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 Oct 2020 Kiz
Shubhankar Mathur
Piano keys are like humans,
Both black and white
Alone as notes,
Just producing sounds
But together as chords,
They produce symphonies.
Every one of us has the potential to create harmony in their lives, but that often takes a great deal of collaboration and working together.

Individual sounds won't give you that pleasure and harmony that a musical chord can.

For a colourful life, we must appreciate all colours.
 Oct 2020 Kiz
Shubhankar Mathur
Maybe I am following a light,
A junction from where I took right
Some days I'm just chasing a high,
Is it just some words arranged tight
Or is it chastising yourself through the night?
For when the sun is shining bright,
I love taking my emotions for a flight.
I'm not hunting for any limelight,
Nor do I have any foresight.
I'm just driving through the misery and the plight,
Knowing I will always stop at a red light
Like a deer in the headlights
I'm trying to be my self-guiding light,
Try as I might.
Sometimes we don't even need a reason, but for days when the reasoning is strong, it must be upheld and respected. Cheers to all kinds of poets :)
 Jun 2020 Kiz
So sad
 Jun 2020 Kiz
Judged by your shell
Unsure everyday
In our so called great

I never worried
never had to
You had to
You have to
You live this
You have to
My eyes are opening
My ears are listening
My heart is braking
My voice is starting
I want to scream

I'm not venting
I have no right to
Because I'm not you

But I can listen
We all should listen
Because I forget
I guess we all forgot

I could keep writing
does it mean anything?
Can we hear anything?
We will forget everything again tomorrow
We always do

So sad
 Apr 2020 Kiz
Leo Janowick
 Apr 2020 Kiz
Leo Janowick
Those among us rise and shout
I've got the virus please get it out
Pray for it to be untrue
Life has changed for me and you
Let no stones go unturned
The bodies pilled as they burn
Misfortune overturned
Life on pause .hopelessly concerned

Never planned to get up n get the *** out
Sit on the porch and watch the sky fall down
Poor man's fitting end .gonna go out like I came in. nowhere to run they won't you go hide. please don't get to close as you walk by

I stand corrected. never seen no **** like this. thought I'd seen it all until the pandemic set in

Those among us rise and shout
I've got the virus please get it out
Pray for it to be untrue
Life has changed for me and you
Let no stones go unturnd
The bodies pilled as they burn
Misfortune overturned
Life on pause .hopelessly concerned
 Apr 2020 Kiz
Debbie Ogenyi
My hands
source of my wealth
Source of my pain
on one hand blessing
on the other curses

My hands
Source of my health or Death
I get to choose
keep it clean and live
let it be and die
 Apr 2020 Kiz
Chest heaving, eyes weeping,
The tomb blurs before my eyes.
How is everyone else still sleeping
When my Savior doesn’t arise?

Oh, how the doubt roars within me,
His words now seem to me as His rotting flesh,
“I will rise on day three,”
But his body is now stolen, unless…

Dirt clenching onto my dress,
I fling the tears from my eyes,
Trying to decide if… Yes!
There are people by his graveside.

Angels they must be, all in white,
And before I can confirm their existence, they speak:
“Woman, why are you weeping at this sight?”
My anger flares as I try to control my speech.

“Because my Lord has been taken away,
And I don’t know where his body is.”
I attempt to keep my temper at bay,
Turning away to abate my boiling fears.

Then I see the gardener, and a flash of brilliance
Or desperation rises in me, which one I don’t know,
But as I open my mouth to ask about my Lord’s disappearance,
He speaks: “Why are you weeping woman, why such sorrow?”

Again the same question, yet I cannot form
An adequate response; how can one describe
The loss of Him who can calm the storm,
But now has left my world in turmoil at his sacrifice?

My anger reaches the heavens now,
And in irritation I retort, “If you have taken Him away,
Tell me where He is, and I will take him from thou.”
Chest heaving, eyes weeping, I glance away.

But then I hear my name, soft and sweet but firm,
Two syllables, a clear “Mary!”
And I turn
And my unbridled joy at seeing him turns into “Rabboni!”

I ponder for a second what it’s like to feel
Sadness, for in that split second, it’s gone,
It’s been replaced by rejoicing and zeal,
And I resist the urge to leap with the dawn.

How could I have ever doubted?
Of course His words are true,
It’s a reality that must be shouted,
Yet all I can do is stare at him now that he’s in my view.

“Do not cling to me,” he says earnestly
“For I still must ascend to my Father,
And please tell our friends this, for certainly
I ascend to My God and your God, My Father and your Father.”

It was good he said this, for I had forgotten
In my excitement to see my Savior; I’m sure
His disciples must have wondered whether their Lord had rotted:
“I’m leaving right now, my Savior!”

Sandals rubbing into callouses, lungs heaving,
I ran back to town, through the streets that
Once knew me in despair, grieving,
Hardly stopping, for I had no time to chat.

My Savior has risen, he is alive and well,
He has saved us lost sheep who have gone astray,
And although He no longer on Earth will dwell,
He will never allow us to fully decay.

I’m sure when you die he will call your name too,
With a voice soft and sweet but firm and so true,
And you will go be with Him and He’ll make you brand-new,
And we’ll all live forever from our own Easter morning, too.
Happy Easter weekend, everyone!  Although this  isn't an Easter we could foresee or plan for, God's resurrection and Word is still the same, during this time and every time.  Hallelujah!  This poem is based on John 20:11-18.
 Dec 2019 Kiz
See you soon
 Dec 2019 Kiz
Packing for the change
See you soon
Last box, last check
See you soon
Last hugs for a while
See you soon
I'm not ready for last
So see you soon
Goodbye is so final
So I will see you soon
I hated that last box
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