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 Jun 2014 Turquoise Mist
I struggled through a desert
a bare and unforgiving land
constantly feeling though
I had no one to hold my hand

Many, just weren't there
never offering to show me the way
so I quickly stopped asking
and got used to being afraid

Many years were spent
advancing painfully through the sand
trying to make it on my own
finding ways to understand

I couldn't help but take the long way
making it harder on myself
I truly believed I was lost
and refused to ask for help

Rejection is a cruel emotion
that I know will never leave
it grips from inside out
making it so hard to breathe

I may have found my oasis
really it's been here longer than I thought
but it's hard to recognise a safe haven
when rejection is all you've been taught
I like to watch them,
as they fold gently,
Into newly found realms,
Of softened happiness.
Scents of lavender,
and milkweed,
Blaming their aches,
Until they fade away.

I am selfish enough,
To seek comfort in them,
I am selfish enough,
To pretend I am part of them.

Part of this ever growing bubble,
That is verging on delirium.

But I am not,
I know I am not.
This I hope,
Will be unnoticed.

It's easy to mimic,
Or fake your behaviour,
If the outline of what,
You hope to achieve,
is merely,
A heartbeat away from you,

It's easy to colour,
between the lines,
Even if my pencil,
is shaded melancholy blue.
 Jun 2014 Turquoise Mist
i remember how it felt when we were sitting on top of your car
staring out into this little city
with expensive taste
the feeling of my head leaning onto your shoulder was so comforting
the sun was setting and your body was guarding the sun from shining on my face
we sat there in complete silence for a few minutes
and then you asked me how my grandma passed away
so i said it
you listened and wrapped your arm around me when i got weak
then you opened up to me and i grabbed your hand and held it
i kept looking at you and i heard the hurt in your voice
and i wish you would let me in the walls you've built around
so we can light a match and burn it down
but there is no doubt in my mind
that if you could
you'd crack my ribcage open
and pull my heart right out when ever you wanted to
and then id be left with nothing
but the words you said to my ear
that have sunk into my veins
and wont get out of my skin
 Jun 2014 Turquoise Mist
 Jun 2014 Turquoise Mist
Bursting at the seams,
desperately trying to use
a needle and thread to sew myself together.
no one will notice the stitches.

Heaven forbid,
I open like a teddy bear
and all the stuffing falls out.
I've already spent too much time
trying to hold everything together.

Opening up,
becoming vulnerable, losing that soft tissue
makes that poor bear lumpy,
feeling undesired.
He's not the only one.
You’re the singer standing in front
Of a standing ovation
Trying to hide behind a microphone
Because you cannot comprehend
How bright you are
Actually shining
Do not be afraid to share who you are.
 Jun 2014 Turquoise Mist
 Jun 2014 Turquoise Mist
I went to the park today
and marveled at the ducks gliding across the pond.
Above the surface,
smooth sailing, graceful, serene.
When just below,
their webbed feet,
kicking like hell,
struggling to keep going.
 Jun 2014 Turquoise Mist
Today's Father's Day
For me...
its just another

Once upon a time a young boy who seemed so happy, died
But it was by a blade and tears that he tried to hide.

His funeral was full of people who made everyday bad
His bullies, his abusive boyfriend, and his alcoholic dad

Well on that day
They buried a boy that they never ever actually knew.
 Jun 2014 Turquoise Mist
Lost in seas of I-don’t-know’s  
Captive to the native cant’s
Hope rests ashore  
Faith hands it a cold Red Stripe  

Each wave of depression  
Comes just like the last but with
More heat and tips the balance
Creating a whirlpool in which  
The Monster can live….

He comes like an unseen wave,
accidentally swallowed  
And stays like a tooth pick,
stuck in the stomach;
unwanted and fatal

So she tries to ***** him out of her system; tries to starve him out of her system; tries to… to….
She knows he’s back now
Be very quiet  
So he’ll probably leave if he thinks no one is home
He turns the corner of the wall
She dives under the seas  
He laughs at her  
She knows why,
She’s been a fool
Can’t not see he’s already got her
Can’t not see he’s the full-stop in life
But she refuses to give in.
Because if he’s the full-stop in life,
Then The Great Him must be the exclamation point.

- Leigh-Ann B.
I was going through a really rough time in my life when I wrote this poem (obviously) but it's amazing that after those troubled times passed, I can still look at this poem and learn something from it. Thank you, Internet! For holding onto my docs like a treasure chest.
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