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Ash Mar 2018
there is no stopping now
what would be the point?
we've came this far
we cant just loose it all
we would go from having everything
to having nothing
i know we didn't get this from doing anything good but who cares
our lives would be empty
empty like an abandoned house
we would be lost like a child in the woods
and broken like a shattered glass
we would have to have a whole new beginning
but maybe that isn't so bad
maybe we should turn back
maybe we could get our lives figured out and do something good for once in our lives
we could rebuild everything thing we had but make it even better
but this time we would build together
we would work for what we want
itll be perfect
it will be authentic
it will be for us
Ash Feb 2018
Breathe, take a deep breath in and try to calm down.
Everything that is going on is just too much.
Its not just the talk or rumors, not even the names I hear people yell at me after class, its the whole god dammed world that is causing this.
It feels like the weight of the world is on my shoulders 24/7.
It's a forever feeling of nothing but stress and anxiety and no one understands.
I don't even understand.
I just want the weight to go away, I want everything to go away.
I want to feel the heavenly feeling of sweet nothingness.
Ash Jan 2018
Distance, it's nothing but a barrier between me and you. It does nothing but keep me from feeling your hand in mine, feeling what it really feels like to love someone.
     Love, it's a crazy thing that seems to slowly **** you when you are hundreds of miles away from the one you love.
     Loyalty, when you are in love you know no one else but that person, you want to do nothing but be with them.
     Magic, it's what you feel when you hear the words I love you for the first time, when you finally get to be with that person.
     It's crazy to think that one person can make you feel all of these things. One person can make your life so much better even if you can only see each other through a screen. You know you really love someone when distance is nothing.
     Distance, something we will soon break to finally be with each other.
Ash Mar 2018
i wish
i wish to see your beautiful face one more time
one more time before you leave
i dont want our story to end like this
but you do
you dont care anymore
you never did
and its my fault
but i just want to feel your soft skin up against mine one last time
i just want to see you one last time
i want to be with you one last time before its all gone
before you simply just leave
Ash Mar 2018
last night
last night was the night
the night that i realized
i realized that you didn't feel for me
i really never meant to fall for you
it just happened
i didn't even realize it until you said
"this means nothing to me"
i wanted to cry
but instead i hid it
i laughed like it was nothing
but to me it was everything
you could see through my laughter
i could tell
i could tell by the way you looked at me
the way you looked into my eyes and said you feel like an *******
but really its my fault
its my fault for even thinking for one second that we could be together
but even though you said it meant nothing you continued to make me think that it was something
you continued to kiss me
you continued to tell me in beautiful
and fell for you the more you played me
this poem is about something that went one with me recently. I think im starting to like someone I shouldn't like and it *****.
Ash Jan 2018
cut, cut one more line into your seamless skin
Watch the pool of blood of blood slowly grow and begin to drip down your arm as the tears are down your cheek.
Look into the mirror and smile.
Smile bigger than you have ever smiled before so they know you are happy and suspect nothing.
No one will ever know what its really like to be you.
Ash Mar 2018
broken hearts and bleeding wrists
one more second
one more breath
one more pill
one more sweet high
one more time before it all goes away
one more look before there is nothing
Ash Mar 2018
do you remember when life was easy?
when all we knew was laughing with our friends late at night and watching movies
when your only problem was that your mom said you can't stay up too late
when the only person you had to hide from is whoever you're playing hide and seek with
when you were only high when you were swinging on the swings at the park
when all you were addicted to was candy
when nothing mattered not because you didn't care but only because you never worried
those were the best days of our life
i got my inspiration to write this from one of my good friends so thank you!
Ash Feb 2018
This generation is toxic
it is filled with the poison of hate
we hate on others to make ourselves feel better
We are scared of change just
because we know noting about it
all we know it the poisonous touch of hate
we can change
we just choose not to
because we are cowards
We say that we don't mean the mean things we say
but in all reality we do
No one cares anymore
all we want is to be liked
It doesn't matter what it takes we just want the attention
we crave the taste of those delicious words
but not
or "kind"
We need to learn to care a little more
and to care about the opinion of others a little less
no one needs the validation of another being
If you are happy then you don't need to change a thing.
maybe one day our generation will love a little more and hate a little less.
Ash Feb 2018
We look
and we see
we see a girl with skinny waists and perfect skin
a girl who we wish we could be
a girl that we will never be
but we are wrong to think that
we are all beautiful
we are all just as beautiful if not even more beautiful than those other girls
Ash Feb 2018
In my finest hour
I am a blooming flower
I feel as if there is no need to worry  
but my heart is in quite the hurry
quite the hurry to fall in love
under the beautiful stars that fly above
but I know I need to wait  until I find the one
The one who is ready to have some fun
the one who will find the key
the key that unlocks me
the key that unlocks my heart
that is when I will know we will never part.
This isn't my best writing but I hope you guys like it:)
Ash Jan 2018
"Tick-tock" says the clock as I impatiently stare at its hands move little by little.
I wait for it to do something else but it does nothing but repeat its song.
I want to scream at it for doing nothing but repeating its slow and boring song but I know it will not help.
I just want time to speed up, I want time to speed up but no.
"Have patience my dear." the clock whispers to me and I listen.
I let time slip away as my mind traveled somewhere else and the clock's tick and tock began to fade away.
finally after what seemed like seconds of dreaming I herd the tick-tock of the clock and realized that the time had flown by.
"Patience is the key my dear." whispered the clock.
Ash Mar 2018
my tears flow
like a river
my frown hides my smile
like the clouds hide the sun
my heart aches
even worse than an infected sore
it all ends so quickly
like a movie
"the end"
Ash Feb 2018
I never would have guessed that you would leave
at least not for her
I had hoped you would stay but you didn't
you said you loved me
you said you cared
but it was all a lie
you never loved me but thats ok
it's ok because the more I think about it the more I realize that you aren't worth a single shed tear.
Ash Apr 2018
your doubted me
you said i would never do anything with my life
and i believed you for the longest time
but look at me now
i did something good
i did it for me
i did it because i wanted to show you that i could do good
i could do something with my life
something better then you have ever done
something you will never be able to do
but i thank you for doubting me
i thank you because without your doubt i never would have tried this hard to show you and show myself that i could do something this amazing
now all you can do is say
"i was wrong."
but once again i thank you for every single bit of your doubt
Don't ever let someone think you cant do something. You are strong and amazing. Don't you ever forget that.

— The End —