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Nat Lipstadt Feb 8
it is without guile or guilt

more a minor shock & swoosh,

that the power to please oneself

comes so easily without interference,

new and the familiar, a mixture of

stand alone, but jumbled, mumbling &

partying in concert, inflation inflicted

words within, falling out onto personal

plains of skin of human vegetation, into

human orifices to be tongue-tasted, be

drunk by ears open for sensuality, be

touched, fondled, pressed and creased

for storing in the bank of memory, by

irrigation of eye droplets falling from

all human’s white sight~gatherers, by

nostrils flaring, reddened by waves

of excitations and pleasured anticipations,

whenever your new combinations of

words intermingle me, a step closer to

a being, drinking in additions whole,

achieving a holier than previous

2– 7–25
Nat Lipstadt Jan 4
most oft, the
wherever I write,
is duly noted,
it is a due,
due you,
and hopefully,
the why I scribe,
arrives ‘pon your eyes
with Steuben glass,
of diamond tooled curettage,
a clarifying visual of

but always
with fair detailed precision
is the
for it is the timing
of the mining the specificity,
of the exact momentous,
a precious decision
taken by you,
when to turn words
of a few seconds
of a heart’s unburdening,
an inescapable reminder,
of the
thereabouts & the whyabouts
the very verity of a serious
that parented the
we call
our poems

join me then,
in the processional
of denoting the origins,
linkage contained therein
to the work we
c r e a t e

*•for in the recording of the reckoning•
•exactitude of the longitude•
•and l’atitude is the truest revelation•
•of yourself•
the week I was home alone in dec 2024;
well I’m guessing you know the exact time
this one was born😉
🎶Sweet songs of melodies🎶;
Sitting here remembering
How things use to be.
It's seems so dear to me,
When we were just so free.
Reminiscing about the times,
When everything was fine.
Where people around
Treated you so kind,
The feeling was Amazing
as you can see,
Thinking back of
how it used to be.
Those times are gone
can you believe.
from back in the Day;
They have now dissipated,
and gone away.
I miss those days,
They were so serene,
I will visit them again, but

When skies cry, /
I dare not doubt /
For I know every tear has meaning, /
& not one of them is forgotten: /
Tenuous, airy, heady, divine, sublime. /

He raises me to heights empyreal, supernal /
When I have ascended triumphal arcadian skies /
I fathom the redolent reverie has not ended, /
Rather, I am one /
With all things. /

Crystalline, intemerate, pearlescent /
His glistening irides /
They gleam, they shimmer /
With a luminosity that is interstellar: /
Divo! /

Every morn he awakens me anew /
Reminding me that I still possess life, love, liberty, /
& embrace! /
With boundless freedom, /
I unfurl the wings to soar. /

The clairron voice of The Sovereign of Songbirds awakens me every morn. /
The musicality within, /
I fathom it /
Will never leave me. /
It cascades upon me incessantly. /

(—Se' lah )
onlylovepoetry Mar 2024
I like the way she holds my arm when walking…

up high, under the shoulder,
firm grasp on muscle, feeling
the blood beat acoustically, in joy,
sensually sensing a thrumming
thrombosis messaging, this is a
full bodied animation, liquid life,
“strong to drink”
“strength to break
off pieces and keep,”
a supporting mutuel
pillar column post,
given, taken, entrapped,
enwrapped, ensnared,
enshrined, mighty fine
pieces to mine,
pieces of mine

her taking is acceptable
my taking reciprocal
for her needs fulfill,
walk taller, straighter,
in fuller strides, and when
she stumbles in the obstacle
course of nyc crack-ed sidewalkslop,
her whoosh of breath expelled
when saved by the arm firmament,
goes unremarked, for this is my
purposed occupation and the
occlusion of our skin cells
in tight bandwidth is certification
that our love is so much more than
mere skin deep,
or as she so oft summarizes, life is,
“indeed,” or in deed.

Fri Mar 22-2024
el Mar 2024
Found family
When will I find a family?
Those pretty families in books
Where they all settle around the table
Laugh and make jokes
Everyone is so perfect for one another
Why do I have to settle for this?
Why am I stuck with what I was given?
What I was born into?
How is it fair?
Mark Wanless Nov 2023
1,000 yrs ago is nothing in the
  tower of when. Standing on
a rock 2 million years past.

The future is present and
   the present is last.
hazem al jaber Sep 2023

And when...
i close my eyes...
feelings overwhelm me...
passionately energetic...
pulsing so deep...
troubled inside me...
because of...
how excited...
I am for you...
your spectrum...
and your face shines...
with your whole body...
which it...
drives me crazy...
all times...
to force me...
with an order...
to fall into your arms...
as hibernation...
to stay in it...
between your arms...
to live the warm of you...
with every second...
for a long time...
So then...
to start write...
my whisper...
between your lips...
we both firing...
going crazily...
all the life...

Chelsea Rae Aug 2021
Such hot tears, that sizzle and evaporate
as they drip off the sides of hot cheeks.

Mist slowly rising off my shoulders,
out and off my head, and down my arms and legs.

Smokey fog swarming me from the humidity that begins to emit in the room from the heat.

Anger that boils blood
Now secreting through the skin
Through sweat and tears.

I clench my jaw, cemented shut, and squeeze my eyes tight.
Hoping to wring out all the pain and anger through the tear ducts.

Juice it to salty pulp.

Such hot tears pooled on top of burning cheeks.
Turning into hot springs.

One of the warmest things I have felt

In such a long time.
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