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 Jul 2018 Jackie Mead
I’m falling i                     n love again
With those blue              eyes full of lust
You think I would h         ave learned by now
That in them I will neve  r find anything to trust
But when you give me that look I feel like I’m going
To fall apart in your arms and we kiss & I combust
I crumble when we touch, and it’s almost too m
uch. I burst into flames at the thought so
desperate to have you with me I th
ink I might die for you con
sume my every thought
with your tantiliz
ing blue eyes
full of
 Jul 2018 Jackie Mead
Earth is entombed with body
and blood. All sentients are
indeed candles in God's eye.
No matter how far, no matter
how young, we become mere
vapours as life goes on.

                                                               ­         As uncharted the future is,
                                                             ­         as dark as the world can be,
                                                                ­       I want to be a speck of light
                                                                ­         here. One who lives well,
                                                           ­              one whose steps won't be
                                                              ­     forgotten in the sands of time

                                 As the river flows...
I need to step away from the computer for a bit.
Be back soon!
Lyn ***
Laughter is the fireworks of the soul and the sweetest vacation from a crazy world..... Cheers!
The first thing I saw early this morning
When I pulled back the light green curtains
Was a hectic blue 'n orange butterfly
Wavering in the fair sun of my garden -
'tween the enclosed well and the laurel tree.

On a sidewalk, red and radiant,
Strutted two maidens together,
A turquoise skirt wore the one,
A chocolate T-shirt the other.

Jubilant they were together,
As the cadence of their laughter
Waved in the air like Tunisian silk.

No harvest did my screen display today,
No mountain range did loom far in the distance;
All that was shown were a laughing sidewalk,
And a quivering sun in a small garden.

(c) LazharBouazzi

Midas touch of Sun
Sunny side up , yellow white blooms
Balmy morning in March

Bees and birds flap wings
Feasting on the sunny side up
Flowers of summer

The backyard is merry
Green grass and grasshoppers blend
A colour divine

A memory , from an old photograph
That warm patch of earth under the damsons
Where nothing grew but children’s feet prints
Reached high for the odd black fruit showing
Sqealched between fingers the stalk snapped
And a mouth opened to taste the sweet wines.

Love Mary
Our damson tree at 71 Penwortham,SW16
 Jul 2018 Jackie Mead
I wish I had one of those
Brand new pretty A.I's
The kind you see
Over seas
With the animated eyes

Perfect body
Sculpted in
Secrets underneath
Rebooted to learn
Oh don't be concerned
I've plenty morals
Left in me

Bio parts programmed
To feel the cyber burn
Develop in such rhythms
Cybernetic squirms

Bandwidths pleasure
Poetic themes
Creative forms
Me and machine
Bio feedback
Drama queen clean

Nothing like the real thing
Just me and my machine
Oh how lonely that would be!!!
Traveler Tim
And advertisement about a documentary I seen an RT American
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