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2.9k · Oct 2020
Kay Oct 2020
Her hands are strong enough
To lift up even the mightiest man’s spirits
Callused from her endless work
But still always outstretched
To embrace those nearest to her

Her fingertips delicate enough
To make the same man
Believe that liquid fire exists
As they dance their way across his skin
After he’s made his way into her heart

Her legs steady enough
To carry society’s standards like air
It’s no wonder these legs
Will one day be the gateway to life
For future warriors and peacemakers alike

Never be ashamed to be a woman
Because every man came from our womb
We are just like men but with the fire of life
Raging so strong inside of us
That we cannot keep it contained inside
Kay Jul 2018
Per-fec-tion (noun)
/ pərˈfekSH(ə)n/

Perfection isn’t

An Endearing personality
That captivates all who see you
Paired with a captivating voice
Others look up to

Waking up every morning
With a smile on your face
As you walk through life
The embodiment of beauty and grace

Passing through
Day to day trials with ease
Treating the storms of life
As if they were only a breeze

That’s madness

Perfection is

Coming home to bills
Scattered across the kitchen table
Wondering if your daughter’s childhood
Will ever be stable

Having a face marked with
A new wrinkle line
Paired with your
Unquenched need for more wine

Not knowing if the tears will stop
Or where to run
When your best friend’s
Time on Earth is done

That’s imperfect
Perfection lacks the things in life that make it beautiful and worth living. Life is raw and unfiltered and perfection is unattainable so I think it's a shame that we're encouraged to portray ourselves as perfect in society today and act as if we never struggle. In real life, I think perfection is imperfect because imperfection is what makes everyone who they are life worth living.
1.6k · Feb 2021
Always on Repeat
Kay Feb 2021
It's slowly driving me mad
Listening to the playlists you made
Of other people singing
What you never had the courage to say
794 · Oct 2019
Did I join the Wrong Gym?
Kay Oct 2019
My therapist told me
Exercise would make me happy
So why are there tears in my eyes
As I run away from my problems
776 · Jul 2020
My Perfect Storm
Kay Jul 2020
Did you come from the tip of lightning
As it struck the earth
****** into an uncertain world
A cruel and forceful birth

Or did you ride in on a gust of wind
Hopping off at the first place
You heard the ocean's song
And felt the sun’s embrace

Because you’re like the eye of the storm
Destructive, yet gentle
I’ve never seen two opposites
Act so complemental

You always wear a smile on your face
But keep mischief tucked in your heart
And I’m too curious to stay away
But I would if I was smart
760 · Jul 2018
Why I'm alone
Kay Jul 2018
My soul is a fire dancing inside of me
And I don’t want to hurt someone else
And leave their ashes in my wake
So I’m holding out for someone
Whose fire burns just as bright as mine
759 · Aug 2022
Always on Repeat
Kay Aug 2022
I still keep your favorite songs on my playlist
Because hearing them is like feeling a cool breeze on a summer day
I close my eyes and for a moment
I’m back in your Benz flying down the interstate
With the sunroof down and my hands up
Barely paying attention to where we’re going
Just looking over at you

And when the song ends the day is still just as hot
But the cool breeze gives me hope
So I’ll keep singing along
With a smile on my face
And an empty shotgun seat by my side
700 · Dec 2018
Too proud to love
Kay Dec 2018
I say
I am facing my fear
Of loneliness
I know
I am avoiding my fear
Of vulnerability
553 · Aug 2018
Eviction Notice
Kay Aug 2018
The first time your arms wrapped around me
It was like my lost soul finally found a home

The mess inside didn’t intimidate me
I always loved cleaning up souls like yours

Inside the closet I found vanity and greed
Uncertainty and unpredictability
But I decided to stay

I bought lamps to brighten up the rooms
And opened the curtains when they weren’t enough
Determined to see you smile

I thought you were building a home inside of me too
But you were really just pitching a tent

You knew all along you weren’t there to stay
All you wanted was to collect rent from me
Every night in your bedroom

When my lease was up you kicked me out
And I was left more lost than before

I will never waste my time fixing up a house again
474 · Jan 2019
Pretty but Sad
Kay Jan 2019
If eyes are the window to the soul
It's no wonder why mine are blue
446 · Jan 2019
An under appreciated chef.
Kay Jan 2019
You wanted my heart
Served medium rare
Emulating a love
To make everyone stare

You didn’t waste time
And you dove right in
Consuming all I had
Between your apathetic grin

