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Andreas Simic Nov 2017
The ONE©

You were meant to be it
The One
That would give meaning to my life

Others are blessed with your being-ness
Not I

In all my childhood dreams
You would be there
To hold you

To make you feel safe
To cuddle you when you cried
To cradle you when you are hurt

We would play together
I would teach you about life and the world
Take you places far and wide

One day you would have some of your own
And they would grow so you too would be blessed
As I held them in my arms

Yet life never brought you along
Some sort of physical defect
And now I miss you all the more

You were meant to be the one
A child to love and treasure
But you never came

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Oct 2017

As the waves come crashing into the shore
And the gulls fly overhead
And the sounds fill my ears

I am reminded

Of the frailty of life
Of nature’s cycle
Of destiny for all of us that inhabit this planet

Is life fair
Is life just
Is life a must

Or a journey to be endured
Or a lifetime of highs and lows
Or something to see as we go

Sometimes I do wonder why we are all here
Sometimes I am amazed of all the fear
Sometimes I can’t resist to insist

A prayer for those near and dear
A prayer for those unknown to me
A prayer for those I have yet to see

And as I dose myself to sleep
And my eyelids become heavy and deep
Another day awaits for me to greet

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Oct 2017
Who Am I 2©

I sit on the park bench
Watching the world pass by

It feels like I have been here a while
I do not know where home is

Nor what my name is
Somewhere out there someone loves me, I think

Be it a spouse, a sibling, a child or grandchild
Yet I am not sure

So I wait,
For what I am not fully aware

Could it possibly be to take some medication
That will clear the fog away

Or possibly needed to save my life
Maybe…or maybe not

Someplace deep inside the recesses of my mind
I hear these words

“Stay where you are, we will find you”
And so I wait

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Oct 2017
Life is ...©
Life is ...
... A journey
... A process
... Time travel

Life is ...
... Seconds, minutes, hours
... Days, weeks, months
... Years, decades, a century

Life is ...
... Spring, summer, fall, winter
... Flowers, plants, trees
... Nature, stars, the universe

Life is...
... Seeing, hearing, touching
... Tasting, smelling, speaking
... Doing, participating, accomplishing

Life is...
... Hope, inspiration, aspiration
... Laughter, joy, jubilation
... Disappointment, tears, sadness

Life is...
... Family, friends, neighbors
... Friendships, relationships, marriage
... Classmates, teammates, workmates

Life is...
... Working, playing, human development
... Dreams, goals, plans
... Self-awareness, reflection, refinement

Life is... Birth, living, death

Life is... Remembering we are human beings, not human doings.
Every once in a while we need to stop and smell the roses,
hear what is really being said, taste the essences of life,
touch someone’s heart and see life for what it truly is,
“a journey with rest areas”
Andreas Simic©
Includes one of my all time favorite quotes. Enjoy.
Andreas Simic Oct 2017
Kiss My…©

Morning people,
Those people up at the crack of dawn

With more energy than a ball of fire
All done up like they haven’t even slept

It is in those moments I want to say
Kiss my sass

Looking at them through my bleary eyes
Me feeling like something off a scrapheap

Their exuberance like a cup runneth over
Excitement exuding everywhere

It is in those moments I want to say
Kiss my sass

My rear glued to the bed
Unable to muster the motivation to get up

I listen to them espouse great plans for the day
Bubbling with sheer excitement

It is in those moments I want to say
Kiss my sass

We all have our place and so do they
I have to admit with some dismay

Andreas Simic©
I am a morning person so this is how people view me.
Andreas Simic Oct 2017
Tour of Duty©
I awaken from a fitful sleep
One where slumber was not very deep
The night before after counting many a sheep
My eyes closed and they did meet

A dream was had that made me sneep
You and I were there in a jeep
As I mentioned another tour you said nary a peep
But in your eyes I capture “what the bleep”
We both know the long stay at an outkeep
The enemy would be nearby and they are prone to creep

The sacrifice again would require a big leap
Is this a mistake or am I being wheep
Once again into our love my duty does seep
For a promise I knew I could not keep

Is the price for going to war really this cheap
The returns not guaranteed and the climb out steep

Or maybe we need to stop and make a clean sweep
And throw our relationship onto the scrapheap

Hearing those words make us both weep
For a promise I knew I could not keep

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Oct 2017
Who Am I…©

Am I a biological cocktail
Of atoms and genes

A being of enlightenment
From another cosmos

A melding of time and experiences
Twisted into a known identity

A confluence of memories
That will one day fade into thin air

A figment of my imagination
Or yours

A spiritual being going through a human existence
“We are human beings, not human doings.

Every once in a while we need to stop and smell the roses,
Hear what is really being said, taste the essence of life,
Touch someone’s heart and see life for what it truly is,
A journey with rest areas.”

Andreas Simic©
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