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 Jan 2020 Tim
Slightly Lovely
I don't want to heal,
if it means losing the last thing I have left of you.
I will keep these memories,
and forever feel this pain.
 Jan 2020 Tim
kevin hamilton
 Jan 2020 Tim
kevin hamilton
the night fell
as one last revelation
this pale moon, a metronome
in the gulf of my eyes
christ, i was so weak
for avoiding the spectacle
but i’m running out of reasons
left to say goodbye

my phantom at the doorway
all serpentine and sage
while your perfume takes to air
like the harvest pollen
exalted in the rain

and sometime, too
will i finally sleep
by the candlelight of day
 Jan 2020 Tim
 Jan 2020 Tim
you are the stillness
in my life


while all around the world rages

the hardest rock
strongest foundation

I have clung here for safety
warmth and love
immeasurably given
gratefully received
 Jan 2020 Tim
Little Flower
 Jan 2020 Tim
In time we grow, As the river flows,
May no vicious wind take thou beauty, I sow
with such delicate soft petals,
Will grow you too well,
A fellow little flower like me,
Will soon blossom as well,
A note to all flowers, to never see what's infront of them but to seek what is ahead of them. :)
 Jan 2020 Tim
Alex Smith
 Jan 2020 Tim
Alex Smith
My mistake
Was loving you too hard.
My regret
Was never telling you
That I needed love back.
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