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                                i       ir         i
                             r         ro            r
                            r          M              r
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                          M         r    o           M
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                                 o   l   o
* A Greek pastry.  Layers and layers of filo sprinkled with chopped nuts and drenched  with butter and honey.
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                            F      me        F
 Apr 2015 The Jolteon
Annabel Lee
Why does a vain, crass, hideious little rock represent love?
Yes a diamond leads to marriage
But marriage doesn't always lead to forever
So why put everything on the stupid petty part of the relationship?
Why put everything on the ring?
Why put all your emotions into an unfeeling thing?
For some forever is already set
Without the ring
So why push it?
What is so great about ring?
Forever is bound by what's in our hearts
Not what is in your back pocket or what is on your finger
Sorry for the misleading title
Nothing against marriage just the rings
 Apr 2015 The Jolteon
Annabel Lee
Being famous doesn't mean you'll be remembered
It just means your famous
Being remebered doesn't mean your famous
Infact most famous people probably won't be
The world has made it hard to be remembered by the universe
You have to try to take over the world or a planet or discover a cure for cancer or discover a three hearted cyclopes
That's the rediculous standards the universe holds for being infamous
Being remebered?
All you need for that is someone to love you
So which would you rather be?
Famous or remembered?
 Apr 2015 The Jolteon
Annabel Lee
I don't want to worry about college.
Not yet at least
Because if I do, that means I'm more worried about how I'm going to live my life
Rather than actually living my life
If all I can do about the future, which is something that changes in a second or be destroyed easily, is worry about it, that means all of high school will wasted on worrying about something I can't change
And I don't want to waste my life
So, no I'm not going to think about college
Moral of the story: if your to busy planning your life you'll miss living it
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