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 Jun 2017 Oni Olusegun
When I look into the mirror, I am more than what I see.
I see the past, I see the present, I see the future...I see me.
I see the ideas and the ideals, the fleeting notions in-between.
I see it all within the mirror, although the mirror, isn't the only thing I see.
I see myself and my old image, I'm nothing special you can see.
I look within to see my reason, and portray a look to pretend I've seen.
But...this isn't a mirror set before me, it's just a doorway next to me.
Two sets of glass, a single person, a dual-reflection for all to see.
I don't write fiction....YET! (:
She is a mother
she has more children than any other
her care she gives
but for what we do i wonder how she forgives
we take her for granted
but continues to give us chances
Mother Earth
gives birth to our life
she continues to fight
even when everyday she loses yet another light
its time we give what we took
just like our ancestors so long ago in those books
right now humans are nothing but crooks
that includes me
all i want is for the world and its people to be free
and not destroy this world
because she is a big beautiful wonder girl
she is Mother Earth
the Gods feared them
and now no can remember them
Kratos rode on one in god of war
but that world was torn
giant beings of the earth
long forgotten in the worlds turn
but now a different people have taken the name
and have replaced what was filled with shame
the are black and white
and together they fight as one
as a team none
stand against these men
The Gods fell because of this name
and still fear it because of the fame it has
but it seems that time has passed
who remembers that name
whose mind
will rewind time
to something ancient
to remember something in lost stasis
Her laugh
gives a high that lasts
her smile makes this beast go wild
her kind words quite the whispers
the world disappears
when its me and her
she is playful
and to her I'm always loyal
for her ill go through trial
just to make her smile
ill fight all her fights
no matter day or night im there
i hold her when she is scared
even with the little things i care
her scars are just of who she is
and she has a cute little kid
i wanna be his daddy
if she would have me
she makes me fly again
for her i would give everything again and again
everyday she has made
she is mine
and man is she fine
an Angel unaffected by time
I'm her's forevermore
she holds the key to my hearts door
i didn't have to give her a tour of me
she already new me
 Jun 2017 Oni Olusegun
Nicole S
pick up the pencil.

my mother told me
to make something,
but I didn't have the strength.
I didn't have the courage
to tell her that the pencils are suddenly

"you have to start making art again."

mother, I've tried.
I've tried too many times to count.
I have spread out my pencils
and arranged my pallet
and taken inspiration till the pieces
blend, lose shape,
but everything has lost its color.

blues are so gray.
red is even grayer.
yellow is a sickly highlight,
and I can barely stomach
the near black shade of old purple.

and when I look up,
I remember that my world
has gone gray, too,
and I had forgotten
till now,
pencil shaking, paintbrush askew
between weak fingers.

why bother?
it's all the same color

so I let the pencil drop.
nothing is worth recreating anymore.
 Jun 2017 Oni Olusegun
 Jun 2017 Oni Olusegun
What’s a lovely girl like you doing in a dump like this.
I own it.
That course i took is working well.
Was that the diplomatic course.
It was, have you been on it.
Have i asked you any stupid questions.
Not yet, but give it time.
Ask me another question.
What’s your name.
You’re kidding, did your parents not like you.
Did you actually attend that course.
Well i sort of started the online application, but this **** site popped up and i got distracted.
Did anything else pop up.
That’s quite witty, Sonya.
It wasn’t meant to be. I was meaning, did any religious sites pop up.
Well they do say God works in mysterious ways. So i’m thinking he came through as ***** Bertha from Berlin.
Are you a bit rusty chatting up women.
Well i have just come out of a long term relationship.
Sorry to hear that, how long were you together.
A week.
Wish i hadn’t asked now. Was that a full week.
Well a week is a week.
Not necessarily, it might have been Saturday, Sunday.
I suppose so.
So was it.
No, it was Wednesday, Saturday.
So technically it was four days.
If you want to be pedantic about it.
What about your relationship before that.
Eight days.
What’s your longest relationship.
Three weeks.
That must have seemed like a marriage to you.
Actually my wife died tragically.
I’m really sorry, that was insensitive of me.
Only kidding Sonya, she ran off with the window cleaner. The windows have never recovered.
My God, you’re a train wreck.
You want to be on that train, don’t you Sonya.
I do, i actually want to go out with you. Why the hell do i want to go out with you.
Well Sonya, if you don’t go out with me. Then one fine day you’ll marry this boring guy, and i’ll be at the back of your mind.
But in my mind, I’ve already dumped you.
Not necessarily Sonya, this could be a match made in heaven.
It won't be, I’ve already known you five minutes, and already you’re doing my head in.
Well that is a sort of a relationship, is it not.
I suppose so. I don’t even know your name.
It’s Paul.
Paul, did your parents not like you.
Do you see what you did there, Sonya.
*** i’ve become you, how the hell did that happen.
I’m not sure Sonya, maybe we shouldn’t go out together.
No we must, it’s like i need to go out with you for my sanity’s sake.
Okay Sonya, pick you up at eight tomorrow night...
 Jun 2017 Oni Olusegun
my heart is on fire
my throat is closing in
my eyes are leaking
& im breaking down
i'm worried
that this is all in my head
what if i'm forcing this?
what if i'm not?
what if i love you?
what if i don't?
what if
what if it's in my head
& im self-destructing
i'm so sick of these
"what if"s circling my head
so what if
i'm confused
only because
**i don't like the answer
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