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Someone called about the success
Why is it so wide and not nearest?
Someone cried as he fell down
He said frustrate is knowing only me
Can’t go wide, can’t forget me
He visited me every time, every moment at day
And smiled with a yellow smile as he knew he bothered me
But he didn’t say, he greeted and put an arrow
Of his aim to fall me at low bottom
When I scream, he laughs says he wants to look me
To see my face when I didn’t get my aim
The failure is bad and its taste gets the same
No one could help except my God
Except power to dismiss that worst
To look smile as nothing has occurred
To get him anger to fill his spirit
Of frustrate feeling as he wishes in his dream
Dream at a wake, at sleep you win the game
And the frustrate was filled by frustrate and they will gain
Fight, but a way of my way
the frustrate makes one can't think will
it is the aim of my aim

to live happy,get rich and marry

t o get money

that can't be counted

or loaded by strongest

to have children

girls and boys

to be strong, have boys

they will soon grow

become men and stood

beside their father

changing his defense matter

the enemy must be understood

they will speak at low

agree with their talk

and got draw

the great victory the girls

who married rich

and make their father up

getting him his wish

but there is talk

saying health is the aim

to be fit and strong live long without ill

die while you standing on leg

those are  good

the best is the calm

calm at your heart

love everyone

love your enemy

Spreading peace and happy

distributing smile and funny

making faith at your mind

that will happen only

if you obey

your God
happy is important
Fugitive, fugitive, fugitive
You must not be fugitive
You must be active
Love your home
Make it as a groom
Adorn with every pomp on
To show himself handsome
Wear and pretty trim
And be always in the place
To lead all nations
Imitate its way, obey its say
Fear to be face
With yours at face
Fugitive, fugitive, fugitive
You must be passive
Do your work in active
Even others see you negative
Don't look at them
Don't hear their says
As they may be lies
Consider them as absent
They will destroy your active
, make you away of sight
And confuse your mind
To loose your mother
The home you belong
They dream to see you
As a remind of last
They thought that you
Is one of the past
If you obey them
You will be lost
Shake your head
To clean it from dust
That it is covered your head
That makes you the last
That makes you the worst
That appears your laziness
Wash it by water waves
Those are new sciences
Support your legs
Make you in advance
And high your home over heads
They will lead you downward
They learn you bad habit
As alcohol drinker
Or use drugs as converter
From good to be danger
Or women lover
Take you to the lowest
And make you forget
Your duty about your land
And you will be fugitive
Who will defeat the worst?
Who will face the devils?
That your prince
That is your God
You must be proud
That you obey your God
do not stop in hope. the sun rises surely
Begin again

Begin again

Don't fair

Look at the day

Coming with fear

Spreading by a way

Of God who will gave

The power to gain

Every wish, every dream

The river stopped

By stone or weir

It faces and pushes away

If it couldn't

It doesn't give away

And forces again

Or it turns around

To complete its way

If the sun was hid

Before the dark clouds

It may get its anger

It concentrated its rays

Making the clouds crying

With a lot of tears

The wind may stopped

By strong mount

Which thought it gains

But it losses

As  the winds takes

Parts and get its

Amount decreases

Day by day

At night

There is only God

Who makes the fire ash

Who convert the huge

Into small and might vanish

Smile and get happy

If you don't, breath fresh

And say with a way

Dismisses the sad

And put the hope

Into your head

The light comes after dark

The fear puts its junk

After the dark increases its power

You will gain the best

Your enemy will suffer

after short way
do not stop
Oh! He comes from wide
He doesn't talk a lot
He said in obvious
,"I don't come to compliment
A beauty that makes minds busy
, Telling about their influence
In hearts those may be fallen
And run after their intelligence
I don't come to say how love
Changes the world
And make the poor kind
And forced into mind
To make it good and kind
I come to say
Do you mention the older?
Mother or father
When they got older
Who pays attention?
Who mentions?
Or they must enter the home
For old age to get care
And visited them for a while
Then forget them at time
They wanted great care
Then when they dead
A big sad appeared
A large mercy occurred
And a lot of cry
If a bit of mercy was noticed
And little f sad for them was appeared
And small smile was remarked
When they were a live
These will give their soul
High level of faith
The God will thank
The angel will mention
The heavens will open
Their door to enter
Help the older
Smile with brilliant
Makes their world
Get happy for them
To get same reward
When you become older
As age they are in appear
the is the social animal.
I will go away
The time is not for me
The sky is not for me
The luck gives me
His back
The name of me
May be changed
As they called me
I was in the past
Runner in fast
Smartest and strongest
All females wanted to see
All females wanted to approach
My beauty is example
As well as my power is able
To change any result in competition
I got first at run
I am the first at the bet
All wanted my satisfy
When I grow up all were away
My happiness was disappeared
And I heard them saying
I must be killed
As I grew up enough
That made me lazy and tough
In everything
They said," I am hopeless"

"There were the notes of horse"
everything is good when it has power and smart. when it has author. it will be prefable. when all go, it will be forgootten
No weight for love
No, no love has weight
No power for it
No, no it has full
When it leads to nature
When she wore white
When he wore a black
To be union in one
Night and day
Work and rest
Love and may be hate
Slightly not hard
As the salt in food
Little makes it good
More spoil it
Fly with you heart
It will have ascended only
Beside your beauty
And said it had no weight
love leads to angel not devil life when God blesses it
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