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 Apr 2018 Marty
She Writes
Carrying the weight
Of too many broken things
Enervated her tired back
Broken things are the heaviest
Just look at the weight of a broken heart
She traversed the world
Collecting broken hearts
Trying to find the pieces
To fill all of her cracks
 Apr 2018 Marty
She Writes
 Apr 2018 Marty
She Writes
She parted her lips
Like holy water
And he worshiped her skin
Like a born again believer
 Apr 2018 Marty
Lauren Johnson
Because in the end,

You’re still the one I love.
It’s been 3 months. Although I do not cry as much anymore, my heart still yearns.
 Apr 2018 Marty
Lauren Johnson
That girl you talked to
The one who laughed the loudest
And liked star gazing
The one who wasn’t a drinker
And didn’t have scars on her thigh
She’s gone.
As if on that night, January 1rst
At 5am
My body tore in half
Split right down the middle
I don’t know where she went, but she ran
I can take a guess though
She probably went to that park we always went to at 1am
Or under the covers of your bed
Or in the shower at your uncles house
Running barefoot across gravel and dirt
I think she’s looking for you
Desperately searching high and low
For your hand to hold
But it’s time for her to come back
I need her to come home
I miss her
 Apr 2018 Marty
Mia Sadoch
Sometimes, I like to look at the starry sky
And wonder if others are looking up at it
Feeling and regretting, the same as I
Having loved after seeing how hard it hit.

Maybe the stars are each a tear
Cried out by hearts, feeling lonely
Who have yet to see their own night sky clear
To see the moonlight of their lives fully.

But even in a moonless night
They still manage to shine bright
So they may have found hope
By finally managing to cope.

No more shall I succumb to nightly darkness
Instead looking for eternal happiness
Not in her, but in myself
Until the sunlight again shows itself.
This poem is the final one ("timeline"-wise) in the "mini-series" consisting of Smile, this, and A Wonderful Pain. I wanted to give a happy ending to this story, as this is how I feel... or I want to feel.
 Apr 2018 Marty
Sajini Israel
A thousand years from now,
there would be no more me.
The streets will be brand new
And civilization will have taken a different dimension.

A thousand years from now,
technology would replace human digestion process.
A thousand years from now,
men of amazing genius will walk on the sky.

A thousand years from now,
Science will repaint the sky.
A thousand years from now,
The world would rewire it's solar system.

A thousand years from now,
would I still be remembered?
A thousand years from now,
Will the grave have curtailed me?

A thousand years from now,
I would still be with you.
A thousand years from now,
My pen will still wipe your tears.
Dedicated to all who come behind me.
 Apr 2018 Marty
Kathryn M Crowley
River sparkles under scowling sky
Flowing curves
Serpentine sweepings
Amidst steel and concrete.

I lived in a ghetto box here.
Nothing is permanent.

Let’s go
in a boat
through secret underground streams
to that place
deep beneath parkland roots
of elm, ash and hazel
where wise old rocks
with lime green beards
sit still in wisdom.

Do they envy us movement?
Moss is slippy underfoot.
Nothing is permanent.

Let’s alchemise emotions of liquid
Peel off layers
Abandon those old world clothes in a pile
into pure warm water

in a healing cave
of glowing amethyst
Through a crack in the crystal
We enter a shaft of light
Magnificent and frightening
Then emerge
into pastel skies
Return to earth
Forever transformed by the fusion
Welcomed back
By a squelching piano
Made of our ancestors’ mud
To play
To sing
To be.
My music is at
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