But you weren’t prepared
For the blood and the mess
You wiped your hands of me
Like you couldn’t care less

After you were done
I was left with no life
Because I cut out my heart
With your sharpened steak knife
441 · Aug 2018
Fire and Water
Kay Aug 2018
Before I knew you
I didn’t know it was possible
To drown and be on fire
At the same time

But your love set my heart ablaze
The passion of your kiss like oxygen
To the flame ignited by the warmth of your body
Engulfing my heart in a steamy passion

But at the same time I felt like I was drowning
Gasping for oxygen but choking on water
Calling out your name to have my voice muffled
By the endless sea around me

I should have known from the start
Fire can’t exist within water
The sea was destined
To swallow up our flame as well
431 · Sep 2018
Right question, Wrong time
Kay Sep 2018
When you ask me how I am doing
I will smile and say I am fine

Because I am
In that moment
In that place

You didn’t ask me how I am doing
Every night at 1 am
Alone in my room

Suffocated by the emptiness around me
Gasping for someone who is not there
At that moment I feel like someone is choking me
Even when I am breathing in plenty of oxygen
I am kept awake by the screaming
Of self doubt and uncertainty
Eyes plastered to my dark room
Searching for someone
But only finding disappointment

But you did not ask me that
So I smile and say I am fine
369 · Jul 2018
Desert Drifter
Kay Jul 2018
After years of traveling
Through the sandstorms of despair
The droughts of self-loathing
I thought I found an oasis in you
But I guess you were just a mirage
355 · Oct 2018
I forgive you
Kay Oct 2018
I may not have been there
But I can still hear the gunshot ringing throughout the neighborhood
Slicing through the silence of the night
Echoing off the houses where others are fast asleep
Your friends
Your family
            Your children
Unaware that you have left this world, they continue sleeping peacefully
By some miracle your children sleep through the police sirens
And the hysterical crying of a wife becoming a widow
Dreaming peacefully for the last time
Because your departure from this world will always haunt them
Your ghost will stand next to your daughter
As she parades herself down the aisle into the arms of a new man
A man I pray to God is strong enough to hold her
On nights when she needs a man’s support
Because her father is no longer there
Your son’s massive shadow will always remind him of you
A darkness that will never leave his side
Even when he’s surrounded by light
You spent billions of seconds loving your life
Cherishing it
Protecting it
But it only took one second to end it
And as much as I want to hate you for causing them this pain
As much as I want to take my small fragile fists
And try to pound some sense into your head
As much as I wish I could turn back time and rewind that night
Stop you from leaving the house to drive around at 3 am
Only to end up right back in your driveway
To do what you knew you wanted to do before you even left
             I can’t.
All I have the power to do is to forgive you and move on
Try to piece together the pieces you shattered
When you pulled the trigger
              So I forgive you.
If you ever feel suicidal please please please seek help, no matter what you are going through you can get through it and you do have people who care about you. And remember to always be kind to each other <3
349 · Dec 2021
Kay Dec 2021
I wonder if you changed your garage code
Not that I’d ever open it again
But I just wonder if it would open for me
348 · Aug 2018
Why I Write
Kay Aug 2018
I write as a release
A way to find some inner peace
Between long stretches of fake smiles
And lies that never cease

Late nights on my laptop
Are the only way to stop
The negative thoughts and feelings
From flooding my entire being

Poetry is the drain
For the overflowing bathtub of my brain
The little bit of truth that seeps out
About all of my pain

Loops and whorls made with a pen
The only way I can find Zen
Thank God for these words
They’ve saved me yet again
330 · Jul 2020
Here's Your Lightning
Kay Jul 2020
When a quiet woman decides
That she has a thought to share
The whole world stops to listen
For this moment is quite rare

Even the mountains bend down
To hear this rare voice speak
Because If you understand the words
You will hear she is anything but meek

The longer her voice is not heard
The more time her thoughts have to form
Making the words that pour out of her mouth
Like thunder in a storm

And if you did not see the lightning
That has long been lighting up her sky
Her words will leave you shocked
With your mouth open and tongue dry
329 · Aug 2018
Constellation in Your Eyes
Kay Aug 2018
You said you had never seen as many stars
As you did that night
That there were no other stars
That could shine so bright

And I said if you own a mirror
That could not be
Because the stars in your eyes
Shine so much brighter to me
317 · Jul 2018
Letter to my Suitors
Kay Jul 2018
I’m not protecting myself
When I tell you no
I’m protecting you

