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25.5k · Mar 2018
The Non-Poet Mar 2018
life is like
when you're
a little kid
and you
discover that
there is more
than twenty-four
crayons in the box
that there is
the possibility
of forty-eight colors
of sixty-four
of one-hundred and twenty
that there are
so many shades
of love and anger and peace and despair
and absolute bliss
and the ability
to express them all
are now
in the palm
of your hand

life is
and absolutely wonderful

every day is
a new sunrise
a new chance
to transform into
the butterfly you
want to be

go out there
and change the world, kid
682 · Apr 2018
universe pt. 2
The Non-Poet Apr 2018
a version of me once said
long, long ago

that my love for you
was like the universe

well clearly
i failed to mention
that you are the true expanse
of infinite starry night

you are dark
chaos and peace
warm and cold, all at once
the beginning and end of all things
older and wiser than you appear to be
and absolutely
b e a u t i f u l
~ to my friend through many trials
529 · Mar 2018
it's gone
The Non-Poet Mar 2018
i know
was in our way
i knew it would
be difficult
to be together

but i honestly thought
things would work out
cause if a love
between two people
is as strong and pure as ours
then the universe will help
the star-crossed lovers
to be together, right?


i know
you tried
to get their
to make them
see that juliet was
who you wanted

i know all this
i know you tried
you’re best
and i’m sorry to see
it wasn’t enough

it breaks my heart
to know that
our visions of a future
are put on hold
possibly destroyed forever

but that does not mean
that i no longer care
that i will no longer
be there for you
when you need me

i wish more could be done
but i'm afraid maybe not
our love is a ticking time-bomb
it's just now that we see
we've been waiting for it to explode
i don't know how to feel
473 · Oct 2018
sun + moon
The Non-Poet Oct 2018
in the beginning
the sun met the moon
and she instantly fell in love

the story of the universe was yet uncertain
but their romance was written in the stars

he was quiet and cool
to her fire and passion
the perfect dichotomy
to the cosmos and beyond

but as it is said for anything
everything that can go wrong, will go wrong

and the sun and moon were ripped apart
only joined together
briefly during those moments
of dawn and dusk

but even that didn't stop them
from loving from afar
463 · Apr 2019
The Non-Poet Apr 2019
i don't know
what happened to you

i don't know
what happened to us

what i did wrong
what i did
for you to walk off
into your new life
and leave me in the dark

so many have told me
to forget about you
that i deserve someone better
someone that will make me happy
for the rest of my days

and maybe they're right
i couldn't tell you back then

all i knew is
some moments
i had a fire
burning bright and hot
in my soul
my hate burning up my despair
which seemed to have no end

but some moments
under the cover of night
when the world got quiet
and it was only me and the stars
i thought back on our happy moments
the few that we were able to steal for ourselves
and i couldn't help but smile at those precious memories
some of which i knew i would treasure forever
and i couldn't help but think
that you were the only person
who would ever understand me
and that i would only ever find happiness
in the messed up way i found it with you

it's funny
isn't it?
you betrayed me
you just disappeared without a word
even though you promised you never would

and yet
i think i forgive you
i know you'll never read this
and that's okay
cause it's not for you, it's for me
and the rest of the world to see
453 · Jul 2018
tug of war
The Non-Poet Jul 2018
i go back and forth
every couple of months
performing my ritual dance
of what ifs and i hopes

no matter what i do
i always return
to this ancestral place
of insecurity and naivety

i'm tired of this war
waged between
my mind and my heart
it's caused me to grow old
and become someone
who is tenfold my age

but time goes on
and i'm still here
performing the same dance
perfecting it for the grand finale
of when the vultures swoop in
and tear the remains of my heart to shreds

i'm tired of this war
i don't know how much more i can take
the voices around me say to drop the rope, the game is done
but i still find myself tugging with everything i have
which is only a fragile wish for a future
that may possibly never come
437 · Mar 2018
las manchas del sol
The Non-Poet Mar 2018
siempre van a ver
las manchas
en el sol
la sombra negra
a tu brillante luz

no pierdas
la esperanza
para ser lo mejor
cada momento
de este regalo, amor

de vueltas
en la lluvia
y bailes
con tu amor
sea la estrella
del centro
de cada persona
sin temor

la vida es
solo una vez
por favor
con toda tu purez


there will
always be
the dark spots
in the sun
the black shadow
to your brilliant light

don't lose
the hope
to do what's great
each moment
of this gift, my love

spin around
in the rain
and dance
with your love
be the star
in the center
of every person
no fear

is only once
enjoy it
with all your pureness

i'm sorry the poem is in spanish, this is just how it flowed for me

enjoy the translation at the bottom (it doesn't come out the same, but i tried my best)
428 · Mar 2018
amor propio
The Non-Poet Mar 2018
you don’t need
to overcome
the world to be
seen or accepted

you only need
to overcome
411 · May 2018
no more
The Non-Poet May 2018
i love you
from my core
i love you
to the moon

but how is it
a love like ours

makes me feel
i've drowned
i'm sorry but i don't know what to do
388 · Mar 2018
The Non-Poet Mar 2018
the universe

no limitations

just like
my love
for you
380 · Sep 2018
The Non-Poet Sep 2018
just imagine

early morning light
tickling in softly
through the windows

warmth slowly
spreading through
the room

sleep-filled thoughts
and notions
all disappear

once you see their
gentle eyes looking
down into yours

you feel this
small ache in the
pit of your stomach

it slowly spreads up
until it's a lump
in your throat

you think
you're star-struck

but rather
you find you simply
cannot breathe

they cup your cheek
brows furrowed
and they ask you
"darling, what's wrong?"

