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When Life Slaps You In The Face,
Take a step back and look at what it says.

Lock yourself in the dark box of sorrow,
Drowned in pain, Let your thoughts follow.

Close your eyes and hold your breath.
Grab the chair across you and talk to yourself.

Take a lone ride on the path of fear,
Set free of what holds your tear.

Hear men accuse the artist.
Why desire, when you already exist.

When pain arrives, hidden in the palm of life.
May your soul not resist, Let happiness die.

Then at the funeral, let your mind discover.
Pain is momentary, Memories live forever.


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 Jun 2014 Turquoise Mist
Peering through a wasp's wing
at shadows on the wall
Hear the whispered whimper
echo down the hall
Glass thump of bone and feathers
against the bedroom window
Motes of darkness floating
to air a moldy winnow
Creak of standing knees
rise in opioid haze
To wander past the shadows
and sniff of death's bouquets.

r ~ 6/11/14
   |     darkdarkdarkdarkdarknesssss
  / \
I would hold back
the sea with my
bare hands

If you asked
 Jun 2014 Turquoise Mist
 Jun 2014 Turquoise Mist
How beautiful art thou; rain.
Pittering and pattering, into nothingness.
Dripping and dropping in a steady beat.
Splitting and Splattering but soothing.
What a feat.

How beautiful art thou; rain.
Small and light, crystal and clear.
Sent from the heavens above.
The gentle weeping and tear.
What a sight.

How beautiful art thou; rain.
With soft drops to the loudest of splashes.
Big but small, quiet but not so.
Call upon the lightening, your company.
What a sound.

How beautiful art thou; rain.
Washing away sadness and bring new life.
Day or night, you see through everything.
Morning or evening, your steadiness fails to change.
What a night.
 Jun 2014 Turquoise Mist
I have always
been able to get along
with people that
others can't.
The outcasts,
the freaks,
the losers,
the *******.
I have always been
able to see what
ordinary people don't.
Who they really are.
Everybody is a good person.
Some just have a hard
time expressing it.
I fall in love with
those who are different.
And I love them for
the rest of my life.
Maybe it's because
I have always been
the weird one.
So I know what it
looks like inside
the soul of a person
that nobody understands.
 Jun 2014 Turquoise Mist
The harm leaves no mark
No scars to be seen,    
Horror in the dark
Hid its face obscene,    

Tasteless jokes begin                               
Real pain to deride,
The secrets within                                
At any cost hide.
Secrets weighing down
Ending the joking,                                
Smile turns to a frown                              
It's the reckoning.                                

Out into the light
Truth is now revealed
Casting away blight  
Childhood wounds thus healed
For my friend who testified against a ******* today
Lights forgive a certain gloom deep inside
Standing under the sun, I hear the command undone.
But when I look up to it, I feel the hurt within
Too much of something has always been bad.

Rusted tears fall from my eyes,
Pleading to let go of the diabolic deeds of days bygone.
The more I try to bury it within,
The lesser the effort it takes to remember them again.

Dreamers sit by the banks of a river,
Looking out at the valleys, as the grey clouds settle in.
My mind awash with a million thoughts of betrayal
The destruction of a broken soul slowly starts to kick in.
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