From trying to reach
My head in the clouds
Just to come tumbling back down

Or trying to swim down
Into the depths of me
And not having enough oxygen
To breathe

Or getting lost in the
Labyrinth of my mind
With no exit sign

Despite what I want
I won’t let there be
Casualties because of me
Kay Aug 2018
You thought you could take a piece of her
But all you did was bottle a part of the ocean
As soon as you bottled her up
And stole a bit of water from her depths
It was no longer the ocean
Just water
The amount so insignificant
That the magnificence of her waters was not diminished
And others still gaze in awe at her depths
Kay Aug 2018
I want to smash this glass wall between us
And watch the shards rain down
Kissing my skin
Slicing it open
Releasing me
So that I can pour myself out
And show you who I really am
But I am paralyzed by the fear
That the blood will scare you away
So I continue to stand
Hammer in hand
Watching you
From behind this glass wall
That maybe you have a hammer too
And a bit more courage than I do
284 · Jul 2018
Drowning in Love
Kay Jul 2018
I jumped in without hesitation
Even though I knew I would drown
In your eyes, blue as the sea

I was hoping you would throw me a life vest
Instead you stood back and grinned
As you watched the waves engulf me
270 · Mar 2019
My Remnants of You
Kay Mar 2019
The spark from your touch
Was enough to ignite
My dusty old heart
To finally shine bright

But I was afraid
Of the heat inside
When you asked my legs
To spread open wide

I was always told
Never to play with fire
So I pushed you away
And ignored my desire

Now I’m left with nothing
But this empty bed
Your scent on my pillow
And words left unsaid
265 · Aug 2018
One see through body please
Kay Aug 2018
Beauty is a sin
And ignorance is bliss

Because the more people talk about
The way your eyes shine
Or the more they look at
The shape of your body as you pass a room

The less you value yourself
And the more you value your shell
Your body is just a hollow vessel
Incomparable to the passionate soul it holds

If only you were see through
Then they would really see you
259 · Jul 2018
Fun House
Kay Jul 2018
I once heard about a place
That appeared almost overnight
I had to see it for myself
So I decided to go at twilight

I heard there was no sadness there
And it was impossible to have a defect
After hearing all the rumors
I was not sure what to expect

I walked through the fun house
And I was amazed at what I saw
The reflections in the mirrors
Didn’t look like me at all

Captivated by their beauty
My eyes never left the mirror
When I saw myself reflected back
I took a few steps to be nearer

That’s when I saw
Too small for anyone else to see
A crack in the mirror
That had the reflection of me

I no longer looked like everyone else
The crack made me look strange
My pimples, wrinkles and scar came back
It was quite an unwelcome change

In front of a reflection nearby
Was just your average guy
He was so focused on his reflection
He did not notice me squeeze by

I walked around the fun house more
And was shocked at what I saw
Most of these people looked nothing
like their reflection at all

When they saw their reflections
Their eyes did not stray
I even heard a man talking to a woman
And their eyes still never looked away

I thought it was strange
A fun house that made you pretty
Overnight becoming quite the hit
In every town and city

But I guess it’s not so different
Than filters and mascara
After more walking and looking
I had decided to end this era

So I walked out of the fun house
Into a world that was much clearer
I smiled when I saw my scar
In my car’s rearview mirror
258 · Jul 2018
A Rotten Apple
Kay Jul 2018
They say all siblings fight when they’re children
We did. Then we didn’t stop.

They said I would miss her when she left
I never thought of her once.

They say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
Maybe we just fell in opposite directions.
247 · Jul 2018
How I Cope
Kay Jul 2018
Don’t judge my ash filled lungs
Or my veins filled with whiskey
When I only use them
To fill the void you left
244 · Dec 2018
Kay Dec 2018
The gates at the Garden of Eden
Swung open the day I met you

I spent my days trying new fruits
But none were as sweet as your lips

The sun never stopped shining
But it still wasn’t as bright as you

You were so bright that you blinded me
And I didn’t see what you really were

Until the day you gave me an apple
And had me kicked out of the garden

Now all I want is to be let back in
To quench this new insatiable thirst

I would hit my knees every night praying
To you
Or any other man
For just one night back in the garden
Kay Aug 2018
These words
Are the wrinkles and scars of my soul
Thoughts formed over time
Wisdom earned with experience
228 · Sep 2018
Why I'm Not a Poet
Kay Sep 2018
I never sat down at a desk
In front of my blank laptop screen
And hammered at the keyboard
Hoping for my words to be seen

