Being in a state of vulnerability can be foreign; In a world full of what seems to be restrictions and imitations.
Heart beating, but not loving to its full capacity.
Afraid of being deceived. Not realizing that the perception comes from self.
Discernment is used to make good judgment, but not even the Judge treats every situation the same.
A sense of being, along with faith. Should make one hope for good things.
But when they arrive, one questions it, subconsciously picking it apart; Dissecting at its finest.
Straying back to what's familiar, in some form or another; toxicity.
Rather a habit, a person or thought pattern.
Remember one bad apple can spoil the bunch.
It is important to know the root to what makes these actions spring forth.
Uproot it, toss it aside.
It serves no good, nor does it serve those
in connection.
Transform. The strength is already there!
Its time!!!