
Because I understood, I had been there before
How could you forget
The laughter in my eyes
As we serenated each other songs
Written decades before we were born
Because I still hear your voice
Deep and unbothered
Full of passion as you looked at me
And me feeling infinite
How could you forget
What it feels like to wake up
Tangled in me, limbs intertwined
Because I wake up empty
Wishing to go back
Longing for those days

How could you forget
 Jan 2020 Jake Besaw
 Jan 2020 Jake Besaw
my first crush committed suicide.
i remember the hurt at a young age
from chasing him around his living room
begging him for a kiss.
from my young age i knew i wanted him
in my life forever.
through his weaves and gagging
running around the furniture and up the stairs,
losing him sounded foreign then
and having lost him now, still feels the same.
our fathers drank and our mothers giggled
born three months apart
our future planned together
both saying "i do"
uniting us all together.
life flew on by
us both fighting with ourselves
and downing the bottles underneath the bed
loaded and silenced
family portraits painted in red
long life memories all put to rest.
only one made it out alive
but it's hard to breathe
out of us how was it me
and you in a little box
where a diamond ring should be.
my mind keeps wondering
when will i stop chasing you
then my heart replays
every time you turned a corner
you looked over your shoulder
and how you smiled at me.
i miss you
 Jan 2020 Jake Besaw
 Jan 2020 Jake Besaw
Flowers surround his tombstone
His epitaph is short
It reads Rest In Peace
Rest In Peace to whom?

Sniffles are heard throughout the eulogy
Dressed in all black to mourn the loss of him
Fake tears coming from all.

He was killed
Killed from the demons inside his head
He was driven to the point of insanity
Lived for 16 years, yet he felt dead his whole life.

A brother, son, and friend.
They’re all lies.
He didn’t have anyone, nor did anyone have him.

Mistreated, Beaten, and Abused
That’s who he was.
No one knew a single thing about him.
Thrown out, never loved.

A suicide.

The world was against him
He was forgotten by everyone.
Forgotten when alive, but remembered when dead.

Rest In Peace
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