Parts of my soul just crept out
Waiting too long at the red light
Typing a new note into my phone
As the green light starts to shines bright

Or in bed hoping for sleep to come soon
To be awoken from my dream like state
By the bright light on my phone
Because this poem cannot wait

I never set out to write poems
Poems just came out of me
My emotions were always locked up
But these words are the key
226 · Sep 2018
The Cause of My Insomnia
Kay Sep 2018
I fell in love with you
The same way I fall asleep


The whole time I felt as secure
As I do nestled under the blankets on my bed

Little did I know
There was a nightmare patiently waiting
To come out from its hiding spot behind your hazel eyes

It crept up on me
Ending my peaceful slumber

Our love became twisted
Your smile became cruel

I was unable to escape
Like a dreamer with sleep paralysis
My belief in your ability to change
Blinded me like a sleeping mask

Eventually I woke up
From the nightmare that was you

         And I’ve been an insomniac ever since
219 · Sep 2018
One Step at a Time
Kay Sep 2018
Your past is a staircase
Helping you climb
At your own pace
To a new and exciting place

Do not let the scrapes and bruises
From falls along the way
Slow you down
Or make you turn around

Do not be concerned
By purple marks and busted knees
Because with every bruise you earned
You nonetheless learned
Kay Sep 2018
If there was a trailer for our love story
Maybe I would have seen the ending coming
And I wouldn’t be standing in the rain
At the ticket counter of the theater
Waiting in line for a refund
197 · Dec 2018
Our Visible Strings
Kay Dec 2018
Invisible strings connected us
But for years they were just that

Through mutual friends
Going to the same parties
We made our rounds talking
That always ended with each other

To living across the hall
And walking me home
On the nights when I kept drinking
When I should have stopped

The same classes
The same homework
Which you often forgot about
Until I got you to do it with me

The same warmth resting
In the crease of your smile
Is hidden behind my gaze
When I look at you

Every unspoken word
Left hanging in the air between us
Spun a new string
That pulled us a little closer

It took longer than it should
But I’m so glad
That the invisible strings
Became visible
192 · Sep 2018
Elements of Life
Kay Sep 2018
I used to be water
Flowing in whatever direction life took me
Because I knew that fighting the current
Would only lead me to drown

Then I was fire
Angry and determined
To burn down those who controlled the current
And to be the only one left in a field of ashes

Now I am the earth
Stable and firm in my own beliefs
My self-created gravity pulling others into me
And keeping them and myself grounded

One day I will be the wind
You will no longer see me but I'll always be nearby
To whisper words of wisdom in your ear
Because as long as I'm remembered I'll never truly die
Kay Sep 2018
I always shined brightest next to you
Because you need darkness to see the light

I never thought you needed me too
But without stars there would be no night

Just an endless black, what a boring hue
A starry sky is a way better view
192 · Sep 2018
Closed Lips and Open Legs
Kay Sep 2018
You told me that I needed to open up
But I didn’t understand the problem
I opened up my legs for you every night
190 · Nov 2018
Whiskey on the Rocks Please
Kay Nov 2018
If you were whiskey
I sipped you slowly
Savored every last drop I could pour out of my glass
Because I relished in the burn you left as you slipped inside of me

But you threw me back like a shot
Not thinking,
         just doing
Unprepared for when I hit you all at once

You slurred out “I love you” between numb lips
Hands sloppily fumbling for my body
Driven by animalistic instinct
Your mind was long gone

         I continued to sip you anyways

Eventually you had to sober up
You said my effect wore off on you
So you set down an empty shot glass and left
And all I was left with was a massive hangover
188 · Oct 2018
The toxic air I breathed.
Kay Oct 2018
Your words were hollow
As light as a feather
They left your lips easily
But I needed them
Like I need oxygen
Both weightless
Both necessary
I inhaled your lies
And exhaled my love
185 · Mar 2019
Fourth of July Everyday
Kay Mar 2019
There are fireworks
Left in the wake of your touch

My stomach turning
Waiting for the explosion
To fill the void in my eardrums
Light up my eyes
And make my whole body tremble

But never prepared
For the dull quiet that follows
As the ash from the fireworks
Comes tumbling down
And all that’s left in the sky
Are streaks from what once was
And the quiet returns between us
That hangs as heavy as the pollution
We let poison our air

