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 May 2014 Tim Bustin
Wolf Irwin
If you want to be happy then it's really up to you,
Its easy just realize there's nothing more to do,
If you're not content now then you'll always want more,
You stand before the threshold why not walk through the door?
Trust in yourself with a little conviction,
Understand the future is made of pure fiction,
You're in control I just want you to know,
Your soul points the way just go with the flow,
Change your mind and watch the world change around you,
Leave the negative and feel positivity surround you,
Don't worry about loosing others they are already gone,
Bodies don't last but souls will always live on.
 May 2014 Tim Bustin
It doesn’t matter what language you speak because all screams sound the same
It doesn’t matter what your skin color is because all blood runs muddy red
It doesn’t matter if you are afraid because everyone has the same fear
It doesn’t matter what god you worship because even the gods run in the end
It doesn’t matter how big your eyes are because they still cry the same tears
It doesn’t matter if your ears can hear because it’s always rumors and lies
It doesn’t matter what clothes you wear because we are all stripped of humanity
It doesn’t matter if you are smart of stupid because we are all suffering from insanity
It doesn’t matter if you **** now because we all die the same way
1 death is a tragedy
1,000 deaths is a statistic
Idk who said the last line, but credit to them---
 May 2014 Tim Bustin
 May 2014 Tim Bustin
Admire the stars
Look up into the galaxies
The sky goes on for miles
Thousands of solar systems
Waiting to be explored
The stars twinkle lightyears away
Domed above our existence
Watching us as we sleep
Calming and peaceful
It holds us tightly in our atmosphere
Tick tock of my heart
Waiting for my life to start.
Tick tock all alone
Lips to teeth and skin to bone.

I just want to be content
With how I live and living’s rent.

Maybe by the day I’m laid down
Six long feet underground,
My eyes full of wonder, I will see
How beautiful life can really be.

a color beautiful
a color that cares
it hugs your waist
it makes your  imagination stare

and now you dance
to some tune you only heard by accident
you learn by forgetting
never forget that

the brain is an amazing machine
its the General ordering dancing
the master behind the scenes
pulling all the puppet strings

so dance and smile
it's only a short mile
or maybe 10,000

you won't know until you get there
My scars are not ******* beautiful
The thought of someone carving into themselves just to feel something should not be romanticized The numbness that ran throw my veins and made my blood run cold is not something to publicize My body shame is not something that i take pride in.
Boasting about hurting yourself is so unethically wrong it makes my skin craw. Now spreading the word and making these problems known is appropriate. In fact it is necessary. So many young adults and teenagers go through this horrific battle alone. They think they're going absolutely insane but little do they know that there is someone a phone call away that can safe them from this treacherous addiction.
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