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 Jan 2016 Victoria
 Jan 2016 Victoria
Once upon a time,
there was a me and you,
happiness rang like chimes,
and our smiles did so too.
No bizarre moment flared,
nor sadness overthrew,
we were simply scared,
that our feeling'll be *******.
They named us liar and a fake,
cause we seemed too perfect,
so for our own sake,
we pretended there was no effect.
Yet a little too late were we,
to realize the truth of us all,
so desperate to suppress what we see,
that didn't notice we had fall.
We swayed and drifted,
and parted with a crime,
that scarred as we shifted,
but that was just once upon a time.
I don't regret anything.
 Jan 2016 Victoria
Gone forever
 Jan 2016 Victoria
The thought of losing you,
Was unbearable knowing it’s true.
I’m still unsure of what to do,
Should I just let go too?

It’s so confusing to think,
Every happened with a link.
Time with you, went by in a blink.
Maybe we just didn’t sync.

My feelings are so mixed,
Somehow there’s something that can’t be fixed.
My mind still thinking a midst
More time is what I wished.

I’ve made a million mistakes,
If there was another chance, I’d retake.
But these scars will remain.
At least until my life’s bane.

One chance was all I had,
Took it for granted, don’t be mad.
Kind of felt a bit glad,
That you didn’t feel sad.

Whoever the other guy may be,
I hope he opens his heart to see.
The beauty in you that has yet to flee.
Just that someone, will never be me.

My mind said that, It’s over.
My life needs a turnover.
Deep down, in my heart.
I know that I still love you.
 Nov 2015 Victoria
Mel Little
You made a poet fall in love with you
And expected her not to write sonnets about your eyes
Haikus about the way you kissed her in the moonlight
Expected the fire in her heart not to inspire couplets
You made a poet fall in love with you, and when you left
Expected her not to write pages about the ache in her chest
Write a soliloquy dedicated to her tears
Expected her not to feel every gut wrenching moment of the pen hitting paper like your words hit her in the most vulnerable places of her mind.
You made a poet fall in love with you, and you expected her to be silent.
That is no fault of hers.
 Sep 2015 Victoria
 Sep 2015 Victoria
He told me my scars weren't beautiful
And I told him that no one could ever really admire a masterpiece
Without taking a few steps back
Your scars make you who you are and no matter what you are beautiful
 Sep 2015 Victoria
RH 78
Why is there a little boy lying on the beach?
Washed up.
All for a new life too far to reach?

Why is there a little boy lying on the beach?
What happened to the human rights we all preach?

Why is there a little boy lying on the beach?
Displacing people no home and no speech.

Why is there a little boy lying on the beach?
A son.
No future.
We hang our heads and weep!
Broken hearted and deeply affected by pictures I saw in the news depicting the lifeless body of a little boy no older than three who was photographed washed up on the shore line of Turkey. The result of further illegal human smuggling, people trafficking promising to get families to Europe on a false promise. All too often, people are put into small boats unable to sustain the weight of all the people put upon it and not fit for purpose. This is yet another shocking event in the wake of atrocities taking place in North Africa where the displacement of millions of innocent people continues. Governments are too busy counting the pennies and quarrelling amongst themselves in addition to wasting precious time as gangs and smugglers take advantage of the situation by sending people to their death profiting from the desperation of families searching for a place to call home. When will this end? RIP to the little boy, his brother and mother who all perished.
 Aug 2015 Victoria
CJ lebron
A love like yours is hard to find
Because you're the only one who
Cares about everyone, so selfless
Definitely someone to look up to
Everyone can't see what I see
Forget all the mean things
Give me your attention
Hear my words and
Ignore the rest
Just remember you're beautiful
Know that you are perfect
Like a gorgeous sunset or the
Moon in the sky at
Orbiting around a sun, jealous of your
Perfect bright blue eyes
Questioning if its possible for eyes to be so
Radiant, so alive, filled with
Something indescribable
Unknown to this
World. you are so kind and
Xenodochial, a quality unseen in many.
You're the one I wanted from day
Zero and every day since then
XENODOCHIAL means friendly to strangers for those who don't know.
just trying something out. Not my best but I dont care I like it.
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