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 May 2014 Tim Bustin
beware when you fall in love
with an artist
be it a painter, a singer, or poet

for the artist will
paint you
with strokes and hues
in shapes of every kind

sing about you
with heartbreak lyrics
and feelings which rhyme

write about you
with the simplest words
and a secret message she wants to say

beware of the artist,
and her love
one wrong move
and you're an artwork in her display
That is my catch phrase,
I'm sorry for never realizing,
I'm sorry for the pain I caused,
that everything happened wrongly,
that i'll never understand,

I've said it so many times,
my chin pointed towards the floor,
my eyes shadowed by sorrow and regret,

I'm sorry I'll never be enough,
I'm sorry I made you cry,
that I caused your smile to fade,
sorry for the things I've said,

I hurt you and others,
and unknowingly
stabbing them,

you see,
Im sorry for everyone i meet,
because I'll only cause them trouble.
 May 2014 Tim Bustin
this is not some love story
a boy will not come and save you and he will not kiss the scars on your thighs.

this is not a movie
someone isn't going to save you from your demons,
or think your illness and addiction is beautiful.

this is not a fairytale
you will not save yourself from the voices,
or the jabbing pain in your stomach
or the shaking of your body for that quick release.

this is real life
and nothing will save you except for the pills that the doctors put you on that helps you with your mood swings, and unwillingness to get out if bed every morning.  

this is not poetry.

self harm scars are not lovely.
sadness is not beautiful.
and demons are not glorious.
stop trying to make mental illness a great thing to have.
so if you glorify self harm and sadness, stop being a ******* ******* because it isn't ******* beautiful.

nothing is beautiful about voices in your mind that tell you to take a blade to your skin, and nothing is beautiful about morning rolling around and you contemplate being "sick", or jumping out into traffic just in time to get hit by a bus just so you can escape life.
this is not beautiful.
if I starve myself my bones will show
if I cut my thighs no one will know
theyll check your wrist for cuts and scars
but none will mend the broken heart.
ill pop the pills and die real slow.
quietly, so no one will know.
Today I wanted
         To get high off of you;
         But I guess I wasn't
The drug you needed.
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