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Cathyy Jun 2014
Even sleeping hurts,
Cause my thoughts they still can't rest
And my eyes are still bright red
From all the crying,
You'd think i woke up already like this..
A mess.

And now my coffee just isn't the same  
Though i know what i'd prefer to taste..
And all these stars have lost their meaning
Cause when i lost you i stopped believing
In wishing with eyes closed just for a hopeless reason

See you just changed
Everything by changing
one small thing
But still my heart's with you
Though my hands trembling..

I need you.

I need you to stay with me
In the darkest of sky-falls,
Spend the night with me
Tell me your favourite thing 'bout life
And where you'd like to be
Please tell me there'll always be a space for me..
In your life

And then lie down but don't sleep
Tell me stars still have meaning
Make me believe in dreams
Point at shooting stars,
And close your eyes to make me see
That there's nothing more perfect than this..
Oh there'll always be a space where you fit

Cause it's coming together.. Now
Every moment with you
Is making me better, somehow
So spend another moment
With me and i'll make it
Last forever.. I'll,
Give you the world for just a kiss

And when you push me
Don't you know i'll push harder
To make this worth it?
Under the church roof
Is where you're most perfect
Though the stars might run
And coffee may spill
I promise my love won't burn out,
Cause this is real

And when i die, dare i leave..
I'd want the whole world to know
How much you mean to me..
How i still spoke your name when it hurt to breathe

You're the one that got me off those trains,
But (un)fortunately,
Love is still a beautiful pain
Ahhhh so today was special for two reasons, my real blogging comeback debut! >>

Andd the day i upload this.
It's very emotional and special to me,
I shed a few tears writing the last part haha.
Cathyy Jun 2014
Written in my blogposts are witty things and love quotes of mine..
The dreams of your tomorrow and the memories of all my sorrow soon collide..
I phoned her in the evening
Just to tell her i'll be leaving
Yet again..
And i called still believing
She'd be there on the other end..

Cause i could be gone, by tonight..
If things dont work i'll run for my life
And you dont have to be there by my side, to tell me im a fool..

The story of my life
I pack a bag
&dance; in the streetlight
To a song sung bad
And life..
Becomes a movie moment of mine

The story of my life
I write a song,
I wait all night
For your response
But i cant re write..
This part of my life

Written in my journals are the feelings that i can't explain
You come with warmth and brightness but even the sunset must fade

I'm hoping that this evening i'll be smiling when im sleeping cause of you..
And what ive learnt is that i pin hope on things that can't be true..

Cause im on a rollercoaster ride
There's highs and lows
From hell to starry skies
And you dont have to be there by my side, cause i need space in school

And people say they need me but they.. don't know who i am..
So maybe loving you is easy 'cause you just understand..

The story of my life
I fall in love,
I give my heart
To almost everyone
and time..
Is the worst heartbreaker in life

The story of my life
I send you songs
And i wait all night
For your response
Ohh whyy
Cant i undo parts of my life?

Oh I'm told;
'Move on, cause you can't rewrite'
Hey guys,
It's Father's day here in the UK
I know a lot of people don't really know a lot about my dad i don't either but he's a big part of who i am, so here's a poem about the kind of person i am and how i feel and think. X

- Oh and yes this is a one direction re write i wrote it ages ago but i don't think i ever published it? Aha.
Cathyy Jun 2014
I've got a hot date in Heaven..
Don't keep me up 'cause he'll be waiting,
He was my first love,
And maybe my last love,
.. Sometimes my worst love,
But we won't talk about that ;)

And i'm lying here while he sets us a table,
I've been to Amsterdam but never to the city of angels
All i know is i'm in love,
With my only best friend..
And it's a holiday i'll tell them,
I'll be back more 'heaven sent'..

But til then i'll just talk to the stars..

Oh would it be okay if i chose not to move on?
'Cause i believe in holding on,
And i believe you're holding on too
&All; the stars that alligned us,
Will hopefully find us..
And again..
And againnn..

I've got a hot date in Heaven..
Don't keep me here 'cause Augustus is waiting..
He was my first love
And maybe my last love
But always my favourite love
... Yeah i'll talk about that.

Someday i'll write about that.
Heyhey it's Cathyy,
So today is the 12th of June here in the UK, the first screening of tfios is showing !! I'm missing it though haha but i'm watching it next week! I know already so many of you american fans have watched it this week! I hope you like my new song lyrics! Would love to record this properly.. Someday ;)
Cathyy Jun 2014
Lay your hand here..
Keep your eyes on mine..
Oh I'm scared of change,
of truth and pain,
And goodbyes..

