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Abby Dec 2020
sometimes its comforting, the dark
its like a veil
its like a fog
it surrounds you, and although its cold in a weird way its,
like its always there,
but sometimes you get too comfortable
fall in too deep
and feel safe where you shouldn't
its hard to get out when it feels right
like its where you belong
where you deserve to be,
in the dark
in the fog
in the cold
and after the light is always too bright,
the air too warm
its too perfect,
and you were right
because you know what comes next
it always comes next,
the darkness
so why not accept it?
why not stay?
since it always comes back,
the light always dims
the warmth always leaves,
it gets smothered by the wind and the rain
and now the matches are wet
you cannot relight it,
when all you need is a spark but
you cant get one,
but why not wait for them to dry
because the rain never seems to stop
it just keeping going
washing away everything
making you blank,
making you empty,
it blends the days together
when there is no light, no way to tell
how long its been
how much longer
and then one day
it stops
and the light is back,
the warmth fills you up until you overflow,
but your so scared to lose it again you don't even care,
it's almost scary how much you missed it,
but even in the most perfect moments
its always there
making you wonder
how long will it last
and its hard to enjoy it when you know
one day the
always comes back
so the rain starts, the cold comes and
what's the point of putting in the energy
when it will always fade, will always dim
because the cold days get more
and more
and more
until you cant remember the warmth
until you don't even want it
the cold becomes comfortable
and that's all we want,
to be comfortable
to feel safe
to feel something
to feel the cold is better than to feel nothing,
at least the cold reminds you you're alive,
that you still are here
until one day you aren't
because the darkness gets us all
and in a weird way its almost
to know one day we will all have the same fate,
no matter how hard we try
no matter what
the darkness always wins
why not find comfort in it?
the darkness.
sometimes its hard for me to express how i feel and i think this portrays it pretty well and i hope someone else understands what im saying.
Saïda Boūzazy Dec 2020
After midnight, she starts thinking
She is wondering whether she is really fulfilling hers mission on earth or not!
What is the core of existing!
-Love,  hate,  then leaving-
she is obsessed by different feellings !
- fear,  love,  and hate -
She can't stop thinking about everything
-She is weirdos , -
Every idea takes a place on her own mind
After midnight , that idea starts poisoning her thoughts slowly
- like the moon  affecting us-
she stresses herself  asking about the real meaning of life.
As  for her , life becomes meaningless.
MisfitOfSociety Nov 2020
This is going to sound crazy,

I think I saw an alien yesterday.

I was kissing my wife when all of a sudden she changed form in front of me.
She was looking like a grey, scaly Asian grandma with Kardasian lips and eyes as black as holes.
Not only are the aliens infiltrating our governments but they are infiltrating my love life as well.

The reptilian leaned in, speaking without words.
Like it was talking in my thoughts.
He reached out to me,
And we ascended into his flaming Dorito in the sky.

We went from 0 to 300,000 miles per hour in the split of a second.
I think I saw a military pilot as we were passing by.
He tried to catch us, but we escaped in the blink of an eye.

Visitor from the Zeta Reticuli?
Or perhaps something inter dimension?

He took me to meet his family,
They had a message for me.
They were the ones who gave rise to humanity.
They think our fear of death is kinda funny.

They were so welcoming,
All about peace, love and understanding.
They do not understand war,
They don’t understand us at all.

I woke up the next morning back in my bed.
I can’t remember what happened,
I think they put something in my head.
My great grandmother thinks I was abducted.




But the media would have you believe I am.
They twist my words to make them sound insane.

It wasn’t a man in a rubber suit.
Please believe what I say.
You believe me don’t you?
It was a mother ******* Roswell Grey.




But since It was not on the tv.
It’s not welcome in your reality?

Go ahead and ridicule me,
Try and keep me quiet.
But I know what I saw,
And I will never deny it.

We’re not alone.
We share a home,
With another life form.
They’ve been here for a very long time.

Is there life out there?
I want to believe.
Beam me up, Scotty.
I want to leave.
MisfitOfSociety Nov 2020
Hey look it’s me.
On the tv!

I’m your burger,
And your drink,
On your coaster,
Then I go down your sink!

I clean your plates,
Wash your car,
And your floors,
And your very hairy *****!

All you have to do is click on me!

Say hello to the man,
On the other side of your phone.
He’s listening in,
On your conversation.

L-shaped couches,
And make up kits!
Brand new cars,
And television sets!

You don’t need this ****,
But you have to have it.

You’re a product.

Advertising on the plane,
On the car.
On the train,
It’s got you on the run!

On the floor,
During sport,
On a walk,
It’s got you on the run!

Everywhere you go,
All you see,
Is a product,
Begging for your money.

You’re not a product.
Turn off the tv.
Amy Nov 2020
Float me away
On a pile of flying leaches
Dissolve my edges
With acid made of clouds

The stuckness of my heart
Pulls on my veins
Pumping black tar around my bones

The crickets in my ears
Never shut up
Static attacks my cells
Happiness is just a game.
JoyAndPain Nov 2020
have you ever been bored?
and just look at the sky?
have you ever been bored?
and asked yourself why?

have you ever beed bored?
and should you ever even try?
have you ever been bored?
and were to tired to cry?

have you ever been bored?
and done something weird?
have you ever been bored?
and try to grow a beard?

if you've ever been bored,
you know its a pain.
if youve ever been bored
you know it comes from the brain.

i've been bored,
how about you?
cuz if you've been bored.
i have too.
if you can guess i was bored when i wrote this and this is one of my better poems.
Ema Sep 2020
One leg up
hand resting
I'm scribbling ideas
to help me fall asleep.
I like tall buildings
and lots of concrete

One leg up
while walking in the city
faces in weird spaces
my gait, not that pretty
four pugs on a chain
city cerberus
concrete keeper
perpetual eater
grim reaper

One leg up
on a concrete world
that idea spilled
like a cup
on the floor
my mind
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