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Anonymus Jul 2014
It was hard as ****
To see you as sad as you were
And try to comfort you
When it never really worked.

Because clearly I was never
The person you had in mind
to help you with your ****
But I promise you, I tried.

And you never really cared,
Never really minded me but that's fine.
What's not okay is that you're sad,
You're hurt, and you're in pain all the time.
  Jul 2014 Anonymus
Robert Service
Deeming that I were better dead,
"How shall I **** myself?" I said.
Thus mooning by the river Seine
I sought extinction without pain,
When on a bridge I saw a flash
Of lingerie and heard a splash . . .
So as I am a swimmer stout
I plunged and pulled the poor wretch out.

The female that I saved? Ah yes,
To yield the Morgue of one corpse the less,
Apart from all heroic action,
Gave me a moral satisfaction.
was she an old and withered hag,
Too tired of life to long to lag?
Ah no, she was so young and fair
I fell in love with her right there.

And when she took me to her attic
Her gratitude was most emphatic.
A sweet and simple girl she proved,
Distraught because the man she loved
In battle his life-blood had shed . . .
So I, too, told her of my dead,
The girl who in a garret grey
Had coughed and coughed her life away.

Thus as we sought our griefs to smother,
With kisses we consoled each other . . .
And there's the ending of my story;
It wasn't grim, it wasn't gory.
For comforted were hearts forlorn,
And from black sorrow joy was born:
So may our dead dears be forgiving,
And bless the rapture of the living.
Anonymus Jul 2014
Father, are you there?
Are you listening?
Do you care?

I need you.
I want to laugh and talk
Like we used to.

Father, return my faith.
I need to believe
In You again some day.

Why are my dreams failing
They aren't supposed to
When are they happening?

Father, do you love me?
What is wrong,
Why would you let this be?
Please don't judge me for this poem. A lot of things have been going on and not going right, so I hope you understand. My dreams are yet to come true; and I'm afraid that they will never.
Anonymus Jul 2014
You are the one at fault here
and yet I am always to blame
I always take your fall
To you this is all a big game.

No one here believes
When I tell them my side of the story
I'm the one who keeps suffering
And yet you're the one they pity

Why do I have to keep feeling this
Like all I want to do is **** myself
All because of what you do
My God I desperately need help

Why does it have to be like this
Nothing for me ever goes right
I'm not strong at all
And yet I hold on with all my might
I have been physically and verbally abused by my own mother since the age of four, so bare with me if you find this poem offensive. Just letting out my feelings.
Anonymus Jul 2014
I know what you're feeling
cause I feel it too.
You're very sad inside
but no one has a clue.

You think that you're worthless,
can't do anything right;
but you make the lives
of your friends so bright.

You think no one loves you,
well think again.
Our God surely loves you;
He made you like a precious gem.

All your problems, trials, and all that you feel,
are part of the path to your dreams becoming real.

He made you beautiful,
Inside and out.
You're perfect to Him;
so don't you pout.

Like a flower waiting to bloom,
Your talents will fully come out soon.
Like Armstrong going to the moon,
when you get there, the world will go boom.
Anonymus Jul 2014
Many people always say
that they're okay
hoping we wouldn't believe
so don't be too naƬve.
She needs your help
always feels bad about herself
she thinks she's worthless
never has true happiness

Everyone has a mask they put on
As believable as the rising sun
doing everything to conceal
most of what they really feel
until life becomes a living masquerade
feelings being hidden in the shade
See this is what I mean,
People aren't always as they seem.
Blissful on the outside,
but broken inside.

He needs you to realize,
when he says he's fine, it's a lie.
Learning to read him is key
to see beneath what the human eye percieves.
All he needs
is someone who can say, "You're good enough for me."

We use masks to hide it all
but someday, one could fall.
To prevent that, there's a lot you could do.
Make them feel special to you.

Everyday a living masquerade;
an abundance of hiding the pain.

— The End —