Keep your hand on my heart,
and listen to it beating hard,
Would you trace the scars,
That no one else will find?

Cause I'm letting you in through the secrets of my life..

Oh i'm always lost,
Always tryna find new ways home
But there's no more running back
Just a distant glance,
at my 6 year old self's broken hope
I've been hurt and shaken
But i hope you'll listen..
Oh just let me say this..
i'm emotionally naked,
In more ways than they'll ever understand..

Cause you, you let me be me
And you set all of my guilt free
So tonight let this heart to heart
Let every word i whisper help you see
my hearts for the taking,
I'm emotionally naked,
'This is who i really am'

And you're so perfect
Whereas i'm a work in progress
Im vulnerable,
And I've lost it all
So help me start again..

Would you, learn to love me
And try to trust that i
Won't get bad again
I'm in repair
but no tattoos or poetry
Are as effective as you holding me

So save me from my insecurities tonight..

Yeah love's all we've got,
And i'm sure it has no cost
Cause theres no paying back
Its all just giving back
And i'm stripping off all the layers
And putting an end to all this fake behaviour, I'm emotionally naked,
And my heart is yours for the breaking if not for the love making
Just stick around for me to say this
I'm emotionally naked,
Emotionally naked..
But not scared at all.
Different from my usual stuff, really went for it this time, this is just raw and natural words it is irrelevant to me if you don't like it at all but appreciate the courage it took to be.. Well, emotionally naked' x
Cathyy May 2014
You said it's better if i stay
But this time i mean it,
You're the reason why i'd break
& I won't take back any thoughts
I send you songs and you cut the chord
I write a verse and you chew it up
(Metaphorically that is of course)

But still i aim at target,
Your heart's in sight
I learned guitar in just seven nights
I keep buying note pads and pocket journals
And i'd keep letting it out but this sparks eternal

See its gonna take more than a storm to wreck this ship,
And more than a heartbreak to keep me from fixing it
Its gonna take every part of you to talk me out of leaving now'
Cause it took just everything to not write all this down..
And then send it round

I'm so in love,
with the idea of us
Oh send me across the world
And trust that i'll be a stronger girl
The songs i write might end nowhere
But if you cut this chord i'll cut my hair

Cause i'm a crazy ******,
I'll drive you mad
I'll be your lover
If you'll help me find my dad
I'm not mario's princess
Though i've tried my hardest
But i'm a musical poet
Yeah a struggling artist

And it's gonna take a while for me to get to know myself,
And a smile wouldn't hurt when i find myself yeah but i've got to go away and leave it all behind cause i think it'll help..

Yeah i'm a little warrior
A cocky spirit
I like to put my thoughts into quotes and lyrics
And i fell in love,
With someone close
I gave her the world
But not even a rose

Oh it's gonna take a while before i learn to love again
And maybe a smile wouldn't hurt in a year when we meet again
Yeah the world is so fragile when we keep postponing love, running miles..

But i'm not running *away
Says it all really.
Now this is special..
Cathyy May 2014
Well this is how it usually goes
We talk after 3 months,
And i tell you things that no one knows, just to crash into tree stumps

Cause we'd disagree on whats right for me and you'd lecture me on crap,
But i laugh cause you're so into it
And i'm a big kid counting on that

But what can i say to you?..
Without it being much?
I could break your heart in two..
But would that make me tough?..

Our love goes round a roundabout and i'm chasing you down the street,
With a cupcake in one hand
And in the other, a poem you said you'd read
But you just won't take me seriously
Cause you think i'm soft, naive
But i just wanna be more than what you see
Yeah i'm a traveller (not lost for sure..)
An anchor in the sea

I'm waiting by the phone and
I'm threatening to leave
And i see you're trying your best
To cover your emotions up from me

So i guess this could be it for us
But i'll bug you every other night
So its best to turn your phone off
Just until i find mr right

Though you will always be my dear
To love so hard would be, my fear..

Yeah thats the thing that hurts you see.. i wanna love you perfectly,
but you always bring the worst in me!!
so how can you be so perfect for me?..

..Just send me out a signal
When you're stressed, Text SOS
And i'll be there at your rescue
Cause to me you were my life-vest
And in another 3 months
When we catch up
I'll tell you my brand new crazy dreams
I just wanna be more than what you see..
Yeah so cut the rope and set, this anchor free :')
Ahhhhh i hope you like it guise! Spent a good 30minutes on it! Thanks for trending my previous poem, this is possibly new lyrics i'm leaking out hehe.. Go check out my other poems for youtube and e.p links X
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