But it isn’t hurting us today
So keep the fireworks coming
Because I need a distraction
To take over my senses
181 · Feb 2019
A Small Boat in a Big Ocean
Kay Feb 2019
You thought you were the anchor
To hold my restless soul down
You wanted to be a dependable friend
When there was no one else around

You watched me float aimlessly
Through the ocean for far too long
But though you tried your hardest
As an anchor you weren’t strong

Soon the first storm rolled in
Bringing waves that just wouldn’t relent
They pushed me through the sea
And I pulled you with me as I went

I bravely fought the storm
While you were dragged along the floor
Of the calm and peaceful ocean
Realizing you couldn’t do this anymore

Although this all started with
Good intentions and a big heart
You knew for me to flourish
We had to be apart

What our future together looks like
Is something we’ll never know
Because after the storm passed
You cut your rope and let me go
176 · Jan 2019
You're being relocated.
Kay Jan 2019
Behind every laugh
A monster
Patiently waits
To crawl his way out
Between the folds
Of my grin
To whisper
Tempting words
“Pick up that knife”
            “Commit another sin”
Reminding me
Of the dark places
I have been

A part of me
I cannot escape
He’s always ready
For an encore
But he doesn’t know
I have found things
In life to adore
Passion to distract
From the ongoing war
To show him
That he isn’t holding
The reins of my life

The spot he hides
Whenever I smile
Will become his home
This time for more
Than just a little while
Kay Sep 2018
No I don’t have a boyfriend
But yes I’m in love

I’m so in love with the way
The daisies in my front yard dance in the wind
As if they’re waving hello as I sip my morning coffee

I’m obsessed with people
The innocence twinkling in the eyes of the young
The wisdom tucked in the wrinkles of the old

I’m infatuated with myself
The way I have and continue to change
How every day I am taking steps to become
The woman I aspire to one day be

No I am not looking for a boyfriend
But yes I am completely head over heels in love
Kay Oct 2018
My heart ached for yours today
It took all I had not to cry
So I whispered my words of longing
To a passing butterfly

Her wings were like a mosaic
Beautiful, but strong too
They held the woes of my heart
And carried them to you
167 · Feb 2021
True Powerlessness
Kay Feb 2021
You’re in the operating room
Bleeding out your problems and insecurities
Flatlining with your depression
And I’m waiting right outside
Crying and screaming with frustration
Of just how powerless I am

But I’m not powerless because I’m not a surgeon
I’ve sutured myself up hundreds of times
And even revived myself a few
I’m powerless because you won’t let me in

One deadbolt still standing between us
I drop my medical bag to the floor
164 · Oct 2019
His Tricks Stop with You
Kay Oct 2019
Don't let a boy
Who has fooled everyone
Including himself
Into thinking he's a man

Lead you
To fool you yourself
Into thinking you're anyone
Other than a soft hearted warrior
Whose smile has a radiance that outshines the sun
And eyes have a glow than could rival the moon
154 · Feb 2021
The Best Catastrophe
Kay Feb 2021
Bumping into you
Sounds like the best catastrophe
That could happen to me
So my heart and pace quicken
As I run through the grocery store
Hoping you don’t shop on Sundays
154 · May 2021
Just What You Need
Kay May 2021
If space is what you need
I’ll build you a rocketship
Right in my backyard
And we can fly to the moon
And dance under the stars

If time is what you need
I’ll buy you a grandfather clock
Eat meals at the table next to it
And kiss you every time it rings

If distance is what you need
I’ll buy us matching running shoes
And we can run until your heart feels
Like a firework on the Fourth of July
Because my heart always feels that way
When you’re with me

But if you need space from me

If you want less time with me

If you crave distance between us

Then I’ll ride my rocket to the moon
And wait until my grandfather clock
Says you’re ready to be with me
Then I’ll run back to you

Because if people wait a lifetime for heaven
Then I can wait a part of mine for you
152 · Oct 2021
Four Days Sober from You
Kay Oct 2021
I used nicotine patches to stop smoking
Because you hated the way I smelled
So why can’t I buy a patch of you
To ease me off your love

Because when I’m used to walking around
With your scent lingering on my clothes
Because I refused to take off the sweatshirt I wore
As you held me all night long

When I’m used to referring to your arms
As my indestructible fortress of protection
And viewing your lips
As an entrance to heaven that I can't wait to open

How do you expect me to be okay
When I suddenly lose all of that
My reason to get out of bed
The one person who promised to stay

All I know now is that after the pain of quitting you
I can say with confidence in my words
And a cigarette between my lips
"I guarantee you I’m never smoking again"
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