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 Apr 2015 The Jolteon
Haven't slept
****** mess
Up all night
Gettin vex
In excess
Need you tonight
I fess up!
Fed up
Made it up
The half pipe
Inhaled the High
For my time
And the sight
Now I'm blind
In decline
Spose to fly

*Yo I'm slippin, I'm fallin...
                     ­         a       a l        a
                           l           am           l
                          a           a t              a
                         m            a               m
                         a           K   a             a
                          t          l      a             t
                          a         m    a            a
                           K         t    a           K
                             a          K             a
                               l          a          l
                                   i      li      i
    ­                                      a
                         ­                 t
Origin: Greece
                            p      p a     p
                          a        n  i        a
                         n         k o          n
                        a            p             a
                        k          i     t          k
                         o        a     S          o
                         p        p     a         p
                          i         n    i         i
                             t       k  o        t
                                 a    p      a
A Greek dish.
A really rich pie stuffed with spinach , onions, cheeses and herbs that are all enfolded by a crispy flaky layered filo crust.
 Apr 2015 The Jolteon
I've been considered as one of the "guys"

But sometimes I just can't get over their guise

Heard one openly admit to sleeping with his best friends chick

The one he was utterly devoted  to even when they split

A bro lost my vote when to that he did admit

But then again, these are young guys...

It could all just be *******!

**Especially when it comes to ***
I got love for my boys but dang I need some men in my life! XD
                              " ' The god
                               of  love lives
                           in a state of need.
                          It is a need.  It is an
                           urge.It is a homeo
                           static   imbalance.
                           Like  hunger  and
                           thirst,  it is almost
                           impossible  to sta
                           mp out.' • 'Love is
                           a  serious  mental
                           disease  ' •  'Every
                           heart sings a song
                           incomplete,  until
                           a  heart  whispers
                           back.'At the touch
                           of a love,everyone
          becomes a poet.'     'Life must be
        lived as play.' 'Po   etry is nearer to
       vital   truth  than     history'. 'You can
         learn more abo     ut a  person in an
            hour of play         than a  year of
                conver                     sation.' "
 Apr 2015 The Jolteon
Mike Essig
More and more, I find myself waking early in the morning. Four AM; geezer time.

Time to be alone in the world. Time to remember dead friends and lost loves. Time to consider what went wrong and right and how I came to be here. Time to remember the scars of war and peace.

Time for the blues:

"Nobody loves me but my Mother and she could be jiving too."

Time to write and think.

Geezer time. All that's left. All the time in my world.
Something darkly, disturbingly magical about 4 AM.
 Apr 2015 The Jolteon
Mike Essig
My ancient cell phone died.
Had to replace it with a smart-phone.
Samsung Galaxy. No Choice.

Smart-phone my ***;
nothing but a hassle
since I got it.

Phones should
make phone calls.

I don't want the weather
in Ukraine.

I don't want people
texting me.

(What the hell is texting?
***, LOL. IMHO.)

Don't want to play games
or listen to music.

Sure as hell don't want
to watch movies.

What kind of *****
watches movies on a phone?

Ned Ludd where are you?

Call me if your phone works.

We need to make some plans.
I really hate this phone. I think it is possessed. And it hates me back. ***** up the simplest tasks. Argh!
                            a       as        a
                           s        ke          s
                          k          t             k
                         C         C   a          C
                         a        s     e          a
                         s        B      a         s
                          e        s     k         e
                           B        e  t          B
                             a        C          a
                               s       a        s
                                  k    s     k
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