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Jackie G Apr 2020
Oh how I desire to have you
I've searched all over for you, but couldn't pull you out from the crowd.
Imitations of you have given me the experience that was needed to appreciate you.
If I were to have you now
I'd never abuse you
Seems like not only did I lose you.
Others did too!
Love i'd like to say sorry for letting you get away.
There's nothing that can ever amount to you.
The power you hold
Can move mountains.
So Imagine what you do to little old me
With the ability to break down walls built from pain
Forcing out darkness
Healing all wounds
Oh how powerful you are
I desire to have you!
Love love love love love love and more love. Love those around you love yourself. Imagine me knowing you and instead of it saying love it says your name. You are love we are love!!!!! God is love. Lets loveeeeee
Jackie G Mar 2020
Get in
Be in
Stay in
Please be in place. Your whole being is needed somewhere. You matter!!
Jackie G Nov 2019
Blocked, caged in, suffocating smothered in pain
significant other feeling abandoned while in your presence
in your mental you're going insane
no love lost, because no love gained! thought after thought
living, but stuck in the past
show no emotions-because having emotions is what got you here
Finding a way back to the old you seems a far.
such a long distance from you
you know, the you that smiled alot whose face was once full of light
The you that cared and actually enjoyed caring
Soon those Deep Thoughts will make you realize what it is that you do
you make everyone feel lonely while connected to you.
Let go of what or who has hurt you. Live in the present. Every person connected to you now needs your love! Be better for you and them. Get well soon!
Jackie G Oct 2019
Life events, often seen through tinted lenses.
Two pupils, one Mental.
Forming things together.
We want to believe what we see is correct.
Or we want to believe what we think is correct.
Truth is
If and when you experience Pain/Let downs
And somehow
you never let it go.
You see through those lenses
Perception then, can easily be distorted.
So Mentally
go back and forgive what or whom caused you pain. Or if your beliefs are the opposite of GOOD.
Towards yourself and your relationships
It is certainly time to correct that.
The times are far too wicked
To see through the wrong lenses!
Im sorry if this took the reader for a twist and turn. My point here is to put a spot light on previous life events and how, if we dont learn from them and apply what we've learned. we could possibly be perceiving things wrong and become bitter. As people we all need eachother for some reason. And you must be able to see that! With pure clean lenses!
Jackie G Jan 2019
Something that was made to be special
Has turned all to familiar.
Mixing one's soul with another
Unaware of what's attached.
Risking it all for a moment of pleasure.
Twist and Turns
Up's and Down's
A Joy ride
If abused, Can dump you upside down
So be careful who you enter or let enter.
Behind those doors are unknown forces.
Some of which one cant see, but can surely feel.
Let it be a potential love INTEREST
No hit and runs
Take time to learn someone
Like seriously!!!!
Keep in mind Pleasure has a price.
Jackie G Jan 2019
I've been there, I've done that.
Too many things to count on both hands.
Places I had no business being.
There is where you'd find me.
Soul yearning for Something that i couldnt put my fingers on.
Friend after friend.
Loss after Loss
There i was Lost.
Waiting to be found.
A place to call home
But no place at all.
No thing or person could quench this thirst that i had.
ONE DAY opened up a book.
In there were words that stood out to me.
It said " I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do NOT do, but what I hate I DO. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me"
I could totally relate to these words
To some the book up its,
I've been reading it for some time now.
I must say!!!
I'm no longer lost!
To all the lost souls. My resolution may not be yours, but i thought i'd share. We all have purpose. When you're not living in purpose you feel lost like you have no place. Figure out why you are here and why you get another chance every morning when your eyes open. You mean something to someone. You are NEEDED!
Jackie G Oct 2018
Cluttered and full
With memories of pain

All of our hearts beat
But not the same.

Its beating lets us know that we're still alive.

So how dare some torture it
Forcing it to die.

It was not all over after that one guy.
Or if you're a guy i could say girl

Either way. Life goes on.
So should your heart!
Life forces us to move on. When you move on take your heart with you. Take your heart out of the situation. Or it becomes too full with tons of mess(pain) to even operate at its capacity!
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