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 Aug 2015 Victoria
 Aug 2015 Victoria
When I hear your name
When I read your name
Eventually a smile
Lights up my face.

It makes me sing
It makes my heart ring
And I'll remember you
In the smallest things.
 Aug 2015 Victoria
 Aug 2015 Victoria
I was looking for ways
To be with you again
I would go the distance
But now I see no hope
I guess fate gave us our time
No more no less
Fate brought us together
But fate is now tearing us apart.
 Aug 2015 Victoria
 Aug 2015 Victoria
Maybe it was you after all
I had had my breaks and falls
I thought you'd just pass
But you stayed til last
Now I'll be true
Now, it is you.
 Jul 2015 Victoria
She had a glow to shine; had a shine to glow
Love unleashed the life to heart
& the heart relinquished everything to bow
She had a lit to flicker so she flickered overnight
I watched her wavin'  'pon transculent winds
as if she "Voosh-ed" the lamp with smile
Darkness got us pleased around, oh her very warmth on surround
She closed her raring eyes in love & I fiercely broke her unbroken shell, Unbound.
 Jul 2015 Victoria
The Way
 Jul 2015 Victoria
I think I like the way
Your hands engulf and warm mine
I think I like the way
Your eyes seem to sparkle and shine
I think I like the way
Your smile can light up a room
I think I like the way
For me you'd go to the moon
We blame  society for suppressing us

Yet we are a part of this society

Ironic  isn't it?
A moment of realisation struck me on a road trip and made me laugh
 Jul 2015 Victoria
day dreamer
 Jul 2015 Victoria
day dreamer
It's sad because I can't talk to you about love
Instead we talk about stupid films,
The ones we will never watch together 
We talk about stories,
But not ours, never 
You look at me while I look away
And it *****
Because all I wanted was to tell you 
How cute your smile is
How the weight of your stare affects me 
And all I want is to hold your hand
But now, as I think of you 
I choose to be silent 
Silence is okay 
Silence is louder
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