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the clouds are at war,
with weapons of fear.
billowing with hate,
daunting everyone near.

the clouds were at war,
making schemes in the sky.
what's left of them now,
cries drops that stay dry.
I feel your love,
your touch,
when the sun
chooses to shine,
my skin

I see your face,
your smile,
whenever I look
at my reflection
in the mirror

I hear your voice,
your unforgettable
as rain falls
melodically from

I remember the pain,
the unbearable
when I realized
I loved you
but I had to
let you go
Be quick to laugh at yourself,
Always ready with a smile.
Show your emotions to the fullest,
Won't be any good if you hide.
Don't be too quick to dismiss,
The smalls and big things are what makes your life.
Give your best in everything you do,
Let the unknown come your way..
Let it excite.
If you were never born,
there would be no tomorrow.
So you think that's great.
No more sorrow,
but you would never see the sun
or live to be happy.
Never embrace life to the fullest.
Nothing to wonder, nothing to be.
You were given a life for a reason.
Live it, don't live in the past.
All will be gone in a sweep.
Life goes by too fast.
She rests in grainy white sand
the sun glistening on her winter skin
warm waves caress bare legs
her breathe in rhythmic perfection
as the ocean’s harmonies
greet the silence of land

Her eyes match the bluest of skies
she gazes into its blissful abyss
welcoming the sanctuary
of ancient and timeless wisdom
as peripheral vision fades away
so do lifetimes of dead lies

Gratitude adorns the soles of her feet
and she rises from lifetimes of pain
each step away from the past
invites a deeper sense of ease
as she walks into the present
love is what she does to feel complete
1/7/19 Nature always seems to embody a deep wisdom and is therefore a beautiful place for healing. Healing for me in this lifetime has been a never-ending journey with moments of peace within. <3
They say
parents are there for you
where were they
when I needed them
I was hurting
I was screaming for help
They didn't hear
I have become numb
To the pain
I have given up
Ravishing beauty with fluttering hair.
Benevolent nature with gracious fair.
Enchanted eyes with a cosy blink.
Amiable spirit with a heart throbbing wink.
Elegant looks endowed with grace.
Noble intelligence with a pretty face.
Loving heart with pious emotions.
Astonishing mind with superior notions.
Pls let me knw my flaws below in the comments section,  so I can improve. ..☺
Check out my poem on depression...and do leave a feedback
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