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It caught me in its sticky web
It overrode my tongue
I lost control of what i said
And of the things I’d done
You're not lost, just because you didn't comb today
I see you here, yet your thoughts are drifting away ...
You rake the leaves, with your bare hands,
You try to see, where your future stands.

You're not lost,  just because you need a break,
I see you smile, while trying to hide your heartache
You collect the dirt, under your fingernails,
As you walk barefoot and cover your trails.

I still see you, underneath the falling leaves,
I hear your voice say "thank you"  and "please"
I see your true smile, glowing in your eyes,
You're the only reason, my soul survives.
Every place you go
has destiny.
That's why it's
called a destination.

Everything you think
is a dream.
All you have to do is
use your imagination.

Everything you create
is a part of you.
You just have to let go
to see what your hands can do...
I could have wallowed up a million
reasons for us to stay.
I could have given up a million
things, but it wasn't this way.

Instead my heart took a million
whips and cracked apart.
One lash of beating bruises
crinkled down to a million shards.

I could have said a million
I love you's, it wouldn't have changed.
I could give have kissed you a million
times, but my soul  still estranged.

Action could not be restored,
my brokenness has no pace.
Beaten bruises remain a million times
nothing bounces in place.
When I asked you what your name was
You replied and said, “It’s Love”
Then I asked you what your song is
You then sang the song of a dove
Please chirp to me your fancy
Make me rock to your lullaby
Flap with wings that dance free
So we can sing that Love does fly.
Search for it
Strive for it
Long for it

Watch it
your fingers
The moment
obtain it

Let it go
chasing it
Will find
When you
I wrote this poem when I was 21 I was just starting my journey to self discovery even the simple list things such as happiness can be hard to obtain I sat ponder and wondered why this is what I came up with
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