you open your mouth
you try to speak the words

but rather than
ruin the moment

rather than
ruin their happiness

you close your mouth

painfully swallow
down the lump

and offer up a small smile

and hope they do not see
the faint tears in your eyes
377 · Oct 2018
steps to fix a broken heart
The Non-Poet Oct 2018
there's no step-by-step process
no matter how much i wish there was one

all i can do is
(1) learn from the relationship
(2) pick up the pieces of my heart
(3) give myself the love and space
that has been long overdue
(4) and forgive, both them and me
the world knows no one is perfect
374 · Apr 2018
The Non-Poet Apr 2018
i know you wonder
how this happened

so this poem
is for you

i'll make this truly easy
to make it within your grasp

you were the missing half of myself
i’ve been searching for all my life

i found you
i want you
i will fight to keep you

you make me feel like i float on air
you overwhelm my soul

and despite all the up's and down's
i still want to be yours

i know demons
plague your mind

whispering to you
dreadful and wicked things

but please
do me one favor

don’t question why i love you
just accept that i do
278 · Oct 2018
The Non-Poet Oct 2018
i feel myself awaken
from this syrup-like slumber
i rub my eyes and look around
sighing that there's another day ahead

i remember feeling your presence in my dreams
but i don't remember you speaking
or trying to get close to me
i don't even remember you being there at all
but nonetheless, i still felt you there

and that's the saddest thing of all, i think
because you no longer think of me
let alone dream
how long will you
haunt me in my dreams?
248 · Mar 2018
The Non-Poet Mar 2018
do you know
what it's like
to feel like you're
no longer
know yourself?

do you know
what it's like
to be in such pain
that it keeps you
frozen in place,
silently suffering
with no glimmer
of hope that it will end?

do you know
what it's like
to want
to make it all stop,
even if it causes
everyone that
you love pain?

do you know
what it's like
to find the strength
to put an end
to those thoughts
and keep on going
not because you want to,
but because you have to?

do you know
what it's like
to try and piece
yourself together,
though some
of the pieces to
the puzzle (the mess)
that is you
have gone missing?

and do you know
what it's like
for months
and months
to go by
and feel no change
within yourself?

a n  a n g e l

do you know
what it's like
to meet someone
and feel like you've
woken up from
a long and terrible dream?

do you know
what it's like
to be around someone
who understands
everything that
you're feeling?
who understands
what you’ve
been through?

do you know
what it's like
to find a kindred soul
at the height of despair?

and do you know
what it's like
to be reminded
that life is beautiful?
that you are beautiful too?
thank you
from the bottom of my heart
thank you
231 · Feb 2018
The Non-Poet Feb 2018
gone are the days
where i smile without restraint
where i snort without care
and sing to my own tune

gone are the days
where i breathe easy
where things come naturally
and make sense in this world

gone are the days
where i am i truly happy
where i live stress-free
if only for a second

my days consist of me
looking around
s e a r c h i n g
w  o  n  d  e  r  i  n  g

what is life worth living for
what am i holding on to

then i look over
and see you looking at me
taking in my expression
and offering up a smile
that can melt a glacier
that's been frozen
for a thousand years

and in that moment
i have the answer
to my question

~ to my king
220 · Feb 2018
little boy
The Non-Poet Feb 2018
little boy

you have eyes
the size
of saucers
and the color
of molten chocolate

you look up
at the sky
using your
innocent eyes
to take in
the world
around you
in fascination
and wonder

little boy

never stop
never stop
believing in
a better world
never stop
loving and
caring for others
even if
they do not
deserve you

little boy

continue to
contain the
whole galaxy
in your eyes
and in
your heart
continue to
be the light
towards a
better future
that we all
hope one day
will come to light

you are
what everyone
has been waiting for
~ to my love
208 · Feb 2018
The Non-Poet Feb 2018
you filled all my hopes and dreams
you became the star in my sky
you had me hanging every day
hoping to see you walk by

you knew what you meant to me
you saw how much i loved you
and yet you let it all slip by

you watched as i fell apart for you

you were not the end of me
you taught me to be strong

because of you i found real love
and you found love only in a bottle
203 · Feb 2018
broken hearts vengeance
The Non-Poet Feb 2018
what happens to broken hearts?

do they crumble in on themselves
and do not heal?
or do they spiral down
emotions like a wheel?

do broken hearts
forget how to feel?
or do they become as
cold and hard as steel?
187 · Feb 2018
The Non-Poet Feb 2018
in that life that was your wonderland
you wanted the world to see
wanted them to see your brand
of what it meant to be free
and in that spectacle of your land
you somehow managed to see me

you took me by the hand
and whispered you wanted me
wanted me to go and join you in the land
of just you and me
i wanted to go and make my stand
thinking it was meant to be

but when I was there and ready to go
you showed up and said no
177 · Feb 2018
The Non-Poet Feb 2018
once upon a time

stories were told
of how
love is a wish
the heart makes

though every fairytale
failed to mention

that heartbreak
is only
the broken
pieces of
the mirror
that reflects
your image
back to
showing you
the shell
of a person
you have become

the